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Questions tagged [packaging]

creating packages for software installation, such as .deb (Debian & derivatives), .rpm (RHEL/CentOS), .bff (AIX), Solaris pkg / pkgadd, etc. Do NOT use this tag for /software-installation or /package-management

6 votes
2 answers

How to request for a package to be added to the Fedora repositories?

I am a co-maintainer of an eyestrain prevention app called SafeEyes. The app is already available on many distributions, but not in Fedora. What is the procedure to add a new app to the official ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to request for a software package to be updated in OpenSUSE?

I am a maintainer of SafeEyes, which is a program to reduce eye strain by reminding the user to periodically blink their eyes/do eye excercises. OpenSUSE repositories host an older version of this ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
0 votes
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How do I get a package (or a package version) that is available on modern Fedora (or other RH-oids) for Amazon Linux 2023?

I'm regularly asked how to get some software on Amazon Linux 2023. Usually, I find the software to be already available on Fedora or modern Alma Linux. What do I do to get a software package that's ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
0 votes
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Put zenity to flatpak /usr/bin folder

I try to create a flatpak application for Instant meshes in particular the manifest is the following: id: org.flatpak.InstantMeshes runtime: org.gnome.Platform runtime-version: "44" sdk: org....
Nicola Landro's user avatar
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creating deb packages - is there an standard way to setup a suffix to the final deb packages?

I am learning how to create deb packages for a small project of mine. I have been able to create the deb package for the binary. So far so good. After the process is finished I can see this: $ dpkg -c ...
eftshift0's user avatar
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Best practices to install binaries inside nix-shell

I'm preparing a Nix derivation for tenv version manager. Steps nix-build and nix-shell work fine, I can run tenv inside the nix-shell. But the purpose of tenv is installing needed versions of binaries ...
nmishin's user avatar
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Difference between +MANIFEST and +COMPACT_MANIFEST in FreeBSD .pkg

I have recently created a FreeBSD .pkg file using a custom script. A FreeBSD .pkg file is essentially a tar archive (optionally compressed) whose first two entries are manifest files, named +MANIFEST ...
user149408's user avatar
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3 answers

Where to install custom software packages on FreeBSD?

In Linux, according to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, /opt is the designated location for add-on application software packages. Thus, when developing my own software package, which is not a ...
user149408's user avatar
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Check for non-interactive mode in Debian package maintainer scripts

If I'm writing a Debian package maintainer script (such as a pre-install script) for a package I create, how can I make the script determine if it is supposed to be running in non-interactive mode (e....
Jason C's user avatar
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4 votes
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Package maintainer pre-inst script `install` vs `upgrade`

According to the Debian package maintainer script documentation, the pre-install script can be called with either the install or the upgrade first argument: The preinst script may be called in the ...
Jason C's user avatar
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Recommended and alternate dependencies in FreeBSD .pkg

A FreeBSD package typically specifies dependencies in its manifest as follows: deps: # python39, version 3.9 or higher python39: {origin: lang/python39, version: 3.9} # bind-tools, any version ...
user149408's user avatar
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In Nix, how to make one derivation depend on another next to it?

I'm currently trying to package some closed-source software into Nix derivations. The app is distributed as a large pile of .deb files, and most of them contain libraries that the other parts of the ...
Danya02's user avatar
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5 votes
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Building debian package fails when destination is /usr/local/bin

I created a very simple C project and want to build a debian package from it. Manually building the C project via the Makefile works as expected, it build the binary and can be installed in /usr/local/...
Erik's user avatar
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Package installation failure and rollback options

I'm trying to understand how the creation of packages (rpm, deb, dpkg) work and what the architecture supports and doesn't. Right now I struggle figuring out what happens when the installation or ...
jrs's user avatar
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How do I best package a global configuration scheme?

I've been working on creating a Linux configuration scheme based on my own system configuration. It consists of A configuration of the Interception program Dual Function Keys. A custom keyboard ...
Alexander Praehauser's user avatar
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port ubuntu kernel to rhel

I need to port ubuntu kernel with HWE to RHEL 9. I have experience in fedora like systems but not in debian like systems. I have Downloaded the kernel source using apt source but don't know what to do ...
Hemant Kumar Meena's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to query versions of APT packages from not-my-current release without editing sources.list?

