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Where would aurora borealis be visible if the earth was rotated to move its axis?

The magnetic north pole, geographic north pole (centre of the axis of rotation), and solar-system-north are all approximately aligned, and aurora borealis is visible at the north and south poles ...
spraff's user avatar
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How close to a star could a dense asteroid belt reasonably form?

I would like to have an asteroid belt "close" to a star. I want it to contain "large" asteroids. Is this plausible? I believe the location of our real life asteroid belt is ...
spraff's user avatar
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Could a slow rotating planet combined with high density atmosphere create high winds?

I am trying to design an alien ecosystem around a K type star. My idea was to have purple plants and high wind atmosphere so originally I wanted to make it tidally locked. However after watching some ...
Radu Dan Coroian's user avatar
18 votes
8 answers

How long would it take us to detect that the earth had been enclosed in a shell 1 light year in radius?

Suppose we put a shell around the solar system that displays a 2D image of the rest of the universe on its inner surface. What year would we have had telescopes powerful enough to determine that this ...
Adam Kabbeke's user avatar
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What dictates whether an orbit gets disrupted or stabilised due to an orbital resonance?

Context: I've got an asteroid belt analogue situated between a Gas giant and a Super-earth. I knew about resonances, so I started calculating them and placing some of them in the belt, especially ones ...
Yulian's user avatar
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Jupiter's moon Europa - is it possible to colonize Europa? [closed]

So basically, I have to write a thesis paper because I'm in the last year of high school. It is an independent research project and the culminating work of my studies in school, so it represents my ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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10 votes
8 answers

Retrofitting geocentrism - what replaces the star?

The goal is to devise a plausible geocentric system in appearance. However, for simplicity, we will need only to examine the one planet case. And more crucially, this one Earth-like body is to be the ...
Arash Howaida's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Replacing the sun with an type A star (Fomalhaut) in a fantasy solar system where there is an habitable planet

Lets says there is a planet in the goldilocks zone of a type A star (luminosity of 16 and mass of 1.9 (like the star Fomalhaut)) How far would the type A star need to be from the planet and how would ...
Veknor's user avatar
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Questions about my binary planet system [closed]

I’ve recently designed a star system containing a habitable double planetary system, but I still have several questions to fill in I need answered. My binary planet is a Venus sized (mostly) Earth-...
Sean Holm's user avatar
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1 answer

What kind of atmospheric composition would make the sky look green and still be breathable?

In my story scientists discovered a planet that look green from the telescope and they used a advanced starship to go there and the y found out that the planet is habitable with a breathable ...
Sabrine Crystal's user avatar
4 votes
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What would happen if a neutron star approached the solar system?

Given its enormous eletromagnetic field and gravity( and probably gravitational waves would be very powerful) what would happen if a neutron star approached Earth? What if approached just by few light ...
Sabrine Crystal's user avatar
6 votes
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Feasibility of multiple satellites around a planet inspired by Luyten B/Gliese 273b

I am writing a science fantasy book that takes place on the planet Luyt (inspired by Luyten B/Gliese 273b). Because the orbital period of the planet is about 18.6 days and I have chosen to make the ...
SeraTerranova's user avatar
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How close could a creature longer than Jupiter get to Earth without destroying it?

So basic introduction: my world has things which naturally should never exist due to seemingly violating certain laws we deem as natural, for this, let's just call them "anomalies". Among ...
ProjectApex's user avatar
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Is it possible for a future civilization to concentrate the galaxies (or some of them) of the universe?

In the world I describe there is not much time left before the expansion of space takes its toll. Galaxies are already accelerating away from each other on a negatively curved spacetime. The expansion ...
Deschele Schilder's user avatar
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What is the minimum size of an habitable planet to have two moons?

For the sake of the question, let's define a moon as a natural satellite at least half the size of our Moon. It needs to be spherical like our Moon, not like Phobos and Deimos on Mars. The imaginary ...
Mandelbrot's user avatar
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What would be the biggest threat if gravity stopped? [closed]

Suppose that the law of gravitation suddenly “stops working” one day, and all gravitational forces cease to exist. What would this mean for people on Earth? Could we survive for very long? If not, ...
Franklin Pezzuti Dyer's user avatar
6 votes
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Black holes: Can something that has fallen through the even horizon be recovered if the black hole evaporates quickly enough?

