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Questions tagged [perl]

Perl is a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. It was originally developed by Larry Wall as a general-purpose Unix scripting language to make report processing easier, over a period with support from open source community, it has evolved and matured to be used for graphics programming, system administration, network programming, finance, bioinformatics, and other engineering applications.

965 votes
10 answers

How can I replace a string in a file(s)?

Replacing strings in files based on certain search criteria is a very common task. How can I replace string foo with bar in all files in the current directory? do the same recursively for sub ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 245k
33 votes
1 answer

What's with all the renames: prename, rename, file-rename?

On my Debian system (well, my LMDE system, but close enough), I have at least 3 different rename programs: /usr/local/bin/rename : This is a Perl script, written by Tom Christiansen. Oddly enough, I ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 245k
9 votes
1 answer

What are the different versions of the rename command? How do I use the Perl version?

This is a mess. How do I know which command to use when we expect Perl's rename with s/// sed-like syntax, when there're tons of different implementations of rename, that are different versions of the ...
Gilles Quénot's user avatar
39 votes
7 answers

Linux equivalent to PowerShell's "one-to-many" remoting

Coming from Windows administration, I want to dig deeper in Linux (Debian). One of my burning questions I could not answer searching the web (didn't find it) is: how can I achieve the so called "one-...
MacMartin's user avatar
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32 votes
5 answers

How to grep for text in a file and display the paragraph that has the text?

Below is the text in the file: Pseudo name=Apple Code=42B state=fault Pseudo name=Prance Code=43B state=good I need to grep for "42B" and get the output from the above text like: Pseudo name=...
Jaya William's user avatar
61 votes
11 answers

How to insert the content of a file into another file before a pattern (marker)?

File1 contents: line1-file1 "1" line2-file1 "2" line3-file1 "3" line4-file1 "4" File2 contents: line1-file2 "25" line2-file2 "24" Pointer-file2 "23" line4-...
user1228191's user avatar
33 votes
2 answers

Security implications of running perl -ne '...' *

Apparently, running: perl -n -e 'some perl code' * Or find . ... -exec perl -n -e '...' {} + (same with -p instead of -n) Or perl -e 'some code using <>' * often found in one-liners ...
Stéphane Chazelas's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

compare two columns of different files and print if it matches

I am using Solaris 10 and so grep options involving -f don't work. I have two pipe-separated files: file1: abc|123|BNY|apple| cab|234|cyx|orange| def|kumar|pki|bird| file 2: abc|123| kumar|pki| ...
user68365's user avatar
  • 231
53 votes
3 answers

What does ${1+"$@"} mean in a shell script, and how does it differ from "$@"?

In the Perl documentation, perlrun(1) suggests launching Perl scripts using a bilingual shell/Perl header: #!/bin/sh #! -*-perl-*- eval 'exec perl -x -wS $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; What does ${1+"$@"} ...
200_success's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How can I extract/change lines in a text file whose data are separated into fields?

How can I manipulate field-based data from the commandline? For example How can I print only lines whose Nth field is foo? How can I print only lines whose Nth field isn't foo? How can I print only ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 245k
26 votes
3 answers

Substitute pattern within a file with the content of other file

I have a text file (devel.xml). I added the word REPLACETHIS to it in order to replace this string with the content within a different file (temp.txt). The closest thing I have is this: sed -i -e "/...
RafaelGP's user avatar
  • 381
25 votes
7 answers

Repeat each line multiple times

Would like to have each line in a file repeated a fixed number of times. e.g. have each line repeated four times: a b c becomes: a a a a b b b b c c c c I've done some searching, and there are a ...
Yimin Rong's user avatar
11 votes
13 answers

How to collapse consecutive numbers into ranges?

Given a sorted input file (or command output) that contains unique numbers, one per line, I would like to collapse all runs of consecutive numbers into ranges such that n n+1 ... n+m becomes n,n+m ...
don_crissti's user avatar
  • 83.5k
10 votes
2 answers

How exactly does perl's -0 option work?

According to man perlrun: -0[octal/hexadecimal] specifies the input record separator ($/) as an octal or hexadecimal number. If there are no digits, the null character is the separator....
terdon's user avatar
  • 245k
9 votes
7 answers

What is the easiest way to add a string on the beginning of every line of the file from the command line?

I am looking for a way to add some string to the beginning of every line (same string for every line). Not something customizable but rather something that will be easy to remember and available on ...
syntagma's user avatar
  • 12.4k

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