I've been learning about Linux package management recently (,
StoneThrow's user avatar
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Is it possible to setup a user while building a Debian package even when that user does not exist on the build system?

I have a package I like to build locally. Some of the files in the package are to be installed on a system where a given user is created first. Those files should be owned by that user. For example, ...
Alexis Wilke's user avatar
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Why do different Linux distros have different package formats (and package managers)?

This question is a follow-up to this one: How to install package versions not available with apt-get? At the linked question, I learned about the Linux package "ecosystemm," including how ...
StoneThrow's user avatar
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How to install package versions not available with apt-get?

I'd like to install libuv on a Ubuntu WSL instance, and I specifically need version 1.45.0 or later. My understanding (from this tutorial article) is that the command to find out what versions of a ...
StoneThrow's user avatar
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Where should test executables be installed?

I am packaging a component that will also have test executables packaged with it (ideally in a separate package from the runtime package). Ideally, I don't want to package them in /usr/bin since the ...
Paul Fultz II's user avatar
1 vote
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How does apk's replaces work when the package being replaced gets upgraded?

Say I have a package A, and package B. Package B contains some files which deliberately conflict with package A, and it is desirable for package B's files to be favoured over the ones in package A if ...
Newbyte's user avatar
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How to get snapcraft CLI on Arch Linux?

Following the instructions on, I've got a snap command on my computer. I can use the snap tool to login/etc, but I want to create a snap package ...
Dr-Bracket's user avatar
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Signature from "TNE <[email protected]>" is unknown trust - Invalid or Corrupted package

While running pacman -Syu After "(8/8) checking package integrity" I'm facing the following issue with these packages: error: 7-zip: signature from "TNE <[email protected]>"...
Lucas_Guerra's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Common practice for config files

I'm making a file manager system for managing my projects. My package is named filesystem. I need a config file that stores the path to the root of my file system. I think I need to create a file /etc/...
Simon Van den Bossche's user avatar
1 vote
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How do you define a dynamic default value in a Debian package template?

I have a package where I want the administrator to enter a list of interface names. I'd like that list to have a default. Only each system has a different list (eth0, enp0s3, eno1, to list a few). ...
Alexis Wilke's user avatar
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How should versioning of debian packages work with git?

As I understand it, debian packages should be named NAME_VERSION_ARCHITECTURE. but when I use git as version control it and I rename the folder, it threats all files as deleted and then new. Is there ...
Simon Van den Bossche's user avatar
1 vote
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Could not execute mockbuild: Could not download sources

When writing a .spec file for Fedora, I ran into a problem. I can't seem to be able to do fedpkg mockbuild at all. No matter what source I use, HTTPS or local, I keep running into this error: Failed ...
Ignis Incendio's user avatar
1 vote
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How to package a Maven Java application for Debian?

I am trying to package a Java application that is built with Maven. I created the debian/ folder with mh_make and I have been reading/watching the tutorials:
Slav's user avatar
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Bundle library for two architectures in the same package

I need to ship a Racket package that is cross compatible on x86 and arm. I have a shared library I depend on via FFI that I would like to bundle in, so that the user doesn't need to install it. What ...
Nate's user avatar
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How to build GNU Hello .deb?

I can't seem to work out how to build GNU Hello on Ubuntu 22.04. To reproduce, start a Docker container using docker run --interactive --rm --tty ubuntu:22.04, then run the following: apt-get update ...
l0b0's user avatar
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unable to modify source directory in debuild

In my project, I use CMake and the source directory is not under the debian directory. I understand that I have to use the --sourcedirectory option in the rules to set the directory containing the ...
Bruno Guerraz's user avatar
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build Debian package "chromium 108" on Debian Buster

I am trying to build chromium 108 for Debian Buster. The package only exists for Debian Bullseye, so on my Debian Buster build machine, I need to change the /etc/apt/sources.list to bullesyse and ...
Martin Vegter's user avatar
1 vote
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How to start a 3rdparty systemd service from a debian package

I have a debian package which contains configuration for systemd-networkd e.g. I configure my interface IP. That only makes sense if systemd-networkd is running. Because of that I want to ensure that ...
Sir l33tname's user avatar
3 votes
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How are binary packages isolated from host system?

