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How should I tell my colleagues that my family name comes first?

This is a situation where, with diversity comes friction. Sometimes its welcome, but in this case its just an unneccessary hassle. Unless for you it is worth the hassle, then the workarounds as ...
Ranald Fong's user avatar
1 vote

How to deal with colleagues making fun of my personal life in office?

I have the ability to counter with even bigger roast but sometimes, they get hurt. If you can't stand the heat, you must stay out of the kitchen. If these interactions have stopped being fun, then ...
Steve's user avatar
  • 11.8k
4 votes

How to deal with colleagues making fun of my personal life in office?

Lesson learned: keep your private and office life separate. (whom I thought of as my good friends) Which they apparently are not. So you may want to re-assess how you choose friends and evaluate ...
Hilmar's user avatar
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3 votes

Can my boss say/do this

People at work don't play fair When you had words with your co-worker you put them on defense, so they took the offense to you by reporting to your boss. So your boss doesn't know what happened. HR ...
Tiger Guy's user avatar
  • 11.1k
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Can my boss say/do this

Without knowing what was said, it is hard to advise. As a general rule though: Remarks made against protected characteristics (Race, Gender, Sexual orientation etc.) should always be reported. ...
TheDemonLord's user avatar
  • 38.6k
3 votes

Feeling annoyed

Is she allowed to do this Of course she is allowed to send an email suggesting that the mistake you admit you made might be due to your high absenteeism. That doesn't mean it was nice. That doesn't ...
Joe Strazzere's user avatar
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Feeling annoyed

If you wish to feel annoyed, then feel annoyed that you're not perfect (who is?), and you recently made a mistake (in the 19 years of working there.) The person who has disturbed your serenity will ...
Fe2O3's user avatar
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2 votes

Feeling annoyed

Fair or not, it is easy to blame someone that isn't there. Can they do it? That isn't really a valid question. Should they do it? No really a meaningful question either. What are your options about it?...
DogBoy37's user avatar
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3 votes

Using generative AI at work

There are two sides to this: Firstly, in terms of moral obligation, opinion may differ, but my thought is so long as the work is getting done in a safe manner, that is all that matters. There is ...
TheDemonLord's user avatar
  • 38.6k
15 votes

Using generative AI at work

what are my moral and employee responsibilities with regards to informing my bosses that I am using AI I think it's your professional responsibility to make your supervisor or boss aware of any new ...
Nimesh Neema's user avatar
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-1 votes

Using generative AI at work

what are my moral and employee responsibilities with regards to informing my bosses that I am using AI ? It does not hurt to ask your boss if it is OK to use AI to create a letter. If he says it is ...
Job_September_2020's user avatar
-3 votes

How can I stop getting fired? I have been fired 5 times

You are clearly good at meeting with people, but it seems not with getting the work done. More recent posts by you bear that out. You are probably better suited to a sales-type role or even a field ...
The Walrus's user avatar
1 vote

How to constructively address someone yelling at you in the workplace?

You responded well. You let the person know her behaviour was inappropriate, without embarrassing her. It seems like you have resolved the issue without getting your manager involved. Managers respect ...
The Walrus's user avatar
0 votes

How can I, in general, learn to be more professional?

If your work and performance are fine, you do not need to do anything. "Professional" is a sloppy term, and the fact that it's used without clarification means the speaker is trying to ...
The Walrus's user avatar
0 votes

How can I, in general, learn to be more professional?

The best word I can think of that describes what people really mean when they say to be "professional" is to be very polite. Politeness (and refraining from being offensive, really), people ...
bobobobo's user avatar
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How can I, in general, learn to be more professional?

"How can I, in general, learn to be more professional?" Be careful what you wish for... During the drought years following the Y2K debacle, I was among (I'm told) 200+ applicants for a ...
Fe2O3's user avatar
  • 323

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