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Questions tagged [software-recommendations]

For questions related to finding software to do a particular task. Please indicate the expected operating system, if appropriate. Please review the List of Worldbuilding Resources (see link in tag wiki) before using this tag.

7 votes
1 answer

Software for diagramming food webs?

My friends and I have a huge hyperrealistic worldbuilding project (yes, I do suffer from Worldbuilder's Disease) that involves speculative biology. I am currently using to make the ...
nearsighted's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Which map-making software is best suited for my interests?

I'm interested in creating a map for a world I've been creating. I've done some research to determine which software would suit me best, and it came down to Inkarnate, Campaign Cartographer, and ...
zucculent's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

How do i count the % of sea of a map? [closed]

I'm trying to figure how many waters surface level does this map cover So how do i count the % water surface cover over land.
CakeMinh's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

A tool to keep track of asynchronous events on a calendar?

I've got an urban fantasy story set a few decades ago that heavily involves vampires and werewolves, and as such, when exactly the sun and moon were out on a given day is important information for me ...
Cyrus Drake's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

A tool that draws the borders around settlements automatically [closed]

So im really not sure if this is the correct place to ask this, however i cant think of another place where it would be more appropriate to ask, so correct me if this is the wrong place to post! So i ...
DNAmaster10's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Is there a website that will allow me to create a fictional calendar?

Is there a website that will allow me to create a fictional calendar? I have already created the actual system, named the months, days of the week, and so on, but I would like to create an actual ...
Amber Blue's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Online Anatomy Creator/Maker..?

I was wondering if there's some sort of online anatomy creator or maker? I'm wanting to make a model of a modified human body... is there some sort of anatomy creator that allows you to add organs or ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Software for creating a 3D planet [duplicate]

(Sorry for my English, it's not my native language. I use Google translate.) I am looking for one or more software programs to create a sphere in 3D with longitudes, latitudes, etc. I want to be able ...
Kickaha's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

What's a Good Sphere-Mapping Resource?

After reading the help sections for asking questions, I am now confident that my question does in fact appear to be on-topic and in scope for this website. I currently use a page called PlanetMaker ...
overlord's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Looking for a layman's plasma simulator [closed]

Modelling plasma in a magnetic field is hard, it has to be or we would have fusion power already. Do you know of an application that could be used to simulate the rough / dumbed-down behaviour of a ...
user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Private wiki for keeping track of my world, editable from Windows and Android [closed]

I found that creating a wiki may be the best way to keep track of everything. It shouldn't be too complicated for me to get into. But most importantly I want to be able to edit it on my computer and ...
Regemens's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Climate or weather simulation - free tools

Are there any free living or discontinued tools that can simulate climate or weather? BYOE and Monash are only online web climate simulation tools. Some tools I tried: ClimaSim is only free climate ...
Rock's user avatar
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146 votes
1 answer

A list of worldbuilding resources

We are occasionally asked for advice about the worldbuilding process. By its creative and imaginative nature, the process of worldbuilding doesn't have a single obvious starting point or a step-by-...
JBH's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Rotating a map projection - software question

Not a duplicate of What software is available for map creation? as the focus is on how, not what -- requesting useful projections for a polar context, and techniques to transform between projections ...
Ian's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Tool for "mapifying" simple closed curves?

Is there a tool which takes a simple image with closed curves (like 2 circles), and then "mapifyes" the image by making those circles into coastlines? I know it's a bit vague, but what I mean is ...
Tudvari's user avatar
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