How are binary packages (rpm, deb, etc) created for binutils, gcc and other packages that link to different libs depending on what exists on the host system? In the LFS project, to isolate the new ...
C. Lang's user avatar
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Is it possible to harden systemd below 7.0 if my package needs permissions to install other packages?

I am not sure if my question has a proper answer but I still wanted to try. I want to harden my app systemd, the problem is that my package needs permissions to install other packages (that is one of ...
Peksio's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

How to package my software in nix or write my own package derivation for nixpkgs

How can I write a simple derivation to package a program for nix and how can I create a PR to include it in nixpkgs? (I am writing this as I can't find simple explanations)
tobiasBora's user avatar
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apt-get is asking for an older .deb file from a local repo even after putting a newer version

I have a local repository setup on the server (server1) hosted by Nginx. It has few .deb packages and a bash script on another local server (server 2) uses the repo to install packages. I had to ...
Cruise5's user avatar
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From program to complete project, what does a "real" Unix app require?

I'm finishing off a small command-line BASIC interpreter for Unix. It currently consists of a dozen sources and headers, a makefile, test files and an Xcode project for working on the Mac. This is my ...
Maury Markowitz's user avatar
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Creating rpm/deb packages for different configurations of my app which will replace each other

TL;DR I want to ship my application in two configurations: basic package and full package with additional modules. How do i do that? I have two packages for my application for CentOS: app.rpm which is ...
tbsd's user avatar
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apt can't install anything after manually upgrading kernel to 5.18

I got a new laptop for work and now destroyed it lol I installed Debian 11 with LVM and everything I needed. How I ended up in this situation Everything was perfect, except for my docking station ...
Zio's user avatar
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dpkg-genbuildinfo: error: badly formed line in files list file, line 1

I am trying to debianize a collection of shell scripts. The build itself is quite simple, as there are no binaries to build – every file that will be installed on the target system is already present ...
user149408's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

Why are there pre-compiled packages in repositories?

I love (the way) how Linux & Co. lets users install many packages from different repositories. AFAIK, they come also with source-packages, so you can compile them by yourself. But why even bother ...
Ben's user avatar
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I need a package for my version of RHEL/EPEL/CentOS/Fedora, but it's only packaged for other versions of Redhatoids

I'm often in the situation where I backport some fedora-packaged software to CentOS, or forward-port something from an older version of EPEL to Fedora, or vice versa. How can I do that with the least ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
1 vote
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How to create from sources deb packages for different architectures

I have to install a software on some devices with debian package, it isn't available for their architectures on apt for debian (but it is available for other distibutions as e.g. ubuntu), and they ...
AndreaF's user avatar
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How to prevent broken dependencies on own packages?

Two nights ago I compiled Calamares. The next morning, when trying to run it, I got: /usr/bin/calamares: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No ...
Alberto Salvia Novella's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I build a .flatpak package file from a Flatpak manifest?

I have a Flatpak manifest I'm submitting to Flathub, but I'd also like to build a .flatpak package file that I can redistribute myself. How can I go about doing this? I don't find anything in flatpak-...
Newbyte's user avatar
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3 votes
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If I do not care about debug support in red hat packages, what are the drawbacks of turning build-id support off in the specs file?

As a follow up on this question, what if I am not interested in having these debug features - how do I simply prevent these build-id files (debug info packages?) from being installed ? Ultimately I do ...
Veverke's user avatar
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How does apt keep track of BUILD (source) dependencies?

I want to download all (recursive) build dependencies to be able to build apt (debian) package from source. However, when I apt-get install path/*.debs with debs that I got by apt build-dep --download-...
Martian2020's user avatar
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How make apt recognize newer oracle Java version

I used make-jpkg from the package java-package to create a new oracle-java8-jre Debian package. Everything works as expected, only apt wants always to update Java. Is there a way to make apt recognize ...
Max's user avatar
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