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Civil servant said subpostmasters’ threat of legal action was ‘sabre-rattling’

Civil servant said subpostmasters were ‘sabre-rattling’

Post Office scandal public inquiry hears damning evidence capping off a bad week for the reputation of high-profile civil servants

Updating agriculture: Can data analysis save farming?

Updating agriculture: Can data analysis save farming?

Modern agriculture is experiencing challenges due to increased costs and environmental disruption. Could data analysis help farmers overcome these issues?

AT&T loses ‘nearly all’ phone records in Snowflake breach

AT&T loses ‘nearly all’ phone records in Snowflake breach

Hackers have stolen records of virtually every call made by AT&T's customers during a six-month period in 2022, after compromising the US telco's Snowflake data environment

The human side of the industrial metaverse

The human side of the industrial metaverse

As the metaverse evolves, could workers get lost in the process of implementing advanced simulations, automated operations and increasing connectivity between systems?

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  • MOSK, Mirantis OpenStack for Kubernetes- Open Source Insider

    Aiming to provide a lower cost and open source alternative to VMware, that optimises performance and automates workload distribution, “strategic infrastructure” company Mirantis has released ... Continue Reading

  • The convergence of OT and IT- Write side up - by Freeform Dynamics

    Having worked in both operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT) environments for years, I've observed the lines between these worlds becoming increasingly blurred. It's a trend ... Continue Reading

  • AWS details vector search for Amazon MemoryDB - CW Developer Network

    This week sees the move to general availability for vector search for Amazon MemoryDB. Amazon MemoryDB is an in-memory database service that is compatible with the open source Redis data store. ... Continue Reading

  • Cohesity goes epic on AMD Epyc- CW Developer Network

    Data security and management company Cohesity is following (if not leading) the infrastructure efficiency efforts being seen across the wider technology industry with recent work focused on ... Continue Reading


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