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Questions tagged [grub]

This tag is ambiguous: use grub2 or grub-legacy as appropriate.

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How to get a copy of libdevmapper 1.02.34 or later?

I am trying to update GRUB 2.06 to 2.12 on an Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS machine, following the instructions in the INSTALL textfile included in the tarball (and at the bottom of the post). Reading through ...
SuperDialga's user avatar
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Systemd[1]: Freezing execution kali linux

When launching my pc and choose to start up my kali linux from the grub list It reach to the loading screen when the desktop environment appears it spontaneously freez and after seconds I get this ...
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What is the proper way to boot Debian 12 Install CB from GRUB? Can't detect install Media

I need to set up Debian 12 on a remote system and can only access the install media through GRUB. I can boot the image, but it can't find the install media. My /etc/grub.d/40_custom entry is as ...
Kurt Fitzner's user avatar
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How do you back up an entire Fedora Linux system at the file level?

Allegedly, it is possible to back up a complete Linux installation simply by copying the root directory's contents to a new partition, thus preserving all packages, system settings, user settings, etc....
Sekibun's user avatar
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I can no longer dual boot

My setup used to be a dual boot system with Pop OS and Windows 10, which are both on separate SSD drives. It worked fine and now I recently just changed from Pop OS to fedora. In the install procedure ...
shmink's user avatar
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what are the steps to run Grub Hook Script in Debian 12.5

I have installed Software RAID 1 in Debian 12.5. I want if 1st HDD fails the automatically my system should be able to boot from 2nd HDD and visa versa. What steps I should take for the same? My ...
linux01's user avatar
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Rescue/Emergency mode with Fedora 12 and GNU GRUB 0.97

I have a problem with a VM with fedora 12. When I try to start up the VM, it gets blocked with this message. Looking in differents forums, they mention to get in rescue/emergency mode where I can use ...
ShadowFurtive's user avatar
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Stuck at GRUB prompt after fresh Slackware install: Disk Not Found, need kernel loading help

I have just completed a new install of the latest slackware which went surprisingly well. Everything completed no errors. I was prompted to reboot. But have now a problem I have no idea how to solve. ...
gaz's user avatar
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grub 2.12 compiled - grub-install gives error for encrypted boot or encrypted root with --boot-directory option

I have ubuntu 22.04 and grub compiled from git source 2.12. After grub is installed in separate directory, from there I executed grub-install with below command and it gives error for encrypted ...
mr.anand's user avatar
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Boot from USB - redirect to SSD

I reinstalled my old HP ProBook 6460b with Ubuntu 24.04. It no longer boots on the SSD (Same issue This ...
Ole Tange's user avatar
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Can't access GRUB rescue menu with any hotkey (tried SHIFT, ESC, F8, SPACE). Where is this hotkey defined?

The basic question is where is this key defined in the system? But if you need the full background story: My system doesn't boot (fails to mount) and won't allow me to access the root user from ...
Pineapple29's user avatar
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Grub BADRAM doesn't blacklist special memory range

I have a laptop with a damaged integrated RAM, so I ran memtest86+ to get the affected sectors and marked them as unusable. The issue came when modifying the grub configuration. I set the GRUB_BADRAM ...
Gerard Jensen Olmos's user avatar
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Macbook air boots directly to grub menu, can't access BIOS or Boot menu anymore

Running Macbook air 2017 with inuxmint 21.1 xfce, even if I press alt key or alt+e or command+alt+r while booting, it jumps directly to grub menu and i can't access BIOS or boot options. I can't even ...
kan's user avatar
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Cannot install working grub on LFS Linux

I have been trying to install grub for my LSF Linux but I feel a bit lost. That is because every time I install it (no errors shown) it doesn't boot my os but grub rescue shell. I tried searching for ...
Crazegi Contact's user avatar
-1 votes
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Better way to avoid Grub2 password protect on every boot? --unrestricted gets overwritten

I've read this post about only requiring the GRUB password when you're trying to edit GRUB settings, still allowing to boot into the OS without a password. The only solution I've found is to edit /etc/...
SuperDialga's user avatar
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Debian grub turn to older boot image instead of new broken

How is it possible to use an old boot image (6.1.0-18) as a default in grub and remove the newer one (6.1.0.-21) so far it's broken? apt list -i 'linux-image*' gives Listing... Done linux-image-6.1.0-...
Иван Катаев's user avatar
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Can’t boot into LFS using GRUB

I have made LFS.  But unfortunately, when I installed GRUB, I got an error that said ext2 system isn’t supported.  But I added --force into grub-install --force /dev/sda and it installed, so I tried ...
Crazegi Contact's user avatar
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What is the purpose of a bootable partition if GRUB is installed in the first 512 of the disk?

