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Questions tagged [kickstart]

The kickstart file is a file that is read during the installation of RHEL/CentOS software that automates the installation process.

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Having A Kickstart File prompt for Network Information in RHEL 9

How do I go about having RHEL ask you for the network and hostname information now that bootproto=query and asknetwork have been sunset?
Kaibien's user avatar
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Kickstart File Not Used During RHEL 6.9 Installation on UEFI System

Question: I followed the Red Hat documentation to create a Kickstart (ks) file located in the root directory of the installation image. The documentation I referred to is: Red Hat Installation Guide. ...
Tony's user avatar
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Where does the "cdrom" kickstart option search for packages?

I'm trying to create a custom ISO for various RH based distros, Oracle Linux and possibly others. I'd like my ISO to be usable offline, so I want to include all my packages in the ISO. My kickstart ...
Avatar33's user avatar
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Automate Rocky Linux 9 installation through iLo

We have an HP iLo server and we want to automate the installation process of Rocky Linux 9 OS on it. Originally, we started using Ansible ran from a host machine, however we ran into issues when ...
eur's user avatar
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Redhat 8 enabling screen sharing during kickstart

During the kickstart install I would like to enable screen sharing so that there is no manual action required. That includes setting the following options: Enabling screen sharing Allow connections ...
Bryan Abrams's user avatar
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2 answers

Setup RAID-1 in Kickstart file with 1 Disk

Is it possible to setup RAID-1 on a system with only 1 disk and later add the second one? I read the instructions from Red Hat and there is an option to add --spare= I tried this with the code below ...
giorgionasis's user avatar
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How do I create a kickstart image file from a running server

We have two identical production servers that are both running RHEL 7.6, with custom applications, on two isolated networks. We are wanting to add eight more of these servers to eight more isolated ...
PCnetMD's user avatar
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anaconda.cfg has no partition info

Attempting to duplicate the install of RHEL 7 but the anaconda.cfg/kickstart.conf does not include the directory structure of the system being used to create it?
Ronald Robinson - NOAA Federal's user avatar
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Can a kickstart file have multiple %pre or %post sections?

I am new to using ks.cfg files and came across one with 2 %post sections and thought it may be a mistake. The first %post section is empty and is just %post --nochroot %end The second %post does ...
Dave's user avatar
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What configuration must be included in a Kickstart file so packages are pulled from epel, remi, and other remote repositories?

I'm creating kickstart files for various unattended Redhat installs, but for sake of focus, let's say CentOS 7. I'm using the minimal boot iso, and as part of the boot options, I have inst.ks=https://...
user658182's user avatar
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Post-Useradd Script + Gnome Initial Login

I have a script at /etc/shadow-maint/useradd-post.d/ that takes a created username, gets their UID, adds one and prints :##=username to the end of /etc/tigervnc/vncserver.users, as well as writes a ...
nepher ki3den's user avatar
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(Fedora) Anaconda Kickstart - Post Script - Display to GUI

I am looking for a way to display messages to the user within the graphical installer during a kickstart post script. Nearly all the documentation/questions I have found have successfully explained ...
nepher ki3den's user avatar
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RHEL7 kickstart fails to contact nfs server

I have a situation where the target host is RHEL 5.x and I have to kickstart it to fresh RHEL7.9. no other option, but only ks. and KS is not working. :-( target host: (this range is allowed to ping,...
rajeev's user avatar
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How to make changes to firewall during a kickstart installation

I am trying to change some of the firewall settings during an automatic kickstart installation in the %post section on a RHEL 8 server. For example: firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --set-...
Garnet's user avatar
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When are host keys for the server generated

I am writing a hardening script to be run by kickstart during the post-installation phase. One of the requirements is to change the permissions on /etc/ssh/ssh_host*key files. My problem is that ...
Garnet's user avatar
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