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sdaau's user avatar
sdaau's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
32 votes

How do I remove "permission denied" printout statements from the find program?

22 votes

How to re-mount a USB stick after unmounting from Nautilus without disconnecting it?

15 votes

remove extra tilespace from a montage (ImageMagick) composite image?

13 votes

Debian checkinstall ignores install=no; how to have it build, but NOT autoinstall a package?

9 votes

A standard tool to convert a byte-count into human KiB MiB etc; like du, ls1

9 votes

Is it possible to view another shell's history?

7 votes

How to scan with Canon integrated scanner when I have the 'scangearmp' drivers?

7 votes

How to make firefox read stdin?

6 votes

View pdf file in terminal

4 votes

Coloring line numbers in less?

4 votes

Search/grep ftp remote filenames

4 votes

Custom help / man -like command (for reminders)

3 votes

Achieving hexdump-like format, that includes binary strings, on the command line?

2 votes

Filesystem content inspection GUI (like gconf-/dconf-editor)?

2 votes

Multiple GUI windows in one (GUI applications windows multiplexer/wrapper)

2 votes

Software for visually building regular expressions?

1 vote

Custom help / man -like command (for reminders)

1 vote

Using process substitution to trick programs expecting files, with specific extensions as argument?

1 vote

Generic debugging / logging / tracing filesystem directory & file access?

1 vote

Retrieve both eth* and "long" names (manufacturer) for every network interface?

1 vote

Calling bash from sh (dash) with commands read from args, and "Unterminated quoted string"/"unexpected EOF"

1 vote

Resolving the location/registration of an executable in the system?

1 vote

Unpacking kernel-source rpm off-system (OpenSuse)?

1 vote

Can I setup a loopback audio device?

0 votes

Debian Squeeze: Left mouse click stops working

0 votes

How to enable on screen keyboard with lxdm?

0 votes

Inserting the command line text before output in stdout (for pipe / redirection)

0 votes

The reverse of `tree` - reconstruct file and directory structure from text file contents?

0 votes

How to prevent debuild from performing a clean?

0 votes

Handling Bash script with CRLF (carriage return) in Linux as in MSYS2?