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Questions tagged [ps]

For questions pertaining to ps, a command for printing information about running processes. Use this tag for questions about ps itself or questions about issues arising from using the ps command-line utility.

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1 answer

How to analyse cause of memory usage not shown by htop

How can I best debug the following issue from here on? I have a python application running in a podman container which has plenty disk I/O due to a numpy memmap of two huge files, one input file ...
Semnodime's user avatar
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How to print only parent processes during the snapshot of the current processes report?

I want to list all active processes and describe main features of them in text file by script. I want to get only parent processes so I can identify if the service exists at all. But there're cases ...
palmasd1's user avatar
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-2 votes
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list tree of a specific proc

I have a command to list the tree of a specific process number. So I did this: ps f -u "${USER}" --pid 1234 -eo command,pid,ppid,tty | awk 'NR <= 1 {print; next} !/awk/ && $0 ~ ...
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4 votes
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ps: invalid option -- 'p'

I'm using Yocto Project (honister) to build my OS image. When I'm trying to use vscode ssh extension, I'm getting an error: > ps: invalid option -- 'p' > BusyBox v1.34.1 () multi-call binary....
YoctoDragon's user avatar
3 votes
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Why is one process ps command showing spaces around a directory instead of slashes?

I'm trying to debug a failing legacy process monitor that searches processes that are running. I determined it is being caused by some mysterious linux behavior. The process being ran is /opt/my/path/...
k.schroeder31's user avatar
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process ID of process launched with system command

Suppose I open a shell on ubuntu OS, then open a software such as matlab via matlab & In the matlab GUI, I do a system command system('/path/to/my/cppprog') % <-- PID of this running program? ...
simon's user avatar
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"The rest of the line" How setup ssh client console to show all (/px aux) java process line to know the name of the java file?

I have 3 java process running on my host - i access the host by a ssh client. Some one of that process freezed and i need kill that pid process to re-start it I know the name of the file, but i dont ...
Felipe Braga Comonier's user avatar
3 votes
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Don't truncate the COMMAND column in ps

I want to list process by their executable name, using the comm column. But it always gets truncated even when it's the last column: $ ps -C systemd-tty-ask-password-agent -o %cpu,%mem,comm %CPU %MEM ...
Kyle Richards's user avatar
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ps -e converts process name to lowercase

ps -e converts uppercase process names to lowercase. I could not find an explanation of that behaviour in the man page or online and I'm not good enough at source code reading to figure this out from ...
Allen Jabr's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Super-user privileges for Chromium browser

After apt-get install chromium and running it on Debian 12, ps alx | grep -e ^F -e ^5.*chromium returns: F UID PID PPID PRI NI VSZ RSS WCHAN STAT TTY TIME COMMAND 5 1000 ...
Juergen's user avatar
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How to identify which process is causing a high memory consumption?

I am running a virtualized Arch Linux machine. From time to time, it shows a high memory consumption and I do not know the reason because basically, the machine is sitting idle. # ps aux --sort=-%mem ...
Stacker12345's user avatar
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Finding the WCHAN value

This is running on AIX version: 7, release: 2, on powerppc. I have a process that is hung, and the output of ps -ef -o THREAD is: USER PID PPID TID ST CP PRI SC WCHAN F ...
Jonathan Card's user avatar
1 vote
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The difference between `ps axjf` and `ps -axjf`

I'm trying to get a deeper understanding of the ps command in linux. I'm confused when using ps axjf and ps -axjf when I find they seem to have different meanings in the manual but their output is ...
lightxy233's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

ps -o pid,ppid,stat,exe -e | grep deleted has "(deleted)" appended to the executable path

ps -o pid,ppid,stat,exe -e | grep deleted generates output like this: 1777 1346 Sl /usr/bin/python3.10 (deleted) 1778 1346 Sl /usr/bin/python3.10 (deleted) 1825 1327 Ss /usr/...
Dave The Dane's user avatar
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2 answers

i3 command to toggle picom that greps ps for "picom" works when it should fail, as "picom" is in the command and shows up in "ps" output

I have this line in my i3 config: bindsym $Super+Shift+F10 exec --no-startup-id ps aux | grep -q '[p]icom' && killall picom || picom It runs a shell command (everything after --no-startup-id ...
mutageneral's user avatar

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