10 tips for a productive and impactful life

A colleague recently gave me a nice compliment. He said, “I recognize you as one of the most productive and impactful people in Automattic.” He followed up with a question, “What is your secret? What advice or tips can you share with someone like me?” The compliment was encouraging – there are some days I […]

A tribute to my sister

On the evening of April 5th, 2022, my sister made her journey from this life to the next. My heart is heavy and full of grief. Still. Writing this has been cathartic. I’ve started and stopped many times over the past few months. Often weeping. It’s my attempt to honour her memory and ease the […]

Into the next decade…

It’s been a while since I’ve written one of these year end, year beginning posts, but this is a significant year as the 2010’s draw to a close and the 2020’s have begun. So I figured it be a good exercise to reflect and predict. Let’s start with reflect: Reflect I’m going to group things […]

On Vision

This is a post that has been percolating as a draft post for nearly two or three months now.  But as a theme, its something I’ve wrestled with far longer.  Those who know me well, know that at my core, I’m kind of a systems and strategy kind of guy. What makes gets my ticker picking […]

The conversations you have with yourself…

…impact what you do and how you feel.  What have you told yourself lately?  Have you been an encourager or a life sapper?  Do you hear justification or warning?  Do you bargain with yourself or hear, “you can do better?” The inner voice is a powerful influence on our lives. This is why you must […]

path not plan

I’ve been thinking about this a bit lately.  We’ve all heard the phrase, “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” Right, but also wrong.  I’ve seen people who are terrible planners succeed, and people who are meticulous planners fail. Yet something else, seems to work.  Path.  Those who have a path, who have a […]

What’s your inspiration?

What gets you up in the morning?  What is it that you look forward to doing/seeing/engaging in the most? What makes your heart beat a bit faster and your mind spark? Your inspiration is your fuel.  When’s the last time you filled that tank? Go do it. Now.


Sin is the propensity for humans to live as if they are God. Sin is the decision to live life away from God rather than toward him. This decision can be subtle or blatant. It involves a contest of wills between humans and God. It is the oldest contest in the world, the pride of […]

To reach the finish line you have to do something…

I often find myself looking at all the things I have to finish (because of my obscenely large todo list) and it overwhelms me and I shut down.  I’ll end up procrastinating and wasting time because I don’t think I have enough time to get started and finish something in the time I have in the […]

getting in the Word

This entry is part 10 of 22 in the series, 2011: A look back A look forward

I’ve been away from here again for a few days and it’s turning this series I’ve been writing into a month long reflection.  Nevertheless, I am determined to finish this! So let’s continue (if you’re new to this series, you can click here for some context). Here’s what I wrote last year: I love YouVersion.com and […]