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Questions tagged [alias]

An alias is essentially nothing more than a keyboard shortcut, an abbreviation, a means of avoiding typing a long command sequence. This can save a great deal of typing at the command-line and avoid having to remember complex combinations of commands and options.

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2 answers

How to write an alias or bash script that renames a single file using the same syntax as the `ren` command of Windows?

I am a long-term a Windows user, so I find the syntax of the ren command both simple and convenient: ren C:\pathTo\myFile\oldFileName.txt newFileName.txt I want to be able to use the same syntax on ...'s user avatar
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Are there alternatives to alias I'm not aware of?

Today I started to notice weird behavior running a local command for a binary installed through Go. It seems the command is aliased, but consulting alias, it isn't. The command buf somehow executes cp!...
Tim's user avatar
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how to alias the `history` function in fish shell

I'm trying to set the fish history pager to be bat -l fish for syntax highlighting. (i.e. set the PAGER environment variable bat -l fish just for the history command). I tried: # 1: alias history &...
matan h's user avatar
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How to escape both single quotes and exclamation marks in bash

I have a long command and I just want to use alias to shorten it. But the command contains single quotes and exclamation marks. The origin command is ldapsearch -x -H ... -w 'abc!123'. I tried alias ...
Donghua Liu's user avatar
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Can't unalias then redefine as a function in the same conditional [duplicate]

Here is a simplified implementation of an issue in my bash/zsh aliases file: alias foobar='echo bar' # this is out of my control if true; then unalias foobar echo we got inside the conditional ...
Adam Katz's user avatar
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Is it possible to use a command with an argument to trigger a bash alias?

I have a program that tries to trigger a screenlock using the following commands: xdg-screensaver lock xscreensaver -lock cinnamon-screensaver-command --lock The problem is that I'm using ...
guttermonk's user avatar
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Zsh zinit load OhMyZsh plugin skipping aliases

I want to use these plugins using zinit to load git completions in zsh zinit wait lucid for \ OMZL::git.zsh \ OMZP::git But I don't care about the aliases, there are really too much aliases I ...
fchastanet's user avatar
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Is there a way I can use .bash_aliases in a shell-scripts? [duplicate]

Is there a way I can use bash aliases from my .bash_aliases file within a shell-scripts? I thought of something like including source "$HOME/.bash_aliases into my script but it does not work.
nath's user avatar
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How can I call git's built-in diff command directly after configuring a different visual "git diff" substitute?

I have configured git diff to be a command that calls substitute diff for viewing file differences i.e /usr/bin/vim -dR "$2" "$3" and that doesn't work when I want to create a ...
vfclists's user avatar
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Can I reprogram the pwd command to add a trailing slash?

WHen I use the pwd command, it prints e.g /opt instead of /opt/. I would like it to print the trailing slash. However, I tried adding the following line to my ~/.bash_aliases file: alias pwd=" ...
K.defaoite's user avatar
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alias defined in .zshrc does not propagate to shell script

I have python installed on my system as python3. In my .zshrc file I defined following alias: alias python=python3 With this, I am able to run python3 using python on the command-line: $ python ...
morpheus's user avatar
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How can I remove aliases "which-command=whence" and "run-help=man"?

I'm running Artix Linux and using zsh, and these two aliases return no matter how many times I unalias them or remove them from my aliasrc: run-help=man which-command=whence And they don't exist in ...
swishkin's user avatar
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Can i used these aliases in some sort of config file?

I have many of these kinds of aliases, the part before = is the host in ssh config alias sshConfigHost='ssh -t hostname docker exec -it containerName bash' Could I add these to some sort of config ...
Nickotine's user avatar
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ksh88 string substitution in alias | mpv streaming [duplicate]

tl;dr how can I substitute a string (i.e. a youtube/streaming url) in an alias such as alias mpvyt='yt-dlp <URL> -o - | mpv - ' ? I live in a mezzanine studio using a M1 macbook for a ...
sylvainsab's user avatar
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How to show help for some bash command in less (like man do) rather than print it to console

For example, there is no manual pages for trap command. Running: man trap will give: No manual entry for trap Running: trap --help will print help straight to bash console without using less like ...
Anton Samokat's user avatar
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Converting a tcsh alias into zsh

I had a tcsh alias as follows: alias cdd 'cd `dirname \!*`' I use this to change the directory to the one containing a certain file. For instance, cdd /Users/myself/Document/Folder/File.pdf would ...
leparc's user avatar
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nushell - how to list aliases?

