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How can I create a .txt file containing data being generated in real-time in Linux terminal when a program is running?

I am running an AutoDock Vina program (using a Perl script) in Linux.  It generates lots of important data (regarding binding free energy of protein-ligand docked complexes).  However, I cannot save ...
Alvea Tasneem's user avatar
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Extract function string before function name with regex

I want a regex that would search for something like: that would be part of a line and would and extract the some_function_namebut it should be able to work ...
Jim's user avatar
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Expanding comma separated list in a tab-delimited file into separate lines

I have a very similar problem to this question, but have no idea how to adapt the answer to my own issue. I have a tab-sep file with 2nd column containing comma-sep list, such as: TRINITY_DN1_c0_g1 ...
AmyE's user avatar
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What does \L$2 mean in perl rename tool?

I see this command advised, whenever a person asks online about renaming all uppercase files to lowercase: find "$(pwd)" -depth -exec rename 's/(.*)\/([^\/]*)/$1\/\L$2/' {} \; I understand ...
monoidog's user avatar
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how to assign values to intervals with overlapping regions?

I have two big files, the first file contain some intervals with 85K rows: head data.intervals id id_uniq numberA numberB 1 g1 5 20 1 g2 6 29 1 g3 17 35 1 g4 37 46 1 g5 50 63 1 ...
Anna1364's user avatar
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How to start a new column after every nth row?

I have a file (comma separated) on a Linux system with 3 columns. I want to start new column after every 4th row. Input: col1,col2,col3 1,disease1,high 1,disease2,low 1,disease3,high col1,col2,...
LiNi's user avatar
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Perl command line regex to modify all pattern matches

I'm trying to use some arithmetic over the matched patterns in perl command line. I'm able to do it for one match but not for all. str="a1b2c3" perl -pe 's/\d+/$&+1/e' <<<"$str" a2b2c3 ...
Inian's user avatar
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Remove multiple strings from file on command line, high performance [closed]

Is there an elegant, high-performance one-liner way to remove multiple complete strings from an input? I process large text files, e.g., 1 million lines in inputfile, and 100k matching strings in ...
Michael Douma's user avatar
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awk/sed/perl one liner to edit json file

We want to add the folwing lines: export KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS="-Xmx8g -Xms8g" and: export KAFKA_JVM_PERFORMANCE_OPTS=" -XX:MetaspaceSize=96m -XX:+UseG1GC-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=20 - XX:...
yael's user avatar
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replacing values in one with the values in another file

I have a csv file named eche in following format: INCON,--,INITIAL,CONDITIONS,FOR*****,ELEMENTS,AT,TIME ,0.315570E+13 VC76,0.10000000E+00,0.2837726135782E+08,0.6756896308414E+02 1K02,0.10000000E+00,0....
eric's user avatar
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pairwise combination of string based on two columns

I am trying to obtain the pairwise combination of of string available for each stack of data, input file contains two columns: col1 is genenames, col2 is name of various stressors. gene1 ...
biobudhan's user avatar
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Install program with Perl?

I'm trying to install GTK YouTube Viewer from GitHub ( in Q4OS (Debian-based). I downloaded the .zip file and extracted it, then tried to run the first ...
Martin's user avatar
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2 answers

What Type Of Data does the Input File Contain?

I have a folder with more than 10000 text files. The files can be of two types: Type1: called “DNA” Format: header information starting with “>” Line 2 onwards contains only the following letters:...
biobudhan's user avatar
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Transpose CSV file by the value of a column

Input: X Y 1 11 1 12 2 21 2 22 Desired Output: 11 12 21 22 I want to transpose the CSV file by the value of column 1. In this example, for X = 1, transpose (11, 12)^T to (11, 12); for X = 2, ...
Jill Clover's user avatar
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Rename command to delete substring

I am trying to batch rename the following files: art-faculty-3_29060055362_o.jpeg fine-arts-division-faculty-2016-2017-5_29165851925_o.jpeg theatre-faculty-2016-2017-1_29132529356_o.jpeg art-...
Lea Fox's user avatar
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