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can-ned_food's user avatar
can-ned_food's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
  • Earth/America_North/Pennsylvania/Venango-county/...
33 votes

How to solve the old 'gun on a spaceship' problem?

14 votes

Anatomically correct multiarmed humanoids

12 votes

How realistic is the geography of my map?

9 votes

Could a plant grow on a restrained, living human?

7 votes

What would the effect of variable gravity strength have on a developing child?

6 votes

Fundamentally, what are the pros and cons of fleet vs mega ship (warfare)?

5 votes

How to protect against killer insects?

5 votes

A single religion in which different individuals worship different gods. Why hasn't the religion split?

5 votes

What could possibly replace beer?

4 votes

How large can a world be in fantasy?

4 votes

What would happen if the Earth struck a tiny but immovable object

3 votes

How can a desert have high humidity?

3 votes

Terminology for 24 hour wake-sleep cycle on world with longer dark-light cycle?

3 votes

If a civilisation is built on the back of a moving body, what is a day like?

3 votes

What would an out-of-water submarine (for water-breathing mer-people) look like?

3 votes

How does a mundane army defeat an immortal army?

3 votes

What purpose could baseline humans possibly serve in a society of digitized minds?

2 votes

How would the world governments react if the supernatural was discovered?

2 votes

How do I use weird bouncing magic to power my society?

2 votes

How would fembots change society?

2 votes

How to study magic that isn't objective

2 votes

What exactly would a spaceship crew do, during a battle?

2 votes

Can a casino system prove my (divine) luck as cheating?

2 votes

Genetic diversity in an interstellar society

2 votes

What's a possible justification for orcs not taking over the world?

1 vote

A world without natural time measures

1 vote

Conflicting milestones, what to do?

1 vote

How can I have a habitable world on which life can not develop?

0 votes

Could a non-material living being exist?

0 votes

Why might a robot's memory be unreliable after the Apocalypse?