The official docs of nushell claim that one is able to list available aliases via: $nu.scope.aliases However this does not work on my Arch Linux machine: /home/rne〉pacman -Q nushell ...
Richard Neumann's user avatar
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How to config alias on RedHat server?

I'm using a server where I'm a common user (non-sudo). I access the server through ssh. Here's the output of some commands run on the server: [username@machinename: ~]$ ps -p $$ PID TTY ...
pvti's user avatar
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Ubuntu WSL2 startup error "is a directory" upon adding 'alias dsa='cd /home/rj/programming' to .bashrc

I added the following alias to .bashrc alias dsa='cd /home/rj/programming/dsa' and when I type dsa in the shell, bash does indeed change to that directory but when the shell starts up I get a strange ...
lkilgoretrout's user avatar
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Unix Command (and bash alias) or script to band/unban IP addresses in Fail2ban without having to lookup and specify "jail name"

I am creating a bash alias (or possibly a script) to ban and unban IP addresses with fail2ban on Ubuntu 20.04. The bash syntax I am using to unban IP address is: fail2ban-client set YOURJAILNAMEHERE ...
DanRan's user avatar
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Sourcing alias fails - No such file or directory

I have a large number of shell scripts in a deep directory tree with varying versions. To simplify using these I added a function to create an alias (selected via command line option): function ...
symcbean's user avatar
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Bash script ignores all terminal input following an underscore [duplicate]

Goal My server manages jobs using SLURM. Each job in the queue has a job ID, which can be either a single integer or two integers separated by an underscore, e.g., 123_4. You can use scontrol show job ...
Jamin's user avatar
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Command doens't work when aliased

I have a command created and I am trying to convert it to an alias to make it easier to use, however I am unable to solve the problem as to how best to format it. Can you help me? The principle of the ...'s user avatar
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How to use alias command with a paramiko SSHClient connection?

I am trying to execute the following, with no success getting either the 'py3start' or the 'py3test' alias commands recognized - (I introduced the 'py3test' for testing purposes to check if setting ...
aeon's user avatar
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How can I alias `...` to `../..` in Bash?

How can I alias ... to ../.. in Bash? I am aware that other answers allow alias '...'='cd ../..' but I'd like to be able to address the directory two levels up with other commands, allowing for: cd ......
Anil's user avatar
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zsh: alias'd commands stop working

This keeps happening and I'm not sure why. How do I trace what zsh is actually trying to do, and why it starts ignoring my alias? ************@*******-MacBook-Pro$ reload zsh: command not found: ...
Harv's user avatar
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Order in which files within /etc/profile.d are sourced in CentOS 7.9? (for defining aliases)

I have a question related to aliases/environment variables on CentOS 7.9. I am trying to make an alias for ll with: echo 'alias ll="ls -alhF --color=auto"' > /etc/profile.d/ ...
Tristan's user avatar
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Alias + and - in zsh?

For years I've used + and - as aliases for pushd and popd in both csh and bash. I've finally given up on my Macs and want to switch to zsh but I haven't been able to find a way to make these aliases. ...
sfjac's user avatar
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Prevent alias expansion when alias is passed as an argument

I have two aliases: alias rm='python my/rm/ ' alias docker='sudo docker ' The problem is that when running the statement $ docker rm ARGS the keyword rm is being expanded as alias and docker ...
Firelord's user avatar
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How to navigate to a previous line in a bash script

I have a bash script with a lot of if/elif statements. Is there a way to take the output of a command, and make it execute the associated if/elif statement, rather than the default version of the ...
Lee's user avatar
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How to substitute one file path for another everywhere for my profile

I am using some software on a shared Linux virtual machine, and I need to create my own version of one of the software's executable files. Let's say the executable file in question is here: $...
j_manson's user avatar
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How I alias a hostname without root access vis-a-vis gethostbyname?

I'm running a program which does (in its source code): gethostbyname("whatever"); and I want it to use the local machine's address instead. I can't change the source. If I were root, it ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Quoting arguments for alias commands. How does that work?

I added alias for my git log command: $ alias gl alias gl='gn -c git log -w -b -p --ignore-blank-lines --full-history' $ alias gn alias gn='git-number' -n flag of git-number command runs subcommand, ...
Eugen Konkov's user avatar
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alias for watch command gets stopped?