From puppetsock's reply to Is it possible to build a black hole (kugelblitz) gun?, it seems like a black hole of 228 tonnes evaporate after just 1 second. And the lifetime of a black hole in general ...
Tobias Bergkvist's user avatar
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What could cause uneven seasons? [duplicate]

A world's seasons have different lengths. Winter lasts for 33% of the year, Spring and Fall for 25%, and Summer for only 17%. On the other hemisphere, it is the inverse. Is there any scientific ...
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

What locations in a galaxy would be best for stone carvings to remain undamaged or worn down for as long as possible?

I want a species of alien to leave their mark throughout the galaxy with stone carvings and temples. Taking influence from ancient religious stone carvings and decoratively sculptured temples carved ...
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What impact would a white dwarf-neutron star collision have on a civilization on a planet orbiting the white dwarf?

An advanced civilization lives on an Earth-like planet orbiting a white dwarf. Their star is on a collision course with a neutron star. I imagine this collision will cause a supernova, which will ...
marmel's user avatar
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An alternative way to rotate or in this case rolltate

As far as we know Earth and every other planet in the solar system rotate around their axes. Whether it be Uranus which rotates on its side or Mercury which rotates perfectly straight, all planets ...
Nanoshadow's user avatar
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3 answers

What would happen to a gas giant during a supernova?

Fairly straightforward question. Imagine a gas giant planet, like the size of Jupiter, in orbit around a massive star. The star goes supernova. What happens to the planet? Is the energy of the ...
Geroditus's user avatar
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Constructing a doomsday machine by manipulating the Higgs Field?

I've been working on a sci-fi series set about 1000 years in our future. The discovery of an alien threat leads the ruling government to conceive of a doomsday machine, which they hope will be so ...
Geroditus's user avatar
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20 votes
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What would the consequences be of a high number of solar systems being within close proximity to one another?

What would the consequences be of a high number of solar systems being within close proximity to one another? I'm mainly interested in the consequences for life on multiple planets. When I say 'close ...
Sezaii's user avatar
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14 votes
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Would mining huge amounts of resources on the Moon change its orbit?

Imagine that humanity builds mining facilities on the moon. We know that the moon has Helium-3 which could be used as fuel for fusion reactors. Also, there are a lot of other resources which could be ...
Mr.D's user avatar
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How much heat would a 1km asteroid release into earth's atmosphere?

I am writing a theory for a game that is in an apocalypse. An asteroid is heading for earth and will crash into the earth regardless in this theory. It is 1km in size but due to the YORP effect it has ...
HeavenlyPanda's user avatar
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What requires more destructive energy? Destroying a planet or splitting a planet in half

I just wanna ask which option requires more destructive energy? Option 1 : destroying a planet like earth to rubble (tiny pieces of rocks) Or Option 2: splitting a planet like earth in halves (2 ...
Hajhar's user avatar
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What are some plausible formation explanations of a non-hot "Fluffy" Gas Giant planet?

So, in my research and preparation for the question I asked immediately before this one, I was introduced to the concept of "fluffy" gas giants, gas giants with significantly lower density than would ...
Harthag's user avatar
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Changing Earth's axis suddenly or gradually?

First post, if it isn't completely obvious. I've discovered this site by trying to "google" that question. Here's what I'm investigating: Long ago, pre-deluvian civilizations built ancient megalithic ...
Mike's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Would everything be miniature on a miniature Earth?

If there was a planet half the earth’s diameter, for which every other aspect of the earth was changed proportionally to keep the Earth’s perfect ratio intact (including having the perfect orbital ...
Jm42's user avatar
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Could a world exist with a distinct line of changing temperatures between the hemispheres?

I'm trying to create a world where there's an equator-like divide running along the axis(?) of the planet and the two hemispheres are perpetually different in terms of temperature. Basically, I want ...
Morgan's user avatar
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I've determined how many planets my solar system could plausibly have. How do I figure out what kind of planets they are?

