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Questions tagged [ansible]

Ansible is an automation tool ("IT orchestration engine", per the company web site) for the deployment and configuration of applications and systems.

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Update password-auth Using Ansible

I would like to update /etc/pam.d/password-auth using Ansible to have the following line (or a similar one with the remember=5 argument added) password requisite remember=5 If a ...
shepster's user avatar
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Ansible AWX v17.0.1 running against EC2 instance -- ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ansible.module_utils.six.moves'

I am trying to run a simple Ansible playbook against an EC2 instance using AWX. My Ansible AWX is version 17.0.1 (running in Docker, not the Kubernetes version). I ran a 'pip3 list | grep six' and it ...
Swampcritter's user avatar
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Automate Rocky Linux 9 installation through iLo

We have an HP iLo server and we want to automate the installation process of Rocky Linux 9 OS on it. Originally, we started using Ansible ran from a host machine, however we ran into issues when ...
eur's user avatar
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Ansible error "No module named 'ansible.module_utils.six.moves'"

I used a Fedora 39 machine to manage a Fedora 39 machine, with an Ansible playbook. This worked OK. I tried to use Ubuntu 22.04 to run the same playbook, targeting the same Fedora 39 machine. It ...
sourcejedi's user avatar
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Passwordless Authentication for Ansible

I have installed ansible and created new users for controller and remote hosts. Have set up the below steps, but getting error, can anyone suggest ?? Entered user using visudo, for both controller ...
Piyush Nikhade's user avatar
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What is a difference between an id set-up to use sesu vs. being added to sudoers file?

We are upgrading Confluent version in production, where the id we have to use is set-up with sesu vs. in lower environments, the id that was used to execute Confluent provided ansible playbooks was ...
adbdkb's user avatar
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Ansible uri: send jinja template output as HTTP body

I have an ansible playbook that generates a file using a jinja2 template: - delegate_to: localhost ansible.builtin.template: src: metrics.j2 dest: metrics.txt It writes the file with ...
queeg's user avatar
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Ansible evaluate list of tab separated strings

I am running a command, after which stdout is captured in a variable. The command output lists values separated by tabs. So I have something like var.stdout_lines: [ "a1\tb1\tc1", "...
queeg's user avatar
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using tabs within block for ansible blockinfile module

I want to output some text with tab as separator using ansible here's task snippet - name: Create output file blockinfile: block: | Some text\tmore text path: '{{ playbook_dir }}/...
Sollosa's user avatar
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Forcing Server Reboots if not rebooted within X days of patching (Azure Hosted)

I host numerous RHEL 8 servers in the Azure environment. I am using a Red Hat Satellite VM to patch servers and then I rely on the owners to reboot once patching is complete. I want to implement a ...
Jared's user avatar
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create dictionary of the play_hosts and their eth0 IP address in ansible

How would I create a list of all hosts in the play and their eth0 IP address? I would like a list like this: host2ip: - host1: - host2: - host3:
Daniel Kupfer's user avatar
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Ansible synchronize module is not replacing user variable with exact user name

I tried many ways to fix the below problem, but I was not lucky enough. I have the below inventories; #cat inventory/common/group_vars/all/inventory_pwd.yml remote1_user: "devops" #cat ...
aneeshdevcube's user avatar
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Ansible - Regex in Fetch?

I'm building an ansible playbook to copy a checklist from this file and moving it to another file. I'm relatively new to ansible. Originally, I used the Copy plugin but saw Fetch may be more up my ...
shottypop's user avatar
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Edit configuration files idempotently

When editing configuration files, such as /etc/sysctl.conf for example, it is often useful to do the update in an idempotent way, meaning that if the script is executed multiple times, you don't end ...
user000001's user avatar
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ansible-doc getting started?

Is there a vimtutor eqvivalent to ansible? I know I can read up on the syntax of a particular module using ansible-doc <module> - but what if I can't recall the module name? If I find myself ...
azzid's user avatar
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