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Questions tagged [rc]

An RC file is a script file containing startup instructions for an application program (or an entire operating system). These are usually a text file containing commands of the sort that might have been invoked manually once the system was running but are to be executed automatically each time the system starts up.

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Forgejo pid file (/var/run/ : not readable in Truenas Core (FreeBSD Jail)

I have been trying to get Forgejo running in a Truenas Core (FreeBSD jail) for over a week. When I manually start Forgejo as the git user it runs as expected, however attempting to get it to run with ...
IronFractal's user avatar
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Issue with GPS on RPi4 at boot

So I have RPi4 which I configured with multiple UARTs and a Ublox ZED-F9P on a custom designed board. My setup would use the UART1 on the F9P for ubx messages and the UART1 for NMEA messages that used ...
expcosm's user avatar
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Automating proxy configuration across multiple applications without plaintext password

More generally than the post described here: Using bash functionality in rc files I would like to set an appropriate proxy configuration for all/multiple applications including but not limited to: ...
Sterling Butters's user avatar
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Using bash functionality in rc files

I am trying to do something similar to Avoiding plain-text password in http_proxy but inside the .wgetrc/.curlrc configuration files. For whatever reason, I have spotty luck by passing proxy settings ...
Sterling Butters's user avatar
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/etc/rc.local not being run everytime a user logs in via ssh [closed]

I have set up the /etc/systemd/system/rc-local.service as follows: [Unit] Description=/etc/rc.local Compatibility ConditionPathExists=/etc/rc.local [Service] Type=forking ExecStart=/etc/rc.local ...
E. Jaep's user avatar
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python script as rc service on freebsd

I have a python script that I would like to run in a Freenas jail. It works without the service daemon, but I would like to start it as a service. I have created the following service script /etc/rc.d/...
Ukhu's user avatar
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Stop not called for init rc.d service

I have a very simple SysVinit service in /etc/rc.d: #!/bin/bash PIDFILE="/var/run/" status() { if [ -f "$PIDFILE" ]; then echo 'Service running' return 1 fi ...
Maestro's user avatar
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FreeBSD: /etc/rc.conf persistently read-only

I am running a single-user FreeBSD and I am trying to edit rc.conf but it appears to be read-only for some reason. I can't change it from the root account. Indeed, id gives: uid=0(root) gid=0(wheel) ...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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For automatic startup is it enough to copy script to /etc/rc.d folders?

we have installed some tool on RedHat linux 8.5 which comes with a README file that explains steps we should do, in order to enable automatic startup: Copy the 'accurev' script to the /etc/rc.d/init....
AndreyS's user avatar
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Would including a line like "source ~/rc/.zshrc" in my ~/.zshrc be equivelent to including all the text from ~/rc/.zshrc in my ~/.zshrc?

I want to keep my ~/.zshrc in a github repo, and since I don't want to make my ~ folder a git repository, I plan to move my ~/.zshrc to a folder called rc and then include source ./rc/.zshrc in my ~/....
Sam's user avatar
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How do I know what config files are being read by my bash shell? [duplicate]

I'm on a macOS system. My SHELL variable says /bin/bash, but I have Homebrew bash installed too. I deleted my .bash_profile file, and my .bashrc only sets the PATH. But now every time I type Command+T ...
Lucky's user avatar
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how to distinguish ssh from scp in ~/.ssh/rc?

I'd like to launch neofetch (a small utility that displays a banner) each time I log into a remote server via OpenSSH. So, I just added /usr/bin/neofetch into my ~/.ssh/rc file, and it works fine. The ...
ChennyStar's user avatar
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What language do config files use?

I've been using GNU/Linux for over a year now. And there's this question to which I need an answer from you, Linux gurus: What language(s) do config files like .bashrc, .vimrc, .i3status.conf, ....
Wade Wayne's user avatar
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zsh completion for kill listing unexpected "0"

I have following in my .zshrc: zstyle ':completion:*:kill:*' command 'ps -u $USER -o pid,%cpu,tty,cputime,cmd' When I press TAB, in addition to processes being listed, there is always a last line ...
Martin Vegter's user avatar
-1 votes
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Does the rc folder contain files that start on boot?

I created a file in /etc/rc0.d, named it rc.local. In this file I added a line that run another file that I had put in Desktop. I did all this so that the command can be run on boot. I followed the ...
Aymane Dassouli's user avatar

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