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Questions tagged [tunneling]

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SSH tunnel error: sys_tun_open: failed to configure tunnel (mode 1): Invalid argument

I'm trying to create a SSH tunnel between 2 Raspberry PI's both running Debian Bookworm. I try to establish the connection using the command sudo ssh -w0:0 <user>@<ip> -p<ssh port> ...
user613537's user avatar
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Cannot add a tunnel to /etc/network/interfaces

Note: I already checked this question and this question. The solution of the former is not relevant to my problem and the latter does not have any answers. I have a basic VPS from When I ...
Amirreza A.'s user avatar
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Firefox traffic through socks-proxy SSH tunnel attempt to use IPv6 on systems where IPv6 is not supported

I need to use socks proxy in Firefox on my laptop, using ssh tunnel to server On my laptop, I set socks proxy in firefox, and connect to server: ssh server -D1234 When I visit any website in firefox, ...
Martin Vegter's user avatar
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How does dynamic routing stack up against multipathing/bonding techniques for a remote gateway?

I have a remote gateway to which I connect using two IKEv2 VTIs, OpenVPN, Wireshark, or a combination of these in /30 tunnels. Then create an ECMP route using OSPF (FRR) and the rest is like magic. I ...
Vita's user avatar
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Connect IPSEC VPN to network interface

I have a StrongSwan IPSEC VPN configured on my Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS server. The VPN starts up and connects to the primary interface (eno1) successfully. Using qBittorrent, I bind to the IP Address that ...
furnaceX's user avatar
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SSH tunneling over cloudflare tunnel for linux server

I need to connect to my linux server over cloudflare tunnel to protect my server. I have some user and need it for this. can every one help my? I tried this commands: mkdir Argo && cd Argo ...
ali's user avatar
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Why doesn't systemd-networkd add address and peer to the tun interface?

I'm trying to create tun interface and to add address and peer to it via .netdev and .network files of systemd-networkd. I'm using Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS and systemd 249. I have two following ...
Andrei's user avatar
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My linux machine forwarding

I have a debian machine (raspberry pi) and I would like to tunnel it (or how is it called) so I can access webservers etc hosted on it without screwing with the router firewall. Do you know of any ...
Im-CatDev's user avatar
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How to create a second GUE tunnel on a different port

How can multiple GUE tunnels be created in the same (default) network namespace with the same remote IP address, but different ports? So far, I've been successfully able to create exactly one GUE ...
randunel's user avatar
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Traffic shaping ineffective on tun device

I am developing a tunnel application that will provide a low-latency, variable bandwidth link. This will be operating in a system that requires traffic prioritization. However, while traffic towards ...
sheddenizen's user avatar
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How to save GRE tunnel in my vm?

Well, I created a gre tunnel in virtualbox connecting two linux vms, and it worked very well. But whenever I reboot the vms, the gre simply disappears. Is there any command I can use to save gre? Or, ...
Julian Hoffguy's user avatar
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Route through ppp0? [duplicate]

read carefully pls.. im connecting to another local network IN (overWAN) using q vpn (openfortivpn) to access that local network. i can ping the local hosts on that network.. i can scan em with nmap ...
redandwhite's user avatar
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How to setup a DNS with a socat based vpn?

Since socat has the functionality of creating tunnel interfaces and route traffic over UDP, I believe a VPN can be created using this feature. Server side setup: sudo socat -d -d TUN:,up ...
Weed Cookie's user avatar
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Forcing packets through a TUN interface on Mac?

I am wanting to build a toy VPN server/client. This isn't impossible to setup on Linux due to the beautiful iproute2 package and granular routing control. However, on Mac the experience has been ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Anyone know of a TCP-based tunnel protocol linux will support?

I have a lossy (1%) 10gig link between geographic locations which supports legacy systems that have non-tuneable TCP stacks. They have horrible throughput across the link because their TCP stacks ...
Colo Host's user avatar
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How do I find out what is stopping a sit tunnel routing?

