For years, the OOM killer of my operating system doesn't work properly and leads to a frozen system.
When the memory usage is very high, the whole system tends to "freeze" (in fact: becoming extremely slow) for hours or even days, instead of killing processes to free the memory.
The maximum that I have recorded is 7 days before resigning myself to operate a reset.
When OOM is about to be reached, the iowait is very very high (~ 70%), before becoming unmeasurable.
The tool: iotop has showed that every programs are reading at a very high throughput (per tens of MB/sec) from my hard drive.
What those programs are reading ?
- The directory hierarchy ?
- The executable code itself ?
I don't exactly now.

[edited] At the time I wrote this message (in 2017) I was using an uptodate ArchLinux (4.9.27-1-lts), but had already experienced the issue for years before.
I have experienced the same issue with various Linux distributions and different hardware configurations.
Currently (2019), I am using an uptodate Debian 9.6 (4.9.0) I have 16 GB of physical ram, a SSD on which my OS is installed, and not any swap partition.

Because of the amount of ram that I have, I don't want to enable a swap partition, since it would just delay the apparition of the issue.
Also, with SSDs swapping too often could potentially reduce the lifespan of the disk.
By the way, I've already tried with and without a swap partition, it has proved to only delay the apparition of the problem, but not being the solution.

To me the problem is caused by the fact that Linux drops essential data from the caches, which leads to a frozen system because it has to read everything, every time from the hard drive.

I even wonder if Linux wouldn't drop the executable code pages of running programs, which would explain why programs that normally don't read a lot of data, behave this way in this situation.

I have tried several things in the hope to fix this issue.
One was to set /proc/sys/vm/min_free_kbytes to 1000000 (1 GB).
Because this 1 GB should remain free, I thought that this memory would be reserved by Linux to cache important data.
But it hasn't worked.

Also, I think useful to add that even if it could sound great in theory, restricting the size of the virtual memory to the size of the physical memory, by defining /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory to 2 isn't decently technically possible in my situation, because the kind of applications that I use, require more virtual memory than they effectively use for some reasons.
According to the file /proc/meminfo, the Commited_AS value is often higher than the double of the physical ram on my system (16 GB, Commited_AS is often > 32 GB).

I have experienced this problem with /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory to its default value: 0, and for a while I have defined it to: 1, because I preferred programs to be killed by the OOM killer rather than behaving wrongly because they don't check the return values of malloc when the allocations are refused.

When I was talking about this issue on IRC, I have met other Linux users who have experienced this very same problem, so I guess that a lot of users are concerned by this.
To me this is not acceptable since even Windows deals better with high memory usage.

If you need more information, have a suggestion, please tell me.


They talk about it:
Why does linux out-of-memory (OOM) killer not run automatically, but works upon sysrq-key?
Why does OOM-killer sometimes fail to kill resource hogs?
Preloading the OOM Killer
Is it possible to trigger OOM-killer on forced swapping?
How to avoid high latency near OOM situation?

  • 1
    I think this is what you should expect, if you're thrashing, but you're not really approaching 100% "used" i.e. there is too much memory usage which is file-backed, counted as "buff/cache". (Ugh, this phrasing assumes your tmpfs allocations are trivial, as these show up as "buff/cache", but cannot be paged out to a physical filesystem). min_free_kbytes is not relevant, it's not a reserve for cached pages. AFAICT none of the vm sysctls allow reserving any memory specifically for cached pages, i.e. limiting MAP_ANONYMOUS allocations :(.
    – sourcejedi
    Commented Jun 28, 2017 at 19:41
  • 5
    I've been looking for a solution for this exact issue for years now without any success. I believe I first noticed the problem after replacing my HDD by an SSD, which also entailed me disabling swapping altogether, but I can't really guarantee that it never happened before these changes, so it might be unrelated. I'm on Archlinux btw. Commented Aug 8, 2017 at 11:59
  • 2
    I have just posted on Arch Linux forums about this. Commented Jan 23, 2018 at 22:37
  • 1
    @dsstorefile1 Thank you, I will try that. But how could it trigger the OOM killer for sure when the kernel in this situation can not do it properly ?
    – M89
    Commented Jan 11, 2019 at 17:52
  • 1
    It helped when chrome managed to leak through all my RAM... (Although I eventually added an actual disk swap partition as well and eventually upgraded to a decent amount of RAM) Commented Jan 16, 2019 at 16:56

