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Questions tagged [audio]

For questions asking about the creation of or propagation of sound. Questions about how creatures or beings vocalize should use the [vocalizations] tag. Questions about music should use the [music] tag.

10 votes
3 answers

How thick must granite walls be to isolate monks?

Part of a monastic order's lifestyle involves a ring of twelve cells — one per month of the 372-day year, each with a certain spiritual function. A single tunnel outfitted as an acoustic anechoic ...
KEY_ABRADE's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

What noise would a nuclear gas turbine make? [closed]

At the core of the powerpacks of the upcoming generation of powered exoskeletons are dusty plasma fission fragment reactors, in which nanoparticles of nuclear fuel inside a vacuum undergo a fission ...
KEY_ABRADE's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Can EM waves naturally create sonic waves?

Q:Can EM waves naturally create sonic waves? For example, could a natural antenna (e.g. a seam of conductive metal or the right kind of rock)receive em radiation and through thermal/mechanical or ...
Toby Weston's user avatar
7 votes
8 answers

Is it possible for an airplane on the sky to play a sound so loud it could be heard 50km away?

I have a story where one side of a war takes advantage of psychological warfare, where a plane on an altitude of 60k ft or 15.2km has massive speakers to play horrifying, disturbing sounds recorded ...
Titanium Steel's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Are there animal teeth that make alien sounds?

There's this old trope where an alien being has a name that "can't be pronounced by the human tongue", but no one (afaik) has ever done the work to make that scientifically possible. Now, I'...
Carduus's user avatar
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5 votes
7 answers

Speaker-Powered Directed Blast Weapon

So, in order to defeat a bulletproof enemy that has genetically engineered osteodermic plates like a rhino all over his body that can stop very powerful rounds, the protagonist put her brains to work ...
Paulo Raposo's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

If someone were to teleport from sea level. How loud would the collapse of the resulting human-sized atmospheric void be?

Would it be loud enough to hear and is there any risk of dangerously loud sound waves being generated if the object being teleported is large enough?
Adam Kabbeke's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How should an echolocation device give feedback to the (blind) user?

So, the idea started when I came across human echolocation, it turns out everyone that has hearing uses passive echolocation intuitively even without knowing it, but more interesting is people that ...
Paulo Raposo's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Biologically what kind of feet would make the least amount of noise?

I'm designing creatures on my made up planet where animals evolved exceptional hearing and I'm wondering what kind of feet they might evolve to produce the least amount of sound when walking to avoid ...
Venik Hue's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How much energy it would be required to propel a projectile with sound? Would it be lethal to its user?

Context: in a scenario where batteries suddenly became extremely energy dense due to some events between the main characters, I was thinking about which electromagnetic weapons I could use, such as ...
Fulano's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Use of Sound in a Radio and Electric Communication Enabled Species

Alright, so I was bouncing ideas off the wall about how the society of a species (maybe genetically modified humans?) with biological radio communication and electric field communication would look ...
Baron_vonCernogratz's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How long would a gramophone record made of vinyl remain comprehensible when played?

A gramophone record made of vinyl is stored under cool conditions in a sealed envelope. How long would it remain comprehensible when played after it was manufactured (assuming that the record was ...
Galactic's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Would dragons be able to purr?

My dragons have a... "difficult" personality. They're very catlike. Sure, they're more like KrimsonRogue's cat (somewhere around chaotic good). But, if I want to make my dragons smug, blue-...
Mephistopheles's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

"AC" compressed air?

So, compressed air power is a Thing. Compressed air tools are reasonably common, and compressed air has even been delivered commercially as an industrial utility at times. But all existing compressed-...
Logan R. Kearsley's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How to hide this underground city from seismologists, oil prospectors, and ground surveying projects?

In my previous question Would this underground city be noticed by seismologists?, it was established that a Goblin city in one of my settings would probably not go unnoticed do to the meddling of ...
Nosajimiki's user avatar
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