


Improving the business environment in Taiwan for companies that want to be globally competitive.


台灣美國商會成立於1951年,宗旨為促進跨國企業在台灣的投資營運環境,是一無黨 派立場的非營利組織。商會目前有約1000位個人會員,代表超過500家企業,並透過26 個委員會匯集產業界意見,其在代表跨國企業對商業趨勢提供洞見、向政府提供政策建 言等方面極具權威。

11-50 名員工
Professional Development


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    MinSheng East Road, Section 3, #129, 7F, Suite 706

    10596 TWTaipei




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    【🔔Event Reminder 】AmCham Taiwan is delighted to invite members to join our special event in Taoyuan on July 24. On this day, we have arranged a luncheon with Taoyuan Mayor Chang San-cheng, to discuss Taoyuan’s urban plans and development policies. We will also have a site visit at SHL Medical and DKSH to learn about their best practices. 🏢 More details and register now:

    [Living AmCham Taiwan- Taoyuan] Roadmap to a Smart and Sustainable Taoyuan 與桃園市長張善政午餐會 / 參訪行程 - AmCham Taiwan

    [Living AmCham Taiwan- Taoyuan] Roadmap to a Smart and Sustainable Taoyuan 與桃園市長張善政午餐會 / 參訪行程 - AmCham Taiwan

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    AmCham Taiwan wishes everyone a Happy Fourth of July! 🎉 The Chamber would like to take this opportunity to thank our members, government partners, and friends for their continued support. We hope you enjoy the summertime celebrations! 🥳 ** Please kindly note that our office is closed today for the July Fourth holiday. **

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    During AmCham's Washington Doorknock trip led by Chairperson Dan Silver, the delegation had the pleasure of meeting Congresswoman Young Kim. Kim has consistently demonstrated her support for Taiwan through legislative initiatives and public endorsements, as well as participation in Congressional delegations to Taiwan. During these trips, Kim has engaged in discussions regarding cooperation on trade and economic security with Taiwan. Her active participation serve as a testament to her supportive stance towards Taiwan. Thank you, Congresswoman Kim - we are grateful for your commitment to fostering diplomatic and economic ties between the U.S. and Taiwan.

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    AmCham recently met with delegates from the State of South Dakota. We welcomed Lieutenant Governor of South Dakota the Honorable Larry Rhoden, Secretary of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources the Honorable Hunter Roberts, Deputy Commissioner for the Governor's Office of Economic Development Jesse Fonkert, President & CEO of South Dakota Trade Luke Lindberg, and Executive Director of South Dakota Biotech Joni Ekstrum for their visit. AmCham leadership enjoyed the opportunity to exchange views on U.S.-Taiwan trade and economic relationship. As Taiwan is a major trade partner of South Dakota, we're pleased to see that this important trade relationship continues to flourish today. 🤝

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    Taiwan's National Health Insurance (NHI) system has long been a source of pride for Taiwan. However, the healthcare healthcare industry is confronted with serious shortages of medication, healthcare professionals, and investment. Faced with foreseeable challenges to the healthcare system, increasing investment is imperative to actively move towards the common goal of creating a resilient and sustainable healthcare environment. Read to learn about International Research-Based Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association's (IRPMA) recommendations regarding health investment policies: #healthcare #taiwan #HealthNews #healthpolicy

    Investing in Health, in Sync With International Standards - Taiwan Business TOPICS

    Investing in Health, in Sync With International Standards - Taiwan Business TOPICS

  • 瀏覽台灣美國商會的組織專頁,圖案

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    For years, Taiwan and the United States have discussed a bilateral arrangement to avoid double taxation between the two jurisdictions. A recent breakthrough in the U.S. Congress has launched proposed legislation that would protect against a double tax liability for Taiwanese entities operating in or dealing with the United States. Yet despite favorable conditions, the legislation has been stuck in the Senate Finance Committee. Arcane Senate practices have bundled it with other bills with less sweeping support. Moving to expedite an agreement, AmCham Taiwan President Patrick P. Lin and US-Taiwan Business Council President Rupert Hammond-Chambers jointly signed a letter to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the Senate Committee on Finance, urging the U.S. government to begin substantive engagement with Taiwan on a full, anti-double taxation consultation. As interest in Taiwanese technology companies investing in the United States grows, the Chamber hopes its effort will pave the way for a finalized agreement that’s reviewed and ratified by Congress. 👉 Learn more about the letter to Senate:

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  • 瀏覽台灣美國商會的組織專頁,圖案

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    The AmCham delegation had a very productive week in DC. We had the pleasure to meet with several U.S. government officials, members of Congress, think tanks, and others interested in the U.S.-Taiwan economic relationship. The group had the opportunity to provide briefings on Taiwan and learn about the latest developments in U.S. policy. Our topics of discussion encompass ways to improve U.S.-Taiwan trade relations, double taxation avoidance, and cross-strait issues. Taiwan is a critical strategic partner for the U.S., and the Chamber looks forward to continuously working with our like-minded partners to advocate for Taiwan. 🤝 商會的叩門之旅代表團本週在華盛頓特區度過了非常充實的一週,除了拜會多位美國政府官員以及國會議員,還有智庫成員與其他對美台現況感興趣的單位。代表團透過此行向他們簡介台灣的經貿現況,並交流了解美國政策的新發展,討論的主題包括增進美台貿易、避免雙重課稅以及兩岸情勢等。台灣是美國的重要戰略夥伴,商會期待繼續與理念相近的各方夥伴合作,為台灣發聲。🤝

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    We're delighted to share that AmCham Taiwan's delegation is in DC this week! The central purpose of the "Washington Doorknock" trip is to promote the Chamber's agenda for this year and facilitate its advocacy efforts in the United States. This is the first year for the Chamber to resume its Doorknock trip since Covid, and our delegation is off to a great start! AmCham Taiwan joined SelectUSA delegates, representing various companies across Taiwan, at Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office's welcome reception held at the Willard InterContinental Washington D.C. Hotel. The event was also attended by U.S. representatives from over 36 states. Remarks were delivered by officials, including Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs Minister Kuo Jyh-huei and Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade Marisa Lago. Speakers highlighted the importance of Taiwan to the U.S. economy and discussed opportunities to strengthen bilateral trade and investment. Taiwan has consistently been one of the largest single delegations to SelectUSA, and we will continue our efforts to promote Taiwan's economic and strategic importance. Stay tuned for more trip updates!

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    Taiwan Business TOPICS magazine speaks with Joseph Wu, Taiwan's longest-serving Minister of Foreign Affairs since its transition to democracy in the 1980s. Wu shares experiences of living and working in the United States, what the job of foreign minister involves, his innovative approach to social media, and how the ministry shows its appreciation for like minded partners through food. This interview is also available in podcast format on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

    Meet Joseph Wu, Taiwan’s Longest-Serving Foreign Minister - Taiwan Business TOPICS

    Meet Joseph Wu, Taiwan’s Longest-Serving Foreign Minister - Taiwan Business TOPICS
