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Questions tagged [daily-life]

For questions about routine activities during a day in the life of a character.

15 votes
4 answers

how to wear multiple blades? does it matter?

both are quite easy to animate, no further programming required except switching secondary sword attachment from side_hip1.r to side_hip2.l so it's mostly about aesthetics now... which is a problem ...
Reincarnated as a worldbuilder's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Could an average person properly live out of a 3x3(bodylength) cabin/house?

So I figured that, yes, a tiny person living in a normal size home would need or at least greatly benefit from their own house or hideyhole. But with that out of the way, I wanted to figure how small ...
Conan Highwoods's user avatar
53 votes
5 answers

How horny can humans get before it's too horny

Trying to create horns which are both ornamental and defensive, I've read somewhere that beards evolved in humans because we punch each other so much that even just a minuscule amount of hair cushion ...
user avatar
3 votes
12 answers

What are the practical reasons for a species of humanoids to all wear sexy, revealing clothing?

Many cultures throughout human history have depicted skin, but few have done so explicitly for the purpose of being sexually enticing, especially not in their everyday routines. Hence, I've been ...
user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Could I keep buildings heated during multi week long hibernation?

In the world of a story I'm writing, there is not normal night and day, nor are there seasons. Instead, the world is governed by magical lights, which occur in several week cycles - the light Dawn has ...
WasatchWind's user avatar
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-2 votes
3 answers

Life in a post-scarcity economy [closed]

Quoting Wikipedia, a post-scarcity is a theoretical economic situation in which most goods can be produced in great abundance with minimal human labor needed, so that they become available to all very ...
user98816's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How does my primitive species make baby carriers?

The Maruvans (plant/flowerlike species) are a very primitive and use Stone Age level tools. They can make clothes out of tree bark but I’m trying to figure out how they would make a baby carrier at ...
sydw1's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

How would defense tactics change if 10% of people could fly? [closed]

If one in ten people possess the magical ability to fly, would this change the development of defensive measures and tactics in a society reminiscent of Britain in the medieval era? No other magic ...
MarielS's user avatar
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20 votes
13 answers

Why would a landlord in a cyberpunk dystopia deal with a 'SINless' person?

So here is the setup: The protagonist has escaped an underground slave encampment in a cyberpunk dystopia. Everyone in this world is expected to be registered - the SIN (System Identification Number) ...
user992286's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Ups and Downs of being a 7ft+ (2.13 m) female [closed]

I’ve read about people of certain heights having health and lifestly issues: I've read some have back problems; one guy died from a foot infection e couldn’t feel; additionally, being taller comes ...
Brown's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

If the Vikings grew horns, what would their helmets look like?

Imagine all the Scandinavians started sprouting horns, much like their stereotypical image, out of their heads. Now, how do they redesign their helmets to match a horned head? Note that your helmet ...
Johnny's user avatar
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14 votes
7 answers

How would merfolk insulate an underwater house?

If you tried to insulate your underwater home, making it water tight... wouldn't you suffocate yourself? Water does get stale, and run low on oxygen, creating a dead-zone, so wouldn't you want some ...
Johnny's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

The experience of owning and driving a nuclear fusion powered vehicle

I am using the BattleTech universe for my stories, which has nuclear fusion powered cars. My assumption is that they work similarly to an EV, but with an onboard power plant. So, they'd still be run ...
Jazzyamx's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Youth Safehouse [closed]

Youth in their teens come to this safehouse from hundreds of miles away in order to find safety from their family, develop a sense of personal identity, and have a place to stay while they build a ...
Groger's user avatar
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9 votes
9 answers

How would a disabled person earn their living in a medieval-type town?

We are in a far future. Humanity has widely abandoned technology, and effectively reached medieval level (so things need not be true to an actual medieval setting). We are in a larger town. In that ...
celtschk's user avatar
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