3 Answers 3


I've found two explanations(of the same thing) as to why kswapd0 does constant disk reading happens well before OOM-killer kills the offending process:

  1. see the answer and comment of this askubuntu SE answer
  2. see the answer and David Schwartz's comments of this answer on unix SE

I'll quote here the comment from 1. which really opened my eyes as to why I was getting constant disk reading while everything was frozen:

For example, consider a case where you have zero swap and system is nearly running out of RAM. The kernel will take memory from e.g. Firefox (it can do this because Firefox is running executable code that has been loaded from disk - the code can be loaded from disk again if needed). If Firefox then needs to access that RAM again N seconds later, the CPU generates "hard fault" which forces Linux to free some RAM (e.g. take some RAM from another process), load the missing data from disk and then allow Firefox to continue as usual. This is pretty similar to normal swapping and kswapd0 does it. – Mikko Rantalainen Feb 15 at 13:08

If anyone has a way as to how to disable this behavior(maybe recompile kernel with what options?), please let me know as soon as possible! Much appreciated, thanks!

UPDATE: The only way I've found thus far is through patching the kernel, and it works for me with swap disabled(ie. CONFIG_SWAP is not set) but doesn't work for others with swap enabled it seems; see the patch inside this question.

  • Please remove text that is not valid. Do not tag edits with "EDIT" in the text. They are obvious from the revision history.
    – Kusalananda
    Commented Jan 12, 2019 at 10:35
  • 2
    @Kusalananda This user should be encouraged since he is probably the one who contributed the most.
    – M89
    Commented Jan 12, 2019 at 21:37
  • @Kusalananda I thought it was important to keep them so that others could see what (else) was tried and didn't work. Perhaps UPDATE instead of EDIT would've been better?
    – user306023
    Commented Jan 15, 2019 at 22:51
  • @MarcusLinsner No, sorry, you've misunderstood. Showing what you've tried is what you do when you ask a question. The answer should be correct for the question as it is currently posed. I mean, one edit even asks the reader to ignore the previous edits. If one is interested in seeing the edit history, you may see it here.
    – Kusalananda
    Commented Jan 16, 2019 at 6:25

EarlyOOM utility is a practical solution to this problem. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/EnableEarlyoom

This utility will monitor memory usage and kill large consumers before total memory usage crosses a configurable threshold (e.g. 95%).

It is packaged for Arch Linux in earlyoom package, which ships with a systemd service, so you can have it setup quickly:

pacman -S earlyoom
systemctl enable earlyoom
systemctl start earlyoom

I have been using it for several weeks, and it's a night-and-day difference: no more frozen system, despite pushing the system to the limit with a few memory guzzling applications (Java, Electron, and browsers). I've not witnessed it kill the wrong process, which I suppose can happen in theory. Perhaps this is an unsolvable problem in theory, as so much explanation has been written on the web about it, but in practice, the simple heuristic works extremely well.

  • 1
    Best way to fix it is that kernel developpers do something to force the kernel to stay in RAM whatever happens. That, or even forcing everything that was in RAM when you've just booted to the desktop, to the RAM at all times. We do have early-oom and systemd-oomd, but you can still easily get a system freeze since it's based on how much percent of RAM is left (we can still OOM with only 70% of your RAM used, or even less) instead of killing the biggest non-system process that starts to trash I/O because Linux still really can't calculate the real amount of unreclaimable cache/buffers.
    – X.LINK
    Commented Jan 22, 2021 at 0:33
  • Tested, it works nicely. github.com/rfjakob/earlyoom/issues/242#issuecomment-781903731
    – ceremcem
    Commented Feb 19, 2021 at 8:38
  • Project repo github.com/rfjakob/earlyoom
    – qwr
    Commented Mar 30, 2022 at 22:51

The memory.min parameter in the cgroups-v2 memory controller should help.

Namely, let me quote:

Hard memory protection. If the memory usage of a cgroup is within its effective min boundary, the cgroup’s memory won’t be reclaimed under any conditions. If there is no unprotected reclaimable memory available, OOM killer is invoked.

Source : https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/cgroup-v2.html

  • 7
    Could you elaborate please? Your answer falls a little bit short in answering OP question.
    – Paradox
    Commented Jun 23, 2019 at 14:08

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