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Questions tagged [iproute]

Questions that include employing tools of the IPROUTE2 Utility Suite, especially ip and tc.

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How to route between three containers connected by two networks in series

I'm running into some issues with routing between docker networks. Hence, I broke the problem down into a simpler case but it is still not working. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong? The Setup ...
APlessner's user avatar
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Isolated linux bridge interfaces can't ping neighbours

I'm trying to do a learning experiment with linux bridges. I wan't to create an isolated bridge on host without namespaces with the ability to debug interface connectivity. I want to be able ping ...
Dmytro Malovanyi's user avatar
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Virtual network interface and route(s) to bypass VPN

I'm frequently connected to a system-wide VPN which I need to bypass for certain applications. On my home network I currently run a SOCKS proxy on another box which I use, for example, in a separate &...
kontextify's user avatar
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List openvswitch virtual switch with ip command

I've configured openvswitch virtual switch and can list it with ip command as follows: # Show all interfaces ip link Output: 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN ...
metablaster's user avatar
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2 answers

Route traffic to device with a static IP address via specified interface - not working?

I have a single device which I have configured with a static IP address ( and it is wired directly to the 4th port (enp4s0) on my Ubuntu Linux PC. The m/c is also connected to my LAN via ...
user3314691's user avatar
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Use VPN connection only for selected applications

I am trying to follow: but I cannot make it work. I do: interface=eth0 down() { ip netns delete myvpn ip link delete vpn0 iptables -D INPUT \! -i ...
Ole Tange's user avatar
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Forcing container to route outbound through VPN - source-based routing not working

I need to ensure outbound traffic from a specific (Docker) container is tunneled through my (WireGuard) VPN (running on my VPS) to exit to the Internet with my VPS external IP, but I am not being ...
LaXiS's user avatar
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How to use AFWall+ to forward packets through a wireguard VPN to a tethered device?

situation is pretty simple, but I've spending the last 3 days trying to find a solution to this with no luck. I have a printer at home that I need to have access to from my laptop. The printer is in a ...
Daniel Cohen's user avatar
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How exactly does Linux use the prefix length assigned to network interface?

I assigned IP address to eth0 in two ways. A. Adding as usual # ip addr add dev eth0 # ping -c 1 PING ( 56(84) bytes of ...
Akash Rawal's user avatar
3 votes
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Meaning of prefix length with ip addr add noprefixroute

When assigning an ip address to a network interface with ip addr add noprefixroute, what effect will the specified prefix length have? When noprefixroute is not used, the prefix length is used to ...
p0ny's user avatar
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Centos 7 Policy Based Routing not working CEntos 6 no problem

Centos 7 Policy Based Routing not working CEntos 6 no problem How can i transfer my static based routing policies from Centos 6 to 7 ... I have two WAN ip/gateways, 1 LAN ip address on on NIC . . ...
user3265051's user avatar
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Where does `ip addr` get its data from?

I looked at the source code and am stuck after line 2269. I have a feeling that just like route, this utility also, is using the procfs filesystem but I can't quite put my finger on it.
kesarling's user avatar
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How does the "route" utility make sense of the data in /proc/net/route?

result of cat /proc/net/route: Iface Destination Gateway Flags RefCnt Use Metric Mask MTU Window IRTT wlo1 ...
kesarling's user avatar
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pushed openvpn client routes makes the http-proxy server to stop functioning, ip route advice required

I have both a proxy server and openvpn client running on an openWRT router, I have to setup a proxy server on the router and then connect the OpenVPN client running on the same router, because the ISP ...
osiaso 's user avatar
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How to create a second GUE tunnel on a different port

How can multiple GUE tunnels be created in the same (default) network namespace with the same remote IP address, but different ports? So far, I've been successfully able to create exactly one GUE ...
randunel's user avatar
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