The 12 planets in my solar system orbit the G-type star of Nemo. It's about nine-tenths of the size of the sun, and has a stellar luminosity of 0.67 L☉, a diameter of 1.28 million kilometres, a ...
SealBoi's user avatar
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Stationary trinary system

I am creating a world in which a civilization has achieved advanced spaceflight and has begone colonizing other planets in their solar system that is similar to ours, but with more planets. However, ...
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What might happen if someone poured 10^40 liters of water onto the sun? [closed]

For reference, a 10^40 liter sphere has a radius of 10 au.
thebuttsicles's user avatar
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How could it be possible for an entire region of space to be filled with Earth like planets?

Ok, I get it, me dumb, you smart. Only smart questions allowed. In any case I'm going to leave the question unaltered in case some others might get something out of the answers. Thanks to everyone ...
Len's user avatar
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Could a spacefaring people preserve the idea that their world is the center of the universe?

Cosmology since Einstein makes it clear that it's not quite right to say one body in space "revolves around" another, right? Einstein wrote: "The two sentences, 'the sun is at rest and the earth moves,...
David Berreby's user avatar
5 votes
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Life in the water/snow line of a protoplanetary accretion disc?

So I was reading this article recently, titled Stellar Outburst Brings Water Snow Line into View: In short it's about a protoplanetary accretion disc around a ...
Len's user avatar
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Worlds with different physics

So I have some worlds with different physics, and need some way to explain it. As with other sci-fi, it would seem best to find something plausible but may be extremely unlikely or have negligible ...
EPICI's user avatar
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How to create an annual celestial event for a world

Yesterday while Green, Andy and I were recording new episodes for the podcast we stumbled upon a bit of a problem that we need someone with physics/astronomy knowledge to help out with. We want to ...
James's user avatar
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What mass would it take to turn Jupiter into a star?

I'm writing a science fiction story based on: turning Jupiter into a star. colliding Callisto and/or Io into Ganymede to increase mass and changing the orbit to provide warmth, atmosphere, and ...
Richard Servatius's user avatar
-3 votes
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What requires more energy? Destroying a planet or splitting a planet in half [closed]

The question is rather simple, which of the 2 option requires more energy? Destroying a planet comeplety or splitting a planet in directly in half Would appreciate it if you show your calculation ...
Deako's user avatar
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How to calculate precession cycle's duration?

I create a world having three moons. Since precession cycle is influenced by our moon, how do I calculate the duration of the cycle with three moons? Thanks
Jimmy Gagnon's user avatar
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Distance between passing planets for atmosphere exchange to occur [duplicate]

If a rogue planet (let's say about as big as the Earth) flew by the Earth, how close would it need to pass to planet Earth for atmosphere to be exchanged between the two planets?
Samwise's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is it really possible to push a solar sail with a laser on a cosmic scale? [closed]

One solution to interstellar space travel that I have heard popularised is to construct a ship with a solar sail and then use a laser to push it away. The advantages are obvious; you don't need to ...
Lorry Laurence mcLarry's user avatar
11 votes
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Does Earth's direction of rotation affect day length?

Let's say Earth started rotation in the opposite direction without any catastrophic events, would a day on Earth be shorter or longer or just the same considering that speed of rotation and revolution ...
Michelle Brownstone's user avatar
24 votes
11 answers

Can you replace a sun with a burning moon?

In our solar system light and heat are, of course, provided by the sun. I was wondering if a comparable effect might be had by positing a burning moon instead? So rather than a true star, you'd have a ...
Random's user avatar
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If an immortal, fabricated particle could travel FTL, would it exist in all times, or only the past relative to its present?

This seemed too scifi or hypothetical for physics, so here goes. Suppose a manipulated quark with 0 mass could travel faster than the speed of light. It's known that the faster you go, the slower ...
Bango's user avatar
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How to build a telescope using gravitational lensing?

A Type II civilization on the Kardashev scale has decided to build a telescope. This civilization spans its home galaxy and wields vast energies capable of moving and shaping matter on the scale of ...
Mike Nichols's user avatar
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Plausible way for the Sun to lose huge amounts of mass?

So, I'm writing a set of short stories (i.e. in the "Martian Chronicles" format). It was going to be centered around life on Earth through the sudden dissapearance of the Sun, but after surprinsingly ...
Fernando92's user avatar
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How might an organism that is made from neutron superfluid store genetic information?

I was thinking of a set of life forms that originates from neutron superfluid inside a neutron star. So these life forms are not made of atoms but are made entirely of neutrons. How might this life ...
Anders Gustafson's user avatar

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