Vincent Shih 施立成

Taipei–Keelung Metropolitan area 聯絡資料
8143 人關注 500+ 位聯絡人



Experienced General Counsel and group General Manager with a demonstrated history of…





  • 台灣美國商會



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  • Hour of Code: teaching kids how to code through Minecraft HoC Tutorial

    Microsoft Taiwan 台灣微軟


  • 資安防火牆/居家辦公防駭 部署安全機制

    經營管理 | 觀點 | 經濟日報 (

    隨著台灣COVID-19三級警戒延長,遠距/居家辦公的新常態也成為駭客伺機而動的機會,網路攻擊威脅持續上升。我們觀察到許多中小企業因較缺乏專業IT人員及完善的安全防護系統,以致遭受網路攻擊的風險更高。在微軟,我們提出四項科技指引協助企業善用既有資安防護工具、雲端資安系統,同時也須建立「零信任」資安思維,加強資安人才培育和團隊多樣性,積極部署遠距辦公的資安機制,賦能員工安全無虞的居家辦公環境。與您分享我在經濟日報提出的看法:資安防火牆/居家辦公防駭 部署安全機制。

    With the extending of COVID-19 Level 3 restrictions in Taiwan, the "new normal" of remote working might provide opportunities for hackers and increase the risk of cyber attack. Given that small and medium-sized enterprises often lack of dedicated IT/tech…

    隨著台灣COVID-19三級警戒延長,遠距/居家辦公的新常態也成為駭客伺機而動的機會,網路攻擊威脅持續上升。我們觀察到許多中小企業因較缺乏專業IT人員及完善的安全防護系統,以致遭受網路攻擊的風險更高。在微軟,我們提出四項科技指引協助企業善用既有資安防護工具、雲端資安系統,同時也須建立「零信任」資安思維,加強資安人才培育和團隊多樣性,積極部署遠距辦公的資安機制,賦能員工安全無虞的居家辦公環境。與您分享我在經濟日報提出的看法:資安防火牆/居家辦公防駭 部署安全機制。

    With the extending of COVID-19 Level 3 restrictions in Taiwan, the "new normal" of remote working might provide opportunities for hackers and increase the risk of cyber attack. Given that small and medium-sized enterprises often lack of dedicated IT/tech staff and comprehensive security systems, we at Microsoft therefore provide four useful tips to encourage companies to fully leverage already available security tools such as MFA and Cloud platform to protect their IT and security systems. It is also important to establish a “zero trust” policy and actively deploy security measures to empower employees and maintain a safe and secure workplace. I’m pleased to share my thoughts on security mindset in the modern Hybrid Workplace, recently published in the Economic Daily.

  • 自我經營/跨領域學習 強化職場即戰力

    經營管理 | 觀點 | 經濟日報 (

    在多變的後疫情"新常態",全球雇主對於創新、數位化及轉型的開發型人才需求倍增。面對劇變的求職環境,新世代青年更要具備跨領域的學習精神與成長型思維。在微軟,我們除了對內鼓勵同仁擁抱成長型思維,同時更對外提供AI、雲端相關線上考照活動,以及Microsoft Learn、LinkedIn Learning 和 GitHub上的免費課程,為人才賦能競爭力。與您��享我最近在經濟日報所提出的一些建議。

    In the post-pandemic "new normal", the need for innovative talents equipped with strong digital skills will be greater than ever. Facing the current rapidly changing environment, young people should cultivate cross-disciplines learning and growth mindset to thrive in the future. At Microsoft…

    在多變的後疫情"新常態",全球雇主對於創新、數位化及轉型的開發型人才需求倍增。面對劇變的求職環境,新世代青年更要具備跨領域的學習精神與成長型思維。在微軟,我們除了對內鼓勵同仁擁抱成長型思維,同時更對外提供AI、雲端相關線上考照活動,以及Microsoft Learn、LinkedIn Learning 和 GitHub上的免費課程,為人才賦能競爭力。與您分享我最近在經濟日報所提出的一些建議。

    In the post-pandemic "new normal", the need for innovative talents equipped with strong digital skills will be greater than ever. Facing the current rapidly changing environment, young people should cultivate cross-disciplines learning and growth mindset to thrive in the future. At Microsoft, we encourage all employees to prioritize growth mindset, empower young talent with skilling certification training in AI, data and cloud, and offer free online courses via Microsoft Learn, LinkedIn learning and GitHub platforms. I’m humbled to share with you some of my thoughts recently published in the Economic Daily:

  • 強化營運韌性 守護資安關鍵

    經營管理 | 觀點 | 經濟日報 (


    According to our recently released " Microsoft Identity 2020 App Trends Report," providing secure remote access to resources, apps and data becomes the top challenge in the post-pandemic world. Build operation resilience, including improved…


    According to our recently released " Microsoft Identity 2020 App Trends Report," providing secure remote access to resources, apps and data becomes the top challenge in the post-pandemic world. Build operation resilience, including improved testing of disaster recovery plans and expanding corporate security to cover remote workplaces are crucial to averting unforeseen disruptions in 2021. With Microsoft‘s seamless cross platforms focus on security, compliance, identity, and solutions, we strive to extend to all clouds and simplify security defenses, and believe our vibrant ecosystem make us go further. Our core principle is to “improve the world's security and make everyone safe.” I’m humbled to share with you some of my thoughts published in the Economic Daily.

