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Gentoo is a source-based Linux distribution designed to be automatically optimized and customized according to the user's need. Use this tag for questions specifically about Gentoo (not for questions where the operating environment happens to be Gentoo).

6 votes
1 answer

Display package.mask info gentoo

Is there a tool available in gentoo to simply output why a package has been hard masked? …
Tim's user avatar
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0 votes

What's the difference between "equery depends" and "equery depgraph"?

equery depgraph <atom> outputs all the required dependencies for atom. Use case: pre-install considerations Where is software based on Is it worth the extra amount of packages? Prevent a whole tre …
Tim's user avatar
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2 votes

How much time needs Gentoo for updating the set @world?

[ebuild R ~] www-client/firefox-60.0.1::gentoo USE="[...]" 0 KiB [ebuild R ] app-office/libreoffice- USE="[...]" 0 KiB Estimated update time: 2 hours, 27 minutes. …
Tim's user avatar
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3 votes

Find out a package's configure/compile options in Gentoo

It is important to note that make.conf is not reliable at all, to check how a package is compiled. In fact, it is just one of the supplementary config files in a whole list. From the man make.conf: …
Tim's user avatar
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4 votes

How do I apply multiple profiles at once on Gentoo?

The same page also contains a chapter specifically for answering for the demand in this questions: Combining profiles If there isn't a profile in the Gentoo repository that meets your exact … masters = gentoo auto-sync = false Define the friendly name. This will be prefixed to all the eselect profile list entries for this repo. …
Tim's user avatar
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3 votes

Migrating from Funtoo to Gentoo on a running system

Create a separate directory, like /usr/gentoo and put the vanilla Gentoo portage tree there. … File /etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf: [DEFAULT] main-repo = gentoo [gentoo] location = /usr/gentoo sync-type = rsync sync-uri = rsync:// auto-sync = yes priority 10 …
Tim's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Use uClibc for single package

I'm on gentoo. I would like to compile busybox against uClibc, without replacing glibc on the system. Clarification Host system Gentoo system, packages build against glibc. … But linking still seems to be done against glibc in / Use the gentoo prefix project, but I just end up with another glibc based stage 3, in a prefixed installation path. …
Tim's user avatar
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1 vote

CPU optimized compiled debian packages

If you want to build specific packages according to your own liking, you could use the Gentoo prefix project. … This way you can enjoy the flexibility and repositories of Gentoo, without breaking or changing your system. …
Tim's user avatar
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3 votes

Grub2 not finding windows partition

Run these commands in the host environment to provide the required files (example shows Gentoo mounted on /mnt/gentoo like in the Handbook): root #mkdir -p /mnt/gentoo/run/udev root #mount -o bind … /run/udev /mnt/gentoo/run/udev root #mount --make-rslave /mnt/gentoo/run/udev` …
Tim's user avatar
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1 vote

System doesn't recognise model of my SSD disk

SMART was originally an extension of ATA. It seems most tools now still only support (S)ATA because of that. Comparison of S.M.A.R.T. tools. As for model detection, I'm guessing the problem comes fro …
Tim's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to check if If i2c-hid and hid-rmi are not used for touchpad?

I'm on Gentoo with a custom configured kernel. I've recently switched to other distros and came back to Gentoo and reconfigured the kernel from the ground up. … $ uname -r 5.1.4-gentoo $ grep -E 'INPUT|I2C_HID|HID_RMI' .config CONFIG_RFKILL_INPUT=y CONFIG_INPUT=y CONFIG_INPUT_LEDS=m CONFIG_INPUT_FF_MEMLESS=y CONFIG_INPUT_POLLDEV=y CONFIG_INPUT_SPARSEKMAP=m …
Tim's user avatar
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0 votes

Offload compilation through SSH?

.: mount -o bind / /mnt/gentoo # If neccesary mount -o bind /boot /mnt/gentoo/boot mount -o bind /usr /mnt/gentoo/usr In /etc/exports: /mnt/gentoo,sync,nohide,no_root_squash) Make … /gentoo/sys mount --rbind /dev /mnt/gentoo/dev mount --make-rslave /mnt/gentoo/dev chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash umount -R /mnt/gentoo/dev umount -R /mnt/gentoo/sys umount /mnt/gentoo/proc Make sure …
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