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Questions tagged [readline]

GNU Readline is a library that provides command-line editing and history searching capabilities for Bash and other interactive command-line programs. Use this tag for questions relating to the use of Readline functionality in Bash and other software.

8 votes
1 answer

What is the '.tee_history' file?

This is a plaintext file, apparently limited to 300 lines. I use tee frequently on my system. $ file .tee_history .tee_history: Unicode text, UTF-8 text $ wc -l .tee_history 300 .tee_history $ tee --...
user598527's user avatar
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How to remap "vi-search-again" in .inputrc?

I use Colemak + Bash Vi mode, and have remapped h j k l to h n e i in .inputrc. The original N n keys for repeating search seem to be bound to the same command: $ # Run in command mode $ bind -p | ...
UM-Li's user avatar
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I can't bind Meta-h to backward-kill-word using bash/readline for my xterms

redhat-release: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation release 7.4 (Maipo) bash version: 4.2.46(2) xterm version: X.Org 7.6.0(295) I'm using xmodmap to map my Meta keys correctly. Confirmed this via ...
eh3's user avatar
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What is a CLI helper/wrapper that allows a dumb CLI program to have a command history? [duplicate]

Many years ago I came across a simple utility that would handle the keyboard interaction for any CLI-based program that did not support command history. This tool would keep track of the commands you ...
Paperclip Bob's user avatar
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"Bracketed Paste Mode" gone wrong

I turn off enable-bracketed-paste feature whenever I log in into my bash, and I need to access a remote server which had not turned it off system wide. Many time, this is what I'm getting before I've ...
xpt's user avatar
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Required help with extremely hacky Bash script to view Readline's killring

I devised a contraption to visualize the killring in Bash. It work like this: $ killring Killring: 1 Line one in killring 2 Line two in killring 3 Line three in killring However, there are some ...
Sebastian Carlos's user avatar
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How can I differentiate a bash prompt ending with a newline from a running command?

I have bracketed-paste-mode turned on in bash. I think it is a good safety feature and I would like to keep it. One problem I have is that it is difficult to differentiate a running command from one ...
Dan Robertson's user avatar
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quick-swap TUI mode while using vi keybindings in GDB

In the default mode of gdb, pressing ctrl+x a turns on and off the UI, and ctrl+x 2 cycles through different split views. There are a number of similar useful shortcuts. I can turn on vi emulation ...
Fraser's user avatar
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getting php readline extension to work in php 8 xampp installation

i have a fresh install of linux mint 21.1 as well as the latest version of xampp which comes with php 8.2.4. i added export PATH=$PATH:/opt/lampp/bin to .bashrc to access php from the terminal. it ...
bungee1980's user avatar
2 votes
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View text in kill-ring

Is there a way to view your entire kill-ring besides repededly hitting M-y Somthing like emacs browse-kill-ring but for the shell
Nifle's user avatar
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How to delete a region in the command line?

I just learned that command lines have marks, just like emacs. But, unlike emacs, C-w doesn't delete the region, it only deletes one word backwards. Is there a readline equivalent for this?
ychaouche's user avatar
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4 votes
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Fish equivalent of Bash / readline's Ctrl-O "operate-and-get-next"

Readline and therefore Bash have a very useful command called operate-and-get-next, bound by default to Ctrl-O, that executes the current line, after selecting it from the history, and advances the ...
Tobia's user avatar
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ANSI escape sequences in PS1 cause incorrect length calculation [duplicate]

I have a PS1 set up in my .zshrc which includes multiple ANSI escape sequences. An equivalent definition works nicely in Bash, but in Zsh (v5.8.1) it seemingly causes the shell to calculate the width ...
Konrad Rudolph's user avatar
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2 answers

Mouse-click stopped positioning cursor in shell (readline) in XTerm after upgrade from Fedora 18 to 36

I am using the following control sequence to set up that when I click in the command line in shell (BASH) in XTerm the cursor moves to the position. At least, it used to worked that way in my ancient ...
mjf's user avatar
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zsh: read line without clearing screen below prompt while allowing user to use arrow keys to make edit in middle of line

Using Bash tput cup 0 0; read -e -p "Enter input: " userinput works well for getting a line of user input: It does not clear screen below the prompt It allows user to use arrow keys to go ...
codepoet's user avatar
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