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2 answers

Can't forward traffic from eth to TUN/TAP

I'm trying to forward traffic from a physical interface enp5s0 to a virtual one tun0. The goal is to make tun0 receive essentially all packets from enp5s0. First, I enable forwarding with a command ...
Nikita Zeulin's user avatar
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iptables - Allow traffic from GRE tunnel with reject-with option

System: CentOS 7. /etc/sysconfig/iptables is like this: ... -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -i gre1 -j ACCEPT # ...
hlx98007's user avatar
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2 answers

iptables forward traffic to vpn tunnel if open

I've used the following guide to set up my raspberry pi as an access point: Raspberry Pi 3 as wifi access point I'm forwarding wlan0 to eth0 and NATing all my traffic. Works great! sudo iptables -t ...
Shrout1's user avatar
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Why could policy routing on iptables marks applied in FORWARD or OUTPUT chains be inconsistent?

I am routing HTTPS connections down a SSH tunnel (-w) using iptables marks and iproute2 rules, the reasons I need to do it this way are contrived, to say the least, so most alternate solutions may not ...
DanSut's user avatar
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How to unwrap a tunneled packet in iptables/netfilter and process the tunneled packet

I have a specific question regarding the Linux netfilter/iptables interaction. Let's say I have an IP packet P1 inside of another IP packet P2 (that is, P1 is tunneled). Now, the question is as ...
Sven Hager's user avatar
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Redirect traffic through the server

My task is to redirect traffic (port range) through the server. Here is the schema: Why NAT is not appropriate here: If NAT is set to "Tunnel Server", then all users will be assigned the same IP. ...
user2058653's user avatar
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debugging iptables when tunneling one VPN through another

I seek to tunnel one SSL VPN (F5, running on my debian laptop==client) through another (OpenVPN, running on a debian linode==server), but lose all client networking (including, e.g., ping) after the ...
TomRoche's user avatar
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Transparent proxy to other IP of thousand ports

I was bought a service that only allow a IP, the IP that i say, only one, but I need use this from more IP's. I think that I can install in this computer a system to do a transparent proxy for ...
user1710825's user avatar
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how to open up socks/SSH on different network interfaces?

iptables -A PREROUTING -i usb0 -t mangle -p tcp --dport 8080 -j MARK --set-mark 1 iptables -L Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination Chain FORWARD ...
Jimmy Cummings's user avatar
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Forwarding packets from loopback interface with policy-based routing

I have the following iptables rule: iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p udp -m udp --dport 10000 -j MARK --set-xmark 0x4/0xffffffff which sets fwmark 4 on all udp packets with destination port 10000....
Lorenzo Pistone's user avatar
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Bridged TAP interface to virtualbox

I need bridged TAP interface on client side of my VPN to virtual machine. I use VirtualBox 4.3.12. But in Adapter Network options in Attached to: Bridged adapter I do not see my TUN adapter. I have ...
Mato's user avatar
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Packets sent through TUN interface not routed

I have a C program attached to a TUN interface. In this program, I'm building packets and writing them to the interface. Now to check if packets are really sent from my TUN interface, I use iptables ...
HaTiMuX's user avatar
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Local Client/Server communication using TUN interfaces

I want to establish a local communication between a client and a server using TUN interfaces. The client program will be attached to interface TUN1 and we suppose that it has IP address @IP1. The ...
HaTiMuX's user avatar
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31 votes
4 answers

What is the tun network interface for?

I noticed when running ifconfig that there is a network interface called tun0 and it has an ipv4 address. A bit of research shows that it is a tunneling device, but I don't really know how it's used, ...
smcg's user avatar
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Why are incoming packets on a TAP interface seen with tcpdump but not with iptables?

A program injects packets on a Linux TAP interface (these packets are coming from a virtual machine). Specifically, these are DHCP requests (so they're UDP). I can see the packets with tcpdump but not ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar