being entrepreneurish…

This entry is part 2 of 22 in the series, 2011: A look back A look forward

Is that even a word?  If it isn’t, you read it hear first!  Let’s continue the series I started yesterday: What I wrote last year: As part of paying down our debt I’m going to start trying out different ways of monetizing some of the things I do on the internets.  I’ve already started somewhat […]


This entry is part 3 of 22 in the series, 2011: A look back A look forward

I will admit.  I’m kind of a stats freak.  I like keeping track of things and seeing changes happen.  Even though that is something I like though, I’m not into blogging for the numbers.  Still, to me, numbers are cool. With that said,  as I continue my series on “Looking Back, Looking Forward“, this post […]


This entry is part 4 of 22 in the series, 2011: A look back A look forward

This post continues the series I’ve been writing on as a part of my year in review.  Here’s something else I wrote last year when thinking about the year ahead: One of the highlights in the past year for me was taking some training on being a leadership coach.  Every now and then I think […]

guest blogging

This entry is part 6 of 22 in the series, 2011: A look back A look forward

Let’s keep going on this series shall we?  Here’s what I wrote around this time last year: On that note, it’d be an awesome honor to be invited to be a guest blogger on one of the blogs I read. Dunno if I have anything to offer, but still it’d be cool. What happened I still think it’d […]


This entry is part 7 of 22 in the series, 2011: A look back A look forward

This post continues the series I’ve been writing as I reflect on 2010.  This has been neat thinking through some of the things I aimed for in the New Years post I wrote last year and what actually happened.  Let’s continue: I hope to continue volunteering for some great causes (along with continuing the work I […]

what matters

This entry is part 8 of 22 in the series, 2011: A look back A look forward

Been away from here the last couple days, but now I’m back.  Let’s continue this series shall we?  Last year I wrote a “looking forward” kind of post for some of the things I hoped to accomplish, change in the coming year.  This year I’m writing a series of post reflecting on that list and […]

memory work

This entry is part 9 of 22 in the series, 2011: A look back A look forward

It’s time for another post in this series.  Here’s another thing I wrote last year around this time: I’m going to be memorizing scripture through the year along with others in my church family who are joining in the journey (I’ll be posting about this sometime in the next two weeks).  My 8 year old daughter […]

getting in the Word

This entry is part 10 of 22 in the series, 2011: A look back A look forward

I’ve been away from here again for a few days and it’s turning this series I’ve been writing into a month long reflection.  Nevertheless, I am determined to finish this! So let’s continue (if you’re new to this series, you can click here for some context). Here’s what I wrote last year: I love and […]