The flow from hardware boot (BIOS/UEFI) that passes off control to bootloader which loads the OS makes sense to me. Bootable partitions make sense to me. Bootloader responsibilities make sense to me. ...
Nick Kiermaier's user avatar
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Centos 7 Increase CMA Size

I have a SBC module and it has Centos 7 with 3.10.0-1160.114.2.el7.x86_64 kernel version. I have to increase CMA size to 128MB which is default 4MB. I check my kernel menuconfig and DMA Contiguous ...
Alp Er's user avatar
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SSD Multi-Boot Grub Trouble

I have 3 Linux-Distros installed on a SSD (Ubuntu, Parrot, Kali). There are all separated from each other, meaning they don't share a /home partition or anything like that. I also have no swap ...
Pascal Vallaster's user avatar
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Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS - How to avoid Grub recovery upon restart

I am new to Linux. After playing with installation of NVIDIA drivers and CUDA utils on my Dell laptop which has Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS and Windows installed, and doing some updates which I don't really ...
trainee's user avatar
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Any OS selection runs Windows instead of selected OS

I installed ubuntu22 alongside windows11 on (Lenovo Ideapad3), while installing I selected "use ubuntu alongside windows". So I did it. But for some personal reason I deleted the grub from ...
Ashraf Minhaj's user avatar
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Windows 10 not found after installing Bliss OS

I have a problem similar to this one: Windows 10 disk not found when trying to boot from Grub I installed BlissOS next to Windows 10. Booting BlissOS works but booting Windows results in error: Error: ...
Dawid's user avatar
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Why won't Ventoy boot from a flash drive

I recently bought a used Laptop, which had a German xUbuntu installation. I am vaguely familiar with xUbuntu. Because it was in German I wasn't able to find my way around and decided to just plug in ...
NeskoSRB7's user avatar
-2 votes
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How can I change the GRUB background theme in Kali Linux?

How can I get back the GRUB boot theme which changed when I upgraded the GNOME desktop environment. I am also getting a Fedora 12 image on rebooting or shutdown This is the original theme I want back: ...
ALLAOUA Okba's user avatar
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Reboot and select proper boot device SSD error EVERY TIME SSD is disconnected

While I have figured out how to do this on a one-time basis, the issue happened again. So the question remains - why, whenever I unplug the SSD from the SATA port on the AAEON EMB-BT1 itx board, does ...
Cheetaiean's user avatar
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fresh install of MX-linux ahs cannot boot the first time

i use a chromebook with mrchromebox's custom firmware, had resorted to installing the ahs version as it is the only way through which i can get sound to work (i only know this because it worked on the ...
Lurkinghindu's user avatar
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PXE boot on UEFI clients and client-dependent configuration file

Everybody seems to be using GRUB to boot UEFI machines via PXE from the network. While it works, it lacks an important feature to be able to direct certain known clients right away. GRUB just requests ...
Nikita Kipriyanov's user avatar
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Windows won't show up on the grub after I dual boot with kali

When I installed the kali linux with dual boot, the windows dual boot wont show on the grub. It was just an Run kali linux and Advance options. I tried already many possible solutions in the internet ...
Serella's user avatar
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Rebooting into Ubuntu without using BIOS settings

I have a remote PC(connected through team viewer) setup with Ubuntu 22 and Windows 11, the boot priority is set to boot into windows. Currently I am booted into Ubuntu 22, due a CUDA issue I have to ...
Navaneetha Krishnan's user avatar
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Installing tree installed grub - is it something to worry about?

I just installed tree via sudo apt-get install tree and my terminal suddenly decided to update grub. Last week, I installed tree, and a similar thing happened. However, when I restarted my PC later ...
Yimeca's user avatar
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Boot a kernel of debian installer with expert mode

I want to reinstall my VPS with the debian's official repository, instead of with the image provided by the VPS operator(I don't trust the VPS operator). On original system I installed debian-...
Leon's user avatar
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Windows 10 disk not found when trying to boot from Grub

I just installed Bliss OS 16 on my laptop. I can boot to Bliss OS just fine but when I tried booting to Windows it gave the me Error: disk 'hdWindows' not found instead. During GRUB2 installation a ...
Polaris144's user avatar
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grub2: which /boot/efi/EFI/*/grub.cfg does it read?

