I have executed this command: emerge --ask --update --deep --newuse @world. It has been executed about a couple of hours and it is still installing things. Is it normal?

2 Answers 2


If you want to have more info about emerge building time, you could use app-portage/genlop. Genlop extracts useful information from the emerge logs and can do some estimations based on this info.

To see the current package which is compiling:

~$ genlop -c

Currently merging 2 out of 19

* sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20180103-r1 

      current merge time: 8 seconds.
      ETA: 1 minute and 13 seconds.

If you would want to know the estimated time from a complete emerge operation:

~ $ emerge -p app-office/libreoffice www-client/firefox | genlop -pq
These are the pretended packages: (this may take a while; wait...)

[ebuild   R   ~] www-client/firefox-60.0.1::gentoo  USE="[...]" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] app-office/libreoffice-  USE="[...]" 0 KiB

Estimated update time: 2 hours, 27 minutes.

From genlop -h:

-p  estimate build time from a piped "emerge -p" output
-q  query gentoo.linuxhowtos.org database if no local emerge was found

Note, that when using the -q option, the actual build time can be quite off. This is because it relies on user information submitted to the gentoo.linuxhowtos.org database. This shouldn't matter when a previous version of the package was already emerge on the system, since it will be in the logs.


Yes, especially if you compile big application (Firefox, Chrome, or KDE) by yourself or if a heavily used library (libc, openssl, or libpng) has been updated (since all depending ports need to update).

Since all updated ports/packages need to be rebuild from source it might take sometime, especially if it has been a while since the last update.

  • Thanks for your help. I was really scared of the time hahaha. Commented Oct 12, 2016 at 13:30

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