台灣數位外交協會Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association

台灣數位外交協會Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association


Taipei CityZhongshan District 1,162 位關注者



秉持「參與,比給予更重要」的精神,台灣數位外交協會致力於推動參與式的外交思維,我們相信,藉由參與他國社會議題與經營當地社群平台,台灣可以在他國公民心中建立更為深刻的印象,並且深化當地影響力。 2018年以科索沃為實驗據點,在當地以數位發展為題,結合台灣與當地青年共同發起國家網域名稱的倡議活動、以及與科索沃國家博物館共同舉辦數位互動展,加上兩個當地社群平台的經營,引起當地媒體與政府關注,數萬名科索沃人因此認識台灣。 台灣數位外交協會致力於將國外社群操作經驗系統化、推動參與式的公眾外交思維。以實質參與、社群在地化的方式,執行提升台灣國際社群行動的多國專案。透過數位內容與實體活動,鼓勵更多青年投入公眾外交創新、開發台灣社群人才國際溝通能量,期許為台灣外交途徑打開新的可能。

11-50 名員工
Zhongshan DistrictTaipei City


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    No.1, Yumen Street

    104 TWTaipei CityZhongshan District


台灣數位外交協會Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association員工


  • The 23rd edition of Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Digest (TDDD) is out. In this edition, you’ll read about the 4th of July reception, Gold Medal of Diplomacy, wrongdoing of Laos migration document, Taiwan-Thailand agreement on investment and Taiwan’s donation to Caribbean nations. Read up on recent diplomatic visits to Taiwan and some interesting in-depth publications about Taiwan’s international affairs. 

    Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Digest (TDDD) Vol. 24 — July 10, 2024

    Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Digest (TDDD) Vol. 24 — July 10, 2024

    LinkedIn 上的台灣數位外交協會Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association

  • Indonesian University Lecturer Bima Jon Nanda has recently evaluated the important role of Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association (TDDA) in the evolving trends surrounding public diplomacy in the digital era. Non-Governmental Actors Push Diplomacy Forward Citing Corneliu Bjola and Jan Melissen, Nanda starkly puts forward that data has become the ‘new oil’ of #publicdiplomacy, with both governments and the public leveraging social media for greater information exchange and renegotiation on the foundation and quality of their interactions. As a result, public diplomacy is no longer just about official government campaigns and partnerships, but also fostering relationships with #nongovernmental actors both at home and abroad. Bjola identifies three key aspects of public diplomacy in the #digitalage: the evolution of communication mediums, the blurring of foreign and domestic policies, and the rise of technological-based non-state actors, emphasizing that diplomacy is no longer a traditionally state-dominated field. TDDA’s Successes Nanda praises TDDA for its unique spirit of diplomacy through collaboration with actors from various countries via #socialmedia to promote Taiwan, as TDDA founder Chia-You Kuo succinctly highlighted. TDDA’s large presence on Facebook and Twitter demonstrates its strong communication skills and fits clearly into Bjola’s aspects of public diplomacy. Two examples of TDDA’s successful campaigns are: a rally to gather international support for #Kosovo to have its own national internet domain, which became the inspiration for Kuo to found TDDA, and a more recent campaign amplifying the growing friendship between Taiwan and #Lithuania. Nanda concludes the article by asserting that TDDA fills a crucial gap in the Taiwanese government’s public diplomacy by leveraging digital platforms to engage with countries lacking formal #diplomatic relations with Taiwan. Nanda also states that TDDA acts as a bridge between Taiwan’s foreign policy objectives and the public interests of Taiwanese citizens. Read Nanda's full article to learn more about how TDDA is shaping the future of public diplomacy.

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  • WHAT IS SOCIAL MARKETING? We were honored to have Plain Law Movement (法律白話文運動)'s Community Director, Roy (Liu Luo-yi), join the final session of our Cyber Defense Network Project workshop series. Roy shared his invaluable experience in running a powerful online social movement community, demonstrating how social issues can be effectively marketed through the Internet. Plain Law Movement aims to demystify complex social and legal issues for the public in a relaxed yet straightforward manner. Roy emphasized the importance of understanding public sentiment to create engaging content. Professional knowledge must be transformed into accessible, insightful material that resonates. One key principle he shared was: "Remove noise," which can be achieved through: 1️⃣ Leveraging your expertise: Whether it's graphic design or comedy, observe, learn, and apply your skills deeply. 2️⃣ Knowing your audience: Tailor your content to what your target audience wants to see. 3️⃣ Customizing for platforms: Adapt your content to fit the platform you're using and make the most of its algorithm. Roy also highlighted how, during the Ukraine-Russia war, the Internet became a vital tool not just for conveying information, but for connecting citizens worldwide to provide aid. When celebrities and influential figures leveraged their social platforms to rally support, significant funds were raised swiftly. As we conclude our Cyber Defense Network Project workshop series, we hope it has provided you with valuable insights to strengthen diplomacy and community in Taiwan and beyond. We are deeply grateful for your unwavering support and participation in our cause. 💙🧡

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  • The 23rd edition of Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Digest (TDDD) is here. In this edition, you’ll read about President Lai Ching-te's vision for Taiwan and other stories about the US-Taiwan conference on Taiwan's participation in the UN, the Atlantic Council Delegation, the Taiwan Expo in Europe, and the Infineon Technologies development facility in Taiwan. Read up on some interesting in-depth publications about Taiwan’s international affairs. 

    Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Digest (TDDD) Vol. 23 — June 26, 2024

    Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Digest (TDDD) Vol. 23 — June 26, 2024

    LinkedIn 上的台灣數位外交協會Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association

  • Welcome to the 22nd edition of Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Digest (TDDD) compiled by Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association. In this edition you’ll hear about Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang’s speech at National Taiwan University, as well as other stories about Taiwan’s recent bilateral cooperations, agreements, and participation in major international events. Read up on diplomatic visits to Taiwan over the past month and add some interesting in-depth publications to your reading list. Subscribe now and stay up to date on the latest news about Taiwan that you need to know.

    Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Digest (TDDD) Vol. 22 — June 12, 2024

    Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Digest (TDDD) Vol. 22 — June 12, 2024

    LinkedIn 上的台灣數位外交協會Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association

  • Welcome to the 21th edition of Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Digest (TDDD) compiled by the Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association. In this edition you’ll hear about Taiwan’s Foreign Policy under Tsai Ing-wen, as well as other stories about Taiwan at the WHA, US House of Foreign Affairs Committee, Paraguay-Taiwan agreement, and President Lai Ching-te sworn-in inauguration. Read up on diplomatic visits to Taiwan over the past month and add some interesting in-depth publications to your reading list. Subscribe now and stay up to date on the latest news about Taiwan that you need to know.

    Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Digest (TDDD) Vol. 21 — May 30, 2024

    Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Digest (TDDD) Vol. 21 — May 30, 2024

    LinkedIn 上的台灣數位外交協會Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association

  • TDDA Turns 6 Years Old! Over 2,000 days have passed since we were established, and we couldn't have made it this far without our dedicated donors, enthusiastic volunteers, and you, our beloved subscribers 📝🥹 Last Saturday, we celebrated an unforgettable and heartwarming 6th anniversary party with everyone🎉. We saw many familiar faces, including our longstanding partners from National Taiwan University's Office of International Affairs, loyal friends who have participated in many of our past events, students from our training camps, and new friends we met this year through the 國家兩廳院NTCH,Taipei's stage play production "This Is Not An Embassy." 🥰 We presented TDDA's grand goals for 2024 to everyone, including: 1. Establishing an internationally connected Citizen Diplomacy Advisory Center, 2. Expanding digital experience-sharing methods and tools, and 3. Creating a Taiwan Impact International Promotion Center. We aim to bring these to life by leveraging our network of foreign organizations and media contacts built over the years and continuing to expand partnerships with various enterprises, forming a stronger cooperative network 🌏 In the second half of this year, we plan to launch the Citizen Diplomacy Certification Program and host the Digital Diplomacy Forum, providing a platform for experts, scholars, and NGOs to exchange and share the latest digital diplomacy practices and trends. Additionally, we'd like to inform you that our International Youth Talent Development Summer Camp (國際青年人才培育計畫), in collaboration with 新北市政府 New Taipei City Government Youth Department, is now open for applications. If you're interested, please contact us through DM 😆 Knowing we have your support is incredibly encouraging for us! Once again, we thank each and every one of you, and we hope you can join us in our future events. We promise to continue working hard and contributing more to Taiwan's citizen diplomacy ❤️

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  • Welcome to the 20th edition of Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Digest (TDDD) compiled by Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association. In this edition, learn more about Taiwan’s role in the World Health Assembly and other stories including World Press Freedom Index, the 2024 Human Rights Freedom Awards, Thailand’s visa waiver for Taiwanese, and a new workshop under the Global Cooperation and Training Framework. Scroll down for more to read some recent Taiwan-related in-depth publications. Subscribe now and stay up to date on the latest news about Taiwan that you need to know.

    Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Digest (TDDD) Vol. 20 — May 15, 2024

    Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Digest (TDDD) Vol. 20 — May 15, 2024

    LinkedIn 上的台灣數位外交協會Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association

  • How is Taiwan connected to the world via its media? These questions and more were posed by the East-West Center to the TDDA and our partners at 財團法人中央廣播電臺 (Rti). The event gave the chance to better inform #US journalists about the success of #Taiwan’s media outreach efforts. The press tour led by the US East-West Center attracted 22 journalists from India, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and Taiwan. Chia-You Kuo, President of the TDDA, provided her unique perspective on TDDA’s role in promoting mutual understanding between Taiwan and international partners: “For creating events and building people-to-people connections, this is uniquely something our organization can do. We build the first step for relations between Taiwan and foreign audiences.” Chiayo also reported to visiting reporters the association’s digital actions in recent years, such as the #MilkTeaAlliance called by Thailand amid the intensification of global anti-China sentiment in 2020. We also participated in this grand event and released a self-produced artwork of President Tsai holding milk tea and toasting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Twitter, as well as illustrations of toasting with milk tea from Thailand, India, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. The warm and lovely pictures have been loved by netizens and were spread across media platforms in India. We also implemented the #WHA initiative last year. Through this project, we collected and submitted joint letters from 11 public health groups in Taiwan to Swiss MP Walder Nicolas to bring friendly countries and politicians closer together and gain more exposure for Taiwan through local media in Europe. Another mission of the Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association is to assist foreign media in Taiwan because international journalists are not familiar with Taiwan, let alone language or contacts. The TDDA plays the role of helping foreign media collect information and arrange interviews so journalists can focus more on a story about Taiwan. At this event, we also heard from Radio Taiwan International (RTI) as they gave insight into their international efforts to engage citizens across mainland China, Asia, and the world. In increasing the accessibility of radio channels, RTI is unique in providing services for up to 10+ languages (including Hakka, Taiwanese, Korean, etc.). An important word from RTI’s President discusses this inclusivity effort: “Southeast countries are the main target countries, and we hope to enhance our services to immigrants from these areas and target countries. Including North Asia and Southeast Asia (India, Pakistan, etc.), we have south to expand our services to these countries even before the south-bound policies.” We are grateful to be able to take part in this event so that we can engage worldwide journalists in better understanding Taiwan’s digital literacy and digital diplomacy initiatives.

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  • Last Friday, Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association was invited by the H.E. Ambassador Anjanette Kattil, Ambassador of the Republic of the Marshall Islands to Taiwan, to participate in the #MarshallConstitution45thAnniversary event. The 1st of May not only celebrates the birth of the Marshall Island’s Constitution but also the National Day of the Marshall Islands. In the commemoration of this special day, the two countries expressed their mutual appreciation and gratitude, and emphasised common values and goals such as advocating freedom and democracy. Ambassador Katir said in her speech: "Since Taiwan and the Marshall Islands established diplomatic relations in 1998, the Taiwan-Marshall Islands friendship has entered its 26th year. On this important day, I would like to once again emphasise that the Republic of the Marshall Islands’ commitment to the Republic of China (Taiwan) is rock-solid and we will work together to create a better future no matter what challenges we face.” As the evening continued, all guests were captivated by a series of dances performed by the Marshall Islands Student Association. It fully demonstrated the beauty of the island's indigenous culture, the penetrating power of the singing and the elegance and power of the dance. The vibrant traditional clothes and energetic movements brought the beauty of the island's indigenous culture to life. The powerful singing voices resonated through the venue, and the dancers' graceful yet powerful movements had the audience mesmerised. Ever since they became diplomatic allies, Taiwan and the Marshall Islands have cooperated closely in many fields such as agriculture and fishery, medical and health, energy, education, climate change, among other. Last month, they established the "# Republic of China and Marshall Islands and Belize MPs Friendship Association" to strengthen cooperation in congressional diplomacy, as well as an economic agreement to reinforce ties between the two countries in trade and investment affairs. Looking to know more about the Marshall Islands, or other countries’ partnership with Taiwan, don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn! Welcome to join and become a global citizen diplomat!

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