I have a dualboot linux, fedora and almalinux. After installing almalinux, I couldn't see the fedora's kernel versions, just multiple entries of Fedora. Most of the links I found are wrong. https://...
None's user avatar
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Moving /boot, how to update grub to find new location /boot/grub2/i386-pc/{core,boot}.img

Grub2 systems hard-code the location of stage2 files. This info is stored in the bootloader partition. I understand that grub-install will write this and more. My question is how does grub2-install ...
Steve H's user avatar
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Physical memory addressing and Hugepage allocation on Linux/GRUB with x86 asymmetrical memory channels

Let’s say you have a modern AMD/Intel x86 machine with 2 DRAM DIMMs, configured as asymmetrical dual channel. One of them is 16GB and the other 48GB. In this case, I want to forbid general usage of ...
hurryman2212's user avatar
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How to boot UEFI windows from BIOS GRUB?

I have one disc partitioned in GPT mode by Windows 10 with whatever sadly Windows 10 installation created there. /dev/sda1 2048 206847 204800 100M EFI System /dev/sda2 206848 ...
KamilCuk's user avatar
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Recover windows 10 installation, grub does not detect it, unsafe state upon mounting

I'm pretty sure I did something 1-2 months ago that borked my windows installation (I forgot what it was), now I can't boot into it, the partition is still there and I can see my files. But I can only ...
Liso's user avatar
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Grub menu not visible on TV (but working)

My question is similar to this one: GRUB Menu Not Visible To summarize, GRUB seems to be working in so far that it times-out after the expected 10s I set, and starts the expected default OS, but I can'...
PiRK's user avatar
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My instance is not booting and only shows “System setup” on the console connection

I'm using Oracle's Free Tier with Oracle Linux as my VPS. A couple of days ago, I tried to install some apps and the system is down. When I connect to the console connection, It's something like this: ...
John Doe's user avatar
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When I turn on the computer ( or restart ) the screen turns on and off three times before booting grub. How to stop this behaviour?

OS: Arch Linux x86_64 Host: 81Y3 IdeaPad L3 15IML05 Kernel: 6.8.1-arch1-1 ~ λ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS sr0 11:0 1 1024M 0 rom nvme0n1 259:0 0 476....
white-hat-er's user avatar
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Change GRUB2 menu entry

I'm attempting to change the name of an existing entry in the GRUB2 menu from "Red Hat Enterprise Linux blah blah blah" to "My Linux Distro" (or anything!) but no matter what I do, ...
lmnopq1234's user avatar
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Reading content of non-mounted filesystems

I want to read the content of not mounted filesystems. This works fine with grub-fstest /dev/sdba1 ls /. But this does not work, if the partition is mounted: grub-fstest /dev/sdba1 ls / grub-fstest: ...
guettli's user avatar
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Fix boot partition & boot loader for Fedora 39

I ran dnf upgrade --refresh nd it told me that there's not enough room on my /boot partition to apply it so I pulled up a guide with Google to extend the /boot partition which went something like (I ...
stdcerr's user avatar
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Can I use whatever method GRUB uses to interact with keyboard inside the main system?

This question is effectively a follow-up to this one (to which I haven't got a satisfactory answer, also look there for the list of things I tried to fix the keyboard problem). My new laptop has a ...
Daigaku no Baku's user avatar
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Archlinux does not boot from sda2

Due to the lack of space on the EFI partition in sda1 (128 MB), I was forced to configure an existing Archlinux system with EFI (/boot) on sda2. The reconfiguration process from USB (pacstrap, arch-...
Nellinux's user avatar
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GRUB starts in grub> command line after reboot

After converting a physical Ubuntu_18.04 machine into a virtual one (ESXi under vCenter control), I encountered the following window appearing when booting. After I enter the “exit” command, the ...
Nikolay T's user avatar
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Customising Grub for Windows with Ubuntu 23 installed

I've been trying to add a grub menu item for Windows 10 on my system. I've successfully added an entry by creating a custom menu entry but each time it fails to work - with an error that /efi/EFI/...
Ray's user avatar
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os-prober finds nixos, but it doesn't appear in grub menu

If I run update-grub it sees all the OSes on my machine (Mint, Windows (work), Windows (games) and NixOs): ➜ ~ sudo update-grub Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub' Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub.d/...
stib's user avatar
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Clone a Linux partition to a new SSD and keep both partitions in GRUB

I have the following disks and partitions: sda 8:0 0 238,5G 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 16M 0 part ├─sda2 8:2 0 174,5G 0 part ├─sda3 8:3 0 529M 0 part └─sda4 8:4 0 63,...
Tiamin's user avatar
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