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STEAM Makerspaces

Join schools nationwide to create a STEAM Makerspace in your school for students to learn STEAM subjects through doing and making. Barobo provides a simple solution for creating a STEAM Makerspace in your school or organization!


STEAM Makerspaces, which highlight the integrated learning of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM), can stimulate students' creativity and imagination and motivate their learning of math with real-world applications. Linkbot's versatility and ease of use makes it an ideal foundation for makerspaces. Students can quickly build their own robot systems by snapping together Linkbots and accessories (examples). They can then easily control and program their robots with the drag-and-drop coding features of RoboBlocky. They can also add Barobo Arduino-Uno-Compatible and Raspberry Pi  modules to their robot systems for more advanced applications and sensor-based robotics. Check out the video below for a Linkbot-Arduino combination!

For middle and high schools, CAD files for Linkbot accessories  can be used for 3D printing. Users can also develop their own parts to be 3D printed and snapped together with Linkbot and its accessories. This allow students to explore their creativity by turning ideas into 3D printed parts to build custom robotic systems. The videos below show that the possibilities are only limited by your imagination!

For even more great project ideas, check out these videos and sample Linkbot systems.

Get started now!

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