  • 零信任防禦模式已成為企業不可或缺的新資訊安全思維

    名家評論 - 工商時報 (



    Microsoft DCU estimates that the attack of phishing and ransomware has increased five times since COVID-19. Phishing emails often disguised to provide COVID-19 related information or in the name of an association you…



    Microsoft DCU estimates that the attack of phishing and ransomware has increased five times since COVID-19. Phishing emails often disguised to provide COVID-19 related information or in the name of an association you belong to and contain malware to gain access to valuable data.

    As hybrid workplace gradually becomes the new normal, we see the Zero Trust defense model becoming essential for businesses to ensure that users, data, and devices are constantly safe. Our understanding of Zero Trust now needs to go beyond just the principles, definition, and the exploratory phase. Based on Microsoft’s years of insights and experiences, glad to share with you my viewpoints in the article published on Commercial Times.

  • A safer cyberspace for our next generation

    Microsoft Asia News Center

    Really glad to know my recent LinkedIn article was posted on our Microsoft Asia Stories! I hope all of you enjoy this sharing that truthfully expressed my passion, both from professional and personal perspectives, on why safeguarding the cyber space is more relevant and more imperative than ever before.

    很高興跟大家分享我前一陣子在LinkedIn上發表的感想登上微軟亞洲故事網了! 希望大家感受到我的急迫感--維護網路安全不僅是微軟的首要任務,對於我和許多志同道合的人而言,更是確保我們下一代安危責無旁貸的使命!

  • The Developing Strategy of Taiwan Software and Information Industry – Analysed from the international trend of moving from Open Source to Mixed Source.

    EMBA Thesis, Business School of National ChengChi University

  • Development and Legal issues in Information Security

    Electronic Commerce Pilot; Section 12, Volume 6. Published by Advanced e-Commerce Institute, Institute for Information Industry.

  • Copyright Protection in Digital Era – From Third Party Liability Perspective

    Thesis, present in the 5th Cross-Strait IPR Academic Seminar, organized by Graduate Institution of IPR, National ChengChi University and IPR Colleague, Shanghai University

    • David Su
  • 台灣錢淹腳目? –台灣大幅放寬華僑及外國人投資限制之介紹


  • 以不當方法獲取營業秘密已成為聯邦犯罪--美國有關營業祕密保護法之最新發展


  • Cable Television in Taiwan: Institutional and Legal Perspectives on the Cable Law and Future Development

    LL.M. Thesis. Law School, University of California at Berkeley


  • Deputy Chairman of Taiwan Technology Industry Legal Officiers Association

    - 目前

  • Adjunct lecturer and the course planning advisor of the Institution of Intellectual Property of National Taipei University of Technology.

  • Board of Director of Licensing Executives Society Chinese Taipei.

  • MSN hacked issue in 2011


    Nearly 500 MSN hacked and fraud complaints arose monthly since March 2011. The pressure from the media and Legislators put Microsoft in the fire. A cross department taskforce was formed and Gina was assigned to build up external relationship with Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) and tried to get CIB’s support to build up a SOP to freeze the hacked MSN accounts for preventing fraud. After 3 months communications, a SOP was built with CIB to freeze MSN hacked accounts. In July 2011, a press…

    Nearly 500 MSN hacked and fraud complaints arose monthly since March 2011. The pressure from the media and Legislators put Microsoft in the fire. A cross department taskforce was formed and Gina was assigned to build up external relationship with Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) and tried to get CIB’s support to build up a SOP to freeze the hacked MSN accounts for preventing fraud. After 3 months communications, a SOP was built with CIB to freeze MSN hacked accounts. In July 2011, a press conference was hold by CIB to announce this collaboration between CIB and MS for fraud prevention. MSN hacked accounts dropped significantly 6 months after this SOP announced. This is a win-win solution for both MS and CIB.



  • JinTeh Award from Taipei City 台北市菁業獎

    Taipei City/ Mayor Ko

    Receiving JinYeh Award from Taipei Mayor Ko for MS Internship program/ 北市菁業、青鳥展翅獎 24企業3校獲表揚 | 大台北 | 地方 | 聯合新聞網


  • English


  • Chinese


  • Taiwanese



  • Licensing Executives Society (LES) Chinese Taipei


    - 目前
  • School of Law, Soochow University, Taipei

    Adjunct Assistant Professor

    - 目前
  • Berkeley Law Taiwan Alumni (BLTA)


    - 目前
  • Taiwan Technology Industry Legal Officers Association (TILO)

    Deputy Chairman

    - 目前
  • American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei

    Deputy Chairman, Board of Governor as well as Co-chairs of IP&Licensing Committee

    - 目前
  • Information Service Industry Association of R.O.C. (CISA)

    Executive Board of Director

    - 目前
  • Taipei Bar Association


    - 目前
  • School of Law, Shih Hsin University

    Team Teaching Lecturer

  • The Institution of Intellectual Property of National Taipei University of Technology.

    Course planning advisory board





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