I have installed Software RAID 1 in Debian 12.5. I want if 1st HDD fails the automatically my system should be able to boot from 2nd HDD and visa versa.

What steps I should take for the same?

My Server has GPT disk partition. My 1st HDD has /boot/efi but not the 2nd HDD.

So from this article I have understood that I have to Format Grub Partition of 2nd HDD and mount the same on /boot/efi2.

I have created the Grub Hook Script "/etc/grub.d/90_copy_to_boot_efi2" as mentioned in the above article.

Do I need to have the same name of the script or any other name will do ?

what are the steps to be run after creating script ?

Do I need to install grub in both the HDD and then run update-grub ?

Please clarify on the steps to be performed.


1 Answer 1


You can take a look at :


Which provide a detailed answer.

Check that rsync is installed and /etc/grub.d/90_copy_to_boot_efi2 is executable.

Then run grub-mkconfig.

If I understand correctly, /etc/grub.d/90_copy_to_boot_efi2 will be executed every time grub-mkconfig is executed.

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