I create this alias, so that aliases get expanded in the watch statement. > alias w='watch -x bash -i -c' > alias k=kubectl I execute it: > w 'k get pods; echo; k get svc' After two seconds ...
guettli's user avatar
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setting alias for sourcing a script, to run that script in jenkins with restricted permissions

I want to run source ./script_name instead of ./script_name. Can I create an alias for this ? The Jenkins job will run the script as ./script_name and I can't edit the way it will run the script on ...
Anubhav Rai's user avatar
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Alias for the "su" Command

BASH SHELL; DEBIAN STRETCH As seen here, I've created a "seems to work OK, most of the time" alias function for the su command (actually, I'm not able to find any problems with it...yet). I'...
Digger's user avatar
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tilde_expand: No such user .ssh

I have this weirdest error where a single IP address with ssh would immediately return an error arthur@arthur-laptop:~$ ssh tilde_expand: No such user .ssh I feel like it's an issue with ...
Arthur Attout's user avatar
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How openbox knows .bash_aliases used in its autostart file

I'm using two commands in a file executed by my .config/openbox/ which are also aliased in my .bash_alises and one of them changes from time to time. The thing is that I also use these ...
Nepumuk's user avatar
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bashrc alias using ticks and backticks not working

I would like to create in .bashrc an alias which executes the following: virsh list --all | sed '1,2d' | sed '/^$/d'| awk '{print $2" state:"$3" "$4}' I've tried in different ways ...
Marius Ardelean's user avatar
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How to list only the aliases defined by the user?

I'm using the ZSH and defined some aliases (stored in multiple fines, that are loaded in the ~/.zshrc). That is working fine. Executing the command alias allows to list all available aliases. Now I'd ...
automatix's user avatar
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Alias piping into awk

I am trying to create an ll with awk pipe alias. I am trying to escape the apostrophes using the following answers. alias lh= `ll -h | awk {'print $9, \"-\" ,$5, \"-\", $8, \"...
zerberus's user avatar
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How to pass 2nd argument when 1st argument is defaulted to its value in command line?

cdcl() { vlog -source -lint +define+"${1:-DEBUG}" -sv "${2:-*.sv}"; } Above is my fucnction, i defined it in .bashrc file. Below is my command line % cdcl 'RANDOM' 'abc....
Harsha's user avatar
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Display alias with substitutions

Is there a way to display aliases after bash has made the substitutions? Background: I have a long alias that performs actions on a directory. alias do_it='cd my_working_dir; do_stuff' This works ...
JS.'s user avatar
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Ubuntu on Windows Terminal Hanging After Creating an Alias for Starship Prompt

Distro: Ubuntu-18.04 (running on Windows 10 WSL2) My terminal for any new Ubuntu instance is completely frozen with the message "Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal" This happened ...
Safwan Hossain's user avatar
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Set alias to run python venv setup based on current directory name

Can't seem to figure out what the issue is. This is on a Fedora 37 with default setup (bash, gnome, etc...). What I want to achieve is to create an alias that creates a python virtual environment, ...
calexandru's user avatar
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use aliases in bash script

I use aliases in my code, it works the first time and shows the current time, but the second time, when I call it shows past time(time showed before instead of current time) GNU nano 6.2 ...
Milad Alkhamis's user avatar
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Last login command, alias in csh

In the C shell, how can we display the login history of a particular user using an alias in such a way that the user only enters the alias name and the number of lines to be displayed without typing ...
learner's user avatar
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How to write a function that takes an argument string that does not need to be quoted?

I'm writing a function, adding it to ~/.zshrc on my Mac. It's in order to more quickly handle commands to youtube-dl. I have this: function dlv() { cd /Users/admin/Downloads youtube-dl ...
Alfie Stoppani's user avatar
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How should alias in command substitution behave?

I tested a few scripts with different shells, and the results differ. # test 1 foo(){ echo $(al);} alias al='echo 123' foo # test 2 alias al='echo 123' foo(){ echo $(al);} alias al='echo abc' foo # ...
anonymous's user avatar
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can we trigger some action if we `cd` into directory? [duplicate]

I have multiple projects over various languages like JavaScript, Python. I wonder if Linux provides some functionality to trigger some actions automatically if we cd into a particular directory? For ...
Visrut's user avatar
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