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Mathematics with Robotics

Math + Robots = Success

The standards-compliant Mathematics with Robotics curriculum employs hands-on computing and robotics activities with online virtual robots and optional hardware robots to boost students’ interest and engagement in learning math:

  • Thousands of TK-12 standards-compliant lessons and activities

  • Can be used for first instruction or for supplemental learning with a school's existing curriculum

  • Alignments to popular math textbooks provided

  • Helps make meaningful connections between abstract math concepts and real-life applications

  • Develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills

  • Allows personalized learning and exploration

  • Encourages collaborative learning and teamwork


In addition, teachers can create custom activities using the RoboBlocky Learning Management System, as well as assign homework, track student progress, and give feedback and grades. 

Go to the RoboBlocky Curriculum page.

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