In my town, IPv6 does not exist with any provider. I own 2001:67c:2284::/48 which I announce with Vultr. I am trying to set up a SIT tunnel to use 2001:67c:2284:1::/64 from my office using nmcli but I'...
Entrepreneur AJ's user avatar
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Check whether a given host can be reached via a given interface (`tun0`, created by OpenVPN)

I have multiple network interfaces on my Linux system. Some physical (eth0 etc), other virtual (tun0 etc, created by OpenVPN). Is it possible to check whether a given host (IP address) can be reached ...
Blue Nebula's user avatar
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Wireguard over TCP tunnel at 443 port, blocked ports bypassing, solution for OpenWRT

I'm facing a problem - I would like to connect many embedded devices with OpenWRT to my Wireguard server, but all the ports except 80, 443 and some others are blocked. Moreover only TCP is allowed in ...
Sink's user avatar
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Any way to redirect/tunnel HTTP stream from LAN1 to LAN2 through Raspberry?

I have a usual local (192.168.1.x) network with multiple devices and the router with internet connection. One of the devices is a Raspberry ( connected via WiFi. It also connected to the ...
djoker16's user avatar
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Change tap device gateway

I have vps server, install softether on it , softether use tap device name tap_se with subnet netmask broadcast, clients connect with openvpn or l2tp to ...
Arman Kabir's user avatar
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why is proxied TCP traffic much faster than routed/VPNed TCP traffic

I have a VPS which can download a file from Server X at 2gbps. I have a home internet connection which can download a file from the VPS at 1gbps, but from Server X at only 100mbps. If I use a SOCKS ...
Mir's user avatar
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Check whether SOCKS5 proxy server support UDP

Suppose I have UDP server that listen incoming message on and SOCKS5 proxy server that listen on How do I check whether SOCKS5 proxy server support UDP when ...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
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How do I get the interface name created with `ip tuntap add mode tap`

I want to create a tap with sudo, and then attach the user space program (ssh) to it. I don't want to hard code the interface name, as multiple users will be using it, so I want the interface name to ...
Gary van der Merwe's user avatar
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socat tunnel traffic drops after some time

I have two Linux machines, I want to create a tunnel between them using socat, this is my workaround: Machine1: socat -d -d UDP-LISTEN:4711,reuseaddr TUN:,iff-up,iff-broadcast,iff-...
abexamir's user avatar
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Route all traffic from one interface (default gateway) through OpenVPN / tun0 - policy based routing, dependent on source address/interface

I have a Debian Linux VPN router myvpnserver with 2 interfaces, eno1 and eno2: eno1 is connected to a LAN and an internet router. On this interface with static IP address, myvpnserver has its default ...
MrSnrub's user avatar
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Configure SuSEfirewall2 in SLES12 SP5 to allow multicast via `sit`

I'm experimenting with multicasts in our Intranet, but it seems the Intranet does not support multicast routing. Anyway, I set up an IP-IP tunnel (sit1) between two machines in different subnets, and ...
U. Windl's user avatar
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Treatment of parameters %h:%p for switch -W in multi hop jumps in ssh

With ssh -oProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p -oProxyCommand=\"ssh -W %%h:%%p -oProxyCommand=\\\"ssh -W %%h:%%p root@jmp1\\\" root@jmp2 \" root@jmp3" root@jmp4 you can do a ...
Matthias Altmann's user avatar
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Connect to host machine from WSL2

Problem Can't connect to Windows X Server (VcXsrv) from WSL2 due firewall rules (sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesnt; it's very strange). Changing the firewall rules is not possible. But any ...
Arber's user avatar
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How to determine next available network interface name and ip range?

I am working on an application which can create TUN/TAP interface on host machine. I can create such interfaces using: sudo ip tuntap add tap0 mode tap Now the thing is, tap0 is hardcoded here. It ...
Santosh Kumar's user avatar
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ERROR: Cannot open TUN/TAP dev /dev/net/tun: No such device (errno=19)

I'm helpless. I uninstalled openvpn, I did a lot of things but nothing.
Danie Danie's user avatar
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What is the use case difference between GRE and GRETAP?

What is the difference use case between GRE nad GRETAP? I understand that GRETAP is layer 2"Ethernet" tunnel. But when to use GRE and when to use GRETAP? Can you give me specific example for ...
Finaria's user avatar
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GRE IP to virtual machine (Proxmox) - Traceroute showing full route = Hetzner (will run virtual machines on this) = OVH (contains block below) = IP block to use on Hetzner as virtual machines To get GRE set up I ran the ...
Teddy77's user avatar
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Permanent SSH tunnel through bastion host

I have the following command that I run locally on my mac to be able to access a DB server trough a bastion host: ssh -L 9234:MYSERVERIP:5432 USER@MYBASTIONIP -i MyBastionPemKey.pem that works just ...
Diego's user avatar
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Explain routing decision

On my linux server, I have the following routing table: $ ip ro default via dev wlp0s20f3 proto dhcp metric 600 dev tun0 proto kernel scope link src
Sergei Fomin's user avatar
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reverse tunneling

for simplicity ill give my servers name, server-A, server-B server-A - a simple server with public IP, this server is 1G ram, shared CPU server-B - a more robust server with more ram, cpu cores etc......
dsal3389's user avatar
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What is the difference between '' and 'default'?

