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Questions tagged [csh]

The C shell (csh), once one of the two major Unix shells with the Bourne shell. Csh had more advanced interactive feature but has been surpassed by modern Bourne-style shells such as zsh and bash.

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bjobs output not being stored properly in variable

So, I have the following script: #!/bin/bash while : do bjobs_output=$(bjobs) echo HELLO echo $bjobs_output echo WORLD sleep 1 done I am running the command in a cshell because ...
Philip Wee's user avatar
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"^M: Command not found" from script [duplicate]

I am trying to run the following script. #!/bin/csh # USAGE EXAMPLE: solve_mysteries.scr ops6.txt 2 # USAGE EXAMPLE: solve_mysteries.scr allops.txt 1800 set opsfile = $1 set maxtime = $2 set f = $3 ...
Betaglutamate's user avatar
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Can't create an alias in tcsh shell when trying to sed some string with .*

I'm trying to create this alias in tcsh shell: alias repeat 'zgrep -i __NCELAB_SNAPSHO \!* | grep -v make | grep -v Flags | sed 's#CODE_COVERAGE_TYPES.*TEST_DONE=1##g'' And getting an error: alias:...
user1980750's user avatar
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Why is xterm not found in my C shell and how can I add it as I find it in TERM

I get this error: X terminal for some input / output, please make sure "xterm" command can be found in your PATH environment When I echo $TERM I get xterm. But xterm cannot be found on my ...
glen's user avatar
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Without nohup on csh, background job still running after ssh exits

I'm trying to understand the need for using nohup with background commands in ssh. My shell is csh on CentOS. The background command below continues running even after ssh exits. I was expecting this ...
neo_coder's user avatar
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csh to get difference been start and end time both inputs in hh:mm:ss format

./script.csh 05:25:00 02:30:50 should return output in mins since i am looping through the series recursively how to compare values with new large value . would | bc work in csh ?
Avinash_cdns's user avatar
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csh/tcsh Tab Completion with "complete = enhance" Strange Behavior

set complete = enhance is put in .cshrc, and we have two files, test_ab_dd.c and test_abc_dd.c. If I type test_ab_<TAB> in the command line, csh DOES NOT autocomplete to test_ab_dd.c. It ...
allpan's user avatar
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file name matching

I have 2 folders with number of files with a pattern of File-1 File-2 My code goes like foreach d (`cat deck_list`) foreach c (`cat cars_list`...
user396007's user avatar
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How to read and replace with two arguments file in Cshell?

I'm trying to make a script what automatically replace a word in the text file. In a.v, BIRA_0 0 BIRA_1 400 BIRA_2 800 BIRA_3 C00 ... in b.v, BIRA_0[25:0] BIRA_0[95:26] BIRA_0[125:96]...
Carter's user avatar
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Validate the user input against a specific pattern BASH

if ($input !~ [[:upper:-]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:-]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]) then goto error1 else echo $input endif I have tried the above code to match the pattern "P-70-90" ...
Vikram Tidake's user avatar
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Find and print permissions command in a csh file

Trying to create a .csh file that can find and display permission of the files in the directory. Using the following content of the script #!/bin/csh -b find . type -f \( -name "*.sh" -o -name "*....
sxa144's user avatar
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pipe into if then in csh/tcsh

I would like to have a csh script to test a variable between two pipes. For example (the incoming resembles a json file but without the newlines and indentations): set debug = 1 cat test.inp | if ($...
gammarayon's user avatar
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How can I dynamically change a path in my aliases?

I have a bunch of aliases in my .cshrc file which use the path: /projects/project_name/my_name/$CLIENT I've written a short script which is intended to take a folder name from my working directory ...
tombam95's user avatar
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Which of the following commands created a bash subshell

Which of the following commands created a bash subshell? bash bsh csh None of the above This question asked in recent exam and i was unable to answer. Can any one give me right ...
akki sharma's user avatar
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How to use if on csh FreeBSD from test if file is older then X minutes

I have the following code working in Debian system's: for File in "${Files[@]}"; do if test "`find $FolderDownload/$File -cmin -190`" ; then echo "File is new then 3 hours" # Set ...
Wisdom's user avatar
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