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Google Chrome is a proprietary web browser developed and released by Google. Most of its source code is shared with their Chromium project from which the free software (BSD-licensed) Chromium browser is built. Use this tag for questions about installing, configuring or using the Chrome or Chromium web browsers on Unix-like systems.

Google Chrome is a proprietary web browser developed and released as freeware by Google. Most of its source code is shared with their Chromium open source project which is used to build the free software (BSD-licensed) Chromium browser.

Chrome/Chromium was first released in 2008 with the intention of creating a fast, stable and light-weight web browser. It used Webkit as its web browser engine but Google have since forked Webkit to create Blink which has been used in all Chromium-based browsers since Version 28.

Many GNU/Linux distributions include Chromium in their official package repositories and it has also been ported to FreeBSD. The free software Chromium supports only non-patent encumbered media file formats while the proprietary Chrome browser includes extra features such as a built-in Adobe Flash player, a PDF viewer and support for DRM.

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