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Questions tagged [weather]

For questions related to the climate, temperature and precipitation that a world might experience. Compare [climate] and [seasons].

7 votes
1 answer

Weather on a Flat, Infinite Sea

Imagine a vast sea, stretching out to encompass the horizon much like a real sea. But unlike such a sea, this sea sits upon a flat plain, and stretches out over 100 million miles in each direction(...
Danvad's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Weather on a Hot Saturn

So, out of curiosity and for the purposes of a roleplay universe I am making, I am curious about the weather on a Hot Saturn. This planet, nearly identical in mass, composition and size to Saturn, is ...
Danvad's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Precipitation on an outer exomoon heated by tidal heating

Following this question, how would rain behave on an outer system habitable moon (>5AU from a sun-like star) heated by tidal-heating? According to this page, an outer planet or moon with low ...
casualworldbuilder's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What would happen to the overall climate in New England if the warm Jet Stream crossing the United States moved from its course further south?

I'm working on a post-apocalyptic story that will have various climate-related disasters across the United States, significantly contributing to the struggles of the people still managing to survive ...
Amocito's user avatar
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Building the geography/astrography of a "Cool Super Earth"

So I'm currently building the geography of my world. It's supposed to be a Super Earth approximately 2.3 times the size and 1.7 times the mass. It's gravity is slightly weaker and it has slightly ...
AsGryffynn's user avatar
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1 answer

Axis tilt, days, and a year [closed]

Hello I’m not really good at math. I was wondering what kind of effect a world with these attributes have: a 22 degree axis with 10 months, and and 307/306 days (7 months with 31 days, 3 months with ...
Kelplink's user avatar
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How to calculate the tides for lake?

Assuming I have a lake on Earth shaped simply like an oval or circle with a consistent bottom slope and of otherwise arbitrary dimensions, how do I figure out what the resultant tidal range will be? ...
ProfessorMoreRight's user avatar
3 votes
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Water distribution on tidally locked planet with small northern ocean

Possible repeat of this, but the northern ocean wasn't really addressed. Picture a mars-like planet, with a rocky, mountainous southern hemisphere, and a flatter, low-elevation northern hemisphere. ...
planetQuestioner's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Would a planet whose sun is always in one place have weather?

The world I’m writing atm has a planet whose sun is described as being permanently moved above its North Pole. Because of a lack of technology (and interest) in outer space, they wouldn’t have a ...
Rainsford's user avatar
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Climate on a Moon orbiting a primary in the habitable zone of a sunlike star

I created the following system (including a simulation in universe sandbox which seems stable): Sun-like G-type star with same mass, density, radiation profile, diameter and luminosity as the Sun. ...
Zadai.Fehbiab's user avatar
1 vote
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What will be temperature in inland depression deeper than 2 km below sea level (48° southern latitude) and how will temperature gradient work there?

My another question related to already introduced planet Artemis is related to temperature gradient. Whether it will work also in depression deep under sea level and if yes what could be increase of ...
GiuseppeZee's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How far can inland sea with area 350000 sqkm influence precipitation?

I already wrote here one question about my planet Artemis. It has size similar to Earth, it is orbiting its star in average distance like Earth, but with little bit larger excentricity (causing that ...
GiuseppeZee's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Local weather under large dome in tropical region

Im trying to figure out what weather conditions would create a large, non closed dome (more like a curved roof), on the area below. Im talking about an structure of about 3-4 square kilometers, a ...
user2929416's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What would climates be like outside areas of controlled weather? [closed]

If weather was controlled in circuitous paths of airships, Swipes lets call the rainbands, where it rains predictably every 7 days, and these Swipes were 1000's of miles apart, what would the other ...
dejavaboom's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Could nanotechnology have the ability to control the weather?

In a short story I am writing I have a magic system that involves nanotech left behind from an ancient advanced civilisation that can allow for magic like effects. In this story the characters ...
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