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Alexander The 1st's user avatar
Alexander The 1st
  • Member for 3 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
12 votes

What's a good excuse for getting back to cables instead of wireless?

12 votes

Why would a technologically advanced society use human controllers to direct space ship traffic?

6 votes

Why have non-magic technology when there is already a magic solution?

6 votes

How do I stop annoyed wizards from killing people all the time?

5 votes

Why don't demons possess children until after puberty?

5 votes

How do the inhabitants of my city-wide death trap figure out that nobody will be let out until only 100 people are left alive?

4 votes

Why is this less profitable for an adventurer to craft and then sell an artefact, rather than to sell ingredients needed to craft the artefact?

4 votes

How long will your internet content really last, could internet 'archaeology' ever really be a thing?

4 votes

Why do dragons need to roar before chasing down their prey?

4 votes

Is this price of magic severe enough to deter most women from becoming witches in my fantasy world?

4 votes

Why would a landlord in a cyberpunk dystopia deal with a 'SINless' person?

4 votes

Why would newer spaceships still have core ejection systems despite the proliferation of fusion reactors?

3 votes

Why must all magic teachers master the basics of forbidden dark magic?

3 votes

Why would Mermaids develop ships?

3 votes

Is there any use for a sea navy in a sci fi universe in which most planets are controlled by one government?

2 votes

Why would a supermassive sarlacc-like creature let captured prey wander around inside itself?

2 votes

Why can gods only incarnate into atrocities?

2 votes

If every action a human does is tracked, would serious crimes be greatly reduced?

2 votes

Why does magical defensive equipment not work in layers?

2 votes

A society where having really overpowered magic is considered a curse due to apathy

2 votes

How would a female immortal be able to hide while keeping their name down the centuries?

2 votes

How do you motivate people to post flyers around town?

1 vote

Justifying why mind uploading destroys the brain

1 vote

How would a society be structured so everyone can die in combat?

1 vote

Why does a goddess put a low limit on the number of priests?

1 vote

How could double damage be explained in-universe?

1 vote

How would medieval warfare be different when society & armies are led by intelligent dragons?

1 vote

Why would they use human soldiers over undead ones?

1 vote

Reasons an alien would need protective eyewear

1 vote

Why would it take years to decades for aid to reach the survivors of a localized nuclear war?