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Feb 7 at 18:35 comment added Michael Hall I have interviewed for one job, and later been offered a different one in the company because I made a good impression. Don't ever shoot yourself in the foot on purpose.
Feb 7 at 16:04 comment added bdb484 Given the follow-up questions throughout the comments, I think it's worth mentioning that most hiring managers would not be upset if they received this email; they would be very happy. OP reports being very qualified for the job but nevertheless was not hired. This tells us HR smelled something wrong with him, whether they knew what it was or not. If I were the interviewer, I'd read this email, pat myself on the back, and post it on my wall as a conversation piece.
Feb 7 at 8:53 comment added mikem Possibly a troll -- nearly identical post in "Law"…
Feb 6 at 21:12 comment added keshlam Re @Donald's point: Don't assume anything you do, say, or write won't show up in a background check. Including online discussions such as this one. "I wonder if he's the same Thomas P who posted the somewhat unhinged rant on Stack Exchange."
Feb 6 at 18:55 history closed keshlam
Jack Gifford
Charles E. Grant
Feb 6 at 18:39 comment added Donald @ThomasP - "I was hoping for validation that doing this wouldn't seriously effect my future employment prospects in general." - We can't provide that validation because acting in such an unprofessional way likely will hurt your future employment prospects. The world is a lot smaller at times then you might realize. All it takes is the manager, to go to one sales conference, and talk about their experience with their counterparts in other companies.
Feb 6 at 14:50 comment added keshlam @ThomasP: The fact that you are seriously considering doing this suggests you are going to have serious trouble finding and keeping jobs. Whether you actually do it is almost irrelevant compared to that. You are imperfectly socialized and apparently not familiar with cultural norms around this process. You need to at least learn how to fake neurotypical responses, even if they feel unnatural to you, in order to operate the societal machine around you without hurting yourself.
Feb 6 at 12:33 answer added motosubatsu timeline score: 14
Feb 6 at 11:52 answer added Hilmar timeline score: 0
Feb 6 at 10:04 comment added MisterMiyagi What's going to hurt you is the general attitude, not the specific action. Getting a rejection message is them being nice - many companies would just ghost you. Reacting vindictive is going to achieve nothing but prove they were right in rejecting you.
Feb 6 at 9:47 comment added Thomas P I was hoping for validation that doing this wouldn't seriously effect my future employment prospects in general.
Feb 6 at 3:50 review Close votes
Feb 6 at 18:58
Feb 6 at 3:33 comment added keshlam Let's put it this way: if I had any hint you'd react this way there is no way in hell I'd hire you. You are being completely, willfully, nastily unreasonable in response to something that is very much a normal part of life. Either that or you're trolling.
Feb 6 at 3:09 answer added pdtcaskey timeline score: 3
Feb 6 at 3:01 answer added Job_September_2020 timeline score: 7
Feb 6 at 2:39 answer added Charles E. Grant timeline score: 7
Feb 6 at 2:30 comment added joeqwerty Then why bother asking the question? Looking for validation of your immaturity and sh#tty attitude? Well done, you've succeeded. Additionally, how would replying rudely get you into legal trouble? Do you understand how the law works? Being an a$$hole isn't against the law, as far as I know.
Feb 6 at 2:24 comment added Thomas P This isn't Frozen. I'm not going to "Let it Go". As long as replying rudely doesn't get me in legal trouble, make it impossible for me to ever get hired anywhere, or set me up for a civil lawsuit, it's the course of action I intend to take.
Feb 6 at 2:20 comment added joeqwerty Wow. You seem unnaturally cynical (and entitled) for someone so young. My advice... let it go and learn to take things in stride and with a grain of salt. In your hopefully long life this will surely not be the last nor the biggest issue you'll need to deal with.
Feb 6 at 2:19 answer added keshlam timeline score: 12
S Feb 6 at 2:08 review First questions
Feb 6 at 2:35
S Feb 6 at 2:08 history asked Thomas P CC BY-SA 4.0