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Questions tagged [ocr]

OCR (Optical character recognition) is the conversion of an image of characters into a machine-readable encoded text. Use this tag to indicate questions involving this type of conversion or software that performs OCR. When possible indicate the software you use, source and target of the conversion.

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0 answers

What happened to Tesseract's "Math / equation detection module"?

I was able to get Tesseract to run via a Python script on my Windows machine to turn non-searchable PDFs into searchable ones. When downloading Tesseract onto windows, it asked me which languages I ...
Curious Layman's user avatar
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Making badly scanned public domain books legible with OCR

I've obtained soft copies of some very old public domain books. The illustrations are clear enough, but the text is somewhat blurry. I've experimented with Tesseract OCR and it can recognize a ...
YQ002lc2's user avatar
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OCR high res images & combine OCR data later, after image compression?

I have a large number of .tif's coming out of ScanTailor. Is there a way that I might OCR those .tif's with tesseract, holding the OCR data separate from the images; then compress the images, and ...
Diagon's user avatar
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How to scan with ocr bash script

To streamline the scan process I intend to create a script that scans and applies OCR in one step. However my bash skills are rather poor, so I would be very thankful for a bit of help. Here my ...
alex's user avatar
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MacOS-like OCR for Linux?

How can one setup the same ubiquitous OCR capabilities on Linux, in a manner similar to how one can copy text from any image in any software on MacOS and iOS? I am using EndevourOS with Gnome DE.
Pushp Vashisht's user avatar
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Make (`ocrmypdf`) command run in terminal AND include input name in that of the output

I have this line inside a Dolphin service-menu file that contains many other commands for PDF processing: Exec=bash -c 'f="%u"; ocrmypdf "$f" "${f%.pdf}_ocr.pdf";' It ...
cipricus's user avatar
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Best command-line OCR software for recognizing typed text over colorful background

I need to extract text from images like the one below: As you can see, the text is typed not handwritten. Moreover, the background is colorful. I've tried Tesseract OCR, and while it works some of ...
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How do I format texts that were processed by OCR?

Let's say that I want to connect all the paragraphs that are broken by the citations that start with (1), (2), (3), (4), (5). How would I express/automate this in bash? Keep in mind there are at most ...
Jean's user avatar
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Can I transform colors of scanned pdf files and reduce the scan resolution to save memory keeping an existing text layer from OCR?

I have a pile of pdf files which have been scanned long ago and which are already searchable (i.e. they went through OCR). However the light level and contrast settings were not optimal. Is it ...
Adalbert Hanßen's user avatar
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Using tesseract for character recongniton, result is not as expected (much worse). How to get better?

I wanted to add output of Linux boot to my question and decided to try to use optical character recognition thinking now in 2022 surely there should be decent open source options (have not tried OCR ...
Martian2020's user avatar
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NormCap OCR via Awesome Window Manager

One of the coolest programs I've come across recently, is an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) program called NormCap. I have it tied to a hot key, and anytime I want to copy un-highlightable text ...
Lonnie Best's user avatar
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Is there software to manually OCR / teach OCR for handwriting (non-english) texts?

I had a problem that can't solve Tesseract/Abbyy Finereader etc - they can't recognize handwriting Russian as example. So I search OCR software for such things or a way to manually OCR my pdfs (...
PDD's user avatar
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How to specify multiple input files for Tesseract when using the output PDF option (only works with 'parallel' on the command line)

I am trying to tesseract all files in a directory to a pdf: This command works fine: ls * | parallel -j 4 tesseract {} {.} pdf And produces a pdf for each input file. However, I am unable to get it ...
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5 votes
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Find PDFs that don't have text

I have many folders with lots of PDFs and I want to Optical Character Recognise those that do not have a text layer. So first, I want to find them. I thought that maybe a pipe with pdfgrep would do ...
fich's user avatar
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Where is ocrmypdf executable after Cygwin installation?

I followed this page to install OCRmyPDF on Cygwin. I did so from a non-administrator account, so the process ended up creating ~/.local/ for the required files. The following commands, however, do ...
user36800's user avatar
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methods of PDF compression

The Problem I have a lot of old books that I want to scan and digitize. For this, I use some flatbed scanner, xsane and GImageReader, which works great. Back a few years ago, when I was still using ...
carsten's user avatar
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How to find a word in picture and put another word in desired position?