Crew, please take a look at the routing table below. Incoming ping requests from 172.17.4.x are accepted on dev ens160 and answered via dev tun0. What is the difference between '' and '...
sandmouse's user avatar
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How to rebuild a broken SSH session automatically from the remote site?

I use Reverse SSH Tunnel behind a Customer-Grade NATed GSM Modem. This sounds terrible but it is fine. I use the following instruction: ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -f -N -T -R12345:localhost:22 ...
supi007's user avatar
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Generic TCP connections over a proxy?

Is there any way to achieve this command: APPX --listen= Then, if I connect to, it will be as if I connected to ...
caveman's user avatar
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ICMP replies captured but not considered by ping

There is a host with a tunnel interface tunint1 with an assigned IP address. When I'm trying to ping via this interface I cannot see any replies but there are ICMP packets (both requests and replies), ...
resaix's user avatar
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How to configure a GUE receive tunnel in Linux for IPv6

I am trying to configure a GUE tunnel to receive IPv6 packets that contain GUE encapped IPv4 packets but I am having trouble de-encapsulating the packets. The IPv6 packets have a GUE encapsulated ...
Dikshant Adhikari's user avatar
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How to configure a transmit GUE tunnel using iproute2 for IPv6

I am trying add a transmit GUE tunnel with GRE as the header using IPV6 addresses in linux like this: ip -6 link add name gue1 type ip6gre remote $REMOTE_IPV6 local $LOCAL_IPV6 dev eth0 encap gue ...
Dikshant Adhikari's user avatar
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Subnets not ping eachother on strongswa vpn tunnel

AOA, I have two clients one remote and other is local but both on same LAN i.e (, while the UBuntu servers in which strongswan is implemented are connected to each other with ethernet ...
MUHAMMAD KASHIF's user avatar
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How to get and use packets coming to a tunnel interface?

I have created a tunnel interface in Linux and assigned an IP for its local and remote addresses. Then, I have created a route for that interface. I want to get the packets coming to that interface ...
D. Jones's user avatar
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What is this sit0 device?

I'm setting my computer (running Debian Buster) up for Hurricane Electric's IPv6 tunnel broker. They provide instructions for several configuration methods, but here's for iproute2, which I've been ...
Dominick Pastore's user avatar
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Open VPN packets aren't going through tunnel

port 1194 proto udp dev tun ca ca.crt cert server.crt key server.key dh dh2048.pem tls-auth ta.key 0 key-direction 0 server ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt client-to-client push &...
user7386's user avatar
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How can I get IPv6 when my ISP doesn't provide it?

I am trying to get IPv6 up and running on my network because I have heard about IPv6 tunnel brokers should be able to help with that. I don't really understand how it is working, or why I need it, but ...
mama's user avatar
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Reverse SSH works but not passwordless. Getting password prompt

I have two systems Personal MacOS Laptop to be referred as system-Laptop having user laptopuser. It does not have "NAT" Server Linux to be referred as system-Server having user serveruser ...
Ashar's user avatar
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Forward network packets from host machine to QEMU image

I have got a locally built Yocto image with me running inside QEMU. I need to forward a single port from the host machine to localhost inside the QEMU image. The TAP connection I am using assigns 192....
shodan's user avatar
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How to use ssh with slirp to reach out Internet from a limited jump server?

Sorry that I might be wrong, yet I have some impressions from QEMU that SLIRP has the ability to do both ppp server and NAT stunt the same time. The situation is, I'm under a very limited network ...
Ruinland's user avatar
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Tunnelling TCP to database (ms-Sql) through corporate proxy

What I know. I have a ms sql in Internet, let say hostDB:1433 I have a corporate proxy ipProxy:8080 /bin/nc -z -v -w 1 -x ipProxy:8080 -X connect hostDB 1433 Connection to hostDB 1433 port [tcp/ms-...
Germán Faller's user avatar

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