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KDE is a full featured desktop environment and collection of software for communication, work, education and entertainment.

The KDE Software Compilation is a set of free, open source applications based on common tools and designs. At the heart of it is the Plasma Desktop, the successor of the K Desktop Environment that gave KDE its name. KDE is based on the Qt framework.

Some KDE software

  • Amarok media player
  • Kate (K Advanced Text Editor)
  • KWallet (KDE Wallet) password manager
  • KDM (KDE Display Manager)
  • Kile (KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment), an IDE for LaTeX
  • Konqueror web broswer, file manager and document viewer
  • Konsole terminal emulator
  • Kopete chat client
  • Krusader twin-panel file manager
  • KWin window manager
  • Plasma Desktop manager
  • Activities are groups of widgets and windows

Further reading