I am an IT specialist but i am doing financial clerk job a lot! I have to put cost centers in invoices (of the IT department) - by hand! Maybe is there in Linux a technology or solution to automate ...
Юля's user avatar
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Convert scanned pdf to pdf with text and images

Is it possible to convert scanned pdf to an normal pdf (i.e. same pdf as if it was created from a document (with formatted text and images)) ? I tried many OCR solutions online/offline but they tend ...
Jean Molinier's user avatar
10 votes
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Tesseract: High CPU Usage and slow speed, only when running multiple processes in parallel

Problem pytesseract.image_to_string() takes too much time when I run the script through supervisordd, but executes almost instantaneously when run directly in shell (on the same server and ...
Ashish's user avatar
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Replace Scanned Text with OCRed Text in PDF

I have a scanned book as a PDF. When viewed in Evince, the book appears as it did when scanned, with old fashioned fonts that appear as they were scanned. However, Evince recognises the letters as ...
zhanmusi's user avatar
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How do I update this recursive directory file search for input and name outputs to handle the below case

I am updating a script that recursively goes through a directory and ocrs the pdf and updates the pdf. In its simple version, it works. ocrmypdf -l vie --deskew --clean --force-ocr --sidecar ...
pleasemarkdarkly's user avatar
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Extract hardcoded subtitles

I wanted to know if there is a way to extract hardcoded subtitles via OCR, should I do some image processing after extracting the frames in order to use tesseract afterwards? I have tried to extract ...
SkyBeast MC's user avatar
50 votes
4 answers

How to use OCR from the command line in Linux?

I have several thousand pages of scanned book pages. Each page is saved individually as a JPG. The writing is clear, but fonts vary, and the pages do include pictures and illustrations. I need to ...
Village's user avatar
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Delete OCR from PDF

I have PDF file containing corrupted OCR. It is a bunch of handwritten pages with a lot of symbols and abbreviations, and I got this file with an automatically generated OCR. How can I remove the ...
Seninha's user avatar
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OCR software for handwritten equations to get LaTeX file

First of all, I apologize if this is not the right place to ask this, but I couldn't think of anywhere else (maybe Stack Overflow?). Anyway, I'm looking for a Optical Character Recognition software (...
TomCho's user avatar
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tesseract: is it possible to change font output in OCRed pdf?

Following up on how to OCR a pdf file and get the text stored within pdf? I have successfully produced OCRed pdf pages. In Evince, however, the letters are not shown; by this I mean that I cannot see ...
ingli's user avatar
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How to OCR a PDF file and get the text stored within the PDF?

First, apologies if this has been asked before - I searched for a while through the existing posts, but could not find support. I am interested in a solution for Fedora to OCR a multipage non-...
ingli's user avatar
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How can I rasterize all of the text in a PDF?

You know when you have a pdf, which is a scan of a document and it's a really huge file, because it just stores the picture of the scanned document? And there are OCR tools which can help you to ...
Dimitri Schachmann's user avatar
2 votes
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Where I can get Tesseract binaries for Debian 6 64bit?

I used apt-get to install Tesseract but it's not really working. Maybe I could just download binaries somewhere, put in a dir and use this way? What's wrong with my Tesseract now: tesseract --help ...
buikoto's user avatar
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OCR that outputs probability data

I would like to convert printed books I own into audio by scanning them with OCR and then running the text through a TTS engine. These titles are not available as ebooks. Since OCR can make small ...
themirror's user avatar
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Create custom wordlist

I want to create a custom list of (scientific) words for purposes like spell checking and OCR based on my collection of scientific papers in pdf format. Using pdftotext I can easily create a text file ...
highsciguy's user avatar
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How to find all images containing any text?

I got a lot of images, and I need to find, which of them contain any text in English (to delete them). Is it possible to do it automatically?
Andrey Chetverikov's user avatar
4 votes
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De-obfuscate a picture with statistical information?

I need to get this kind of information into numbers, how? Perhaps related
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sed one-liner to replace word-medial capitals

I used OCR to turn some scans into plaintext, but unfortunately the letters 'fi' which are commonly joined in some fonts, got read in as capital W's. Now I need to replace all the W's with 'fi', and ...
ixtmixilix's user avatar
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Image (having text-and-numbers) to text-file matching [:alnum:] nicely with some Unix -tool?

Suppose a photograph with text and numbers. I want to manage it in my editor with tools such as grep, standard text-processing things such as Vim's block-highlighting and also more advanced things ...
user avatar
3 votes
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Linux equivalent of GraphClick?

Is there a piece of Linux software that does what GraphClick does in Mac OS X? That is, is there a Linux software that "is a graph digitizer software which allows to automatically retrieve the ...
hpy's user avatar
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Writing to picture which is scanned document

I have a scanned contract and I need to change only a few names and dates in the contract. It's easy to scan the document but impossible to ocr the document and open in *.doc format. Is there an ...
xralf's user avatar
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6 answers

Is there some sort of PDF-to-text converter?

I need PDF files in text so I can search over them in bulk from commandline. Is there some converter for Ubuntu, OBSD or similar distro? Perhaps related post, OCR with Ubuntu here.
otto's user avatar
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5 answers

OCR on Linux systems [closed]

I have always found OCR technology to be behind on open source systems. I've also watched the Ocropus project since its infancy. I've tried what I've heard is the best OCR engine available for Linux,...
jjclarkson's user avatar
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