This story is from August 9, 2022

Gynaecologist explains the right way to breastfeed your baby

Despite being a natural method, it can take a while for new mothers and their babies to adapt to breastfeeding to ensure that the baby is well-fed.
Gynaecologist explains the right way to breastfeed your baby
Breastfeeding is a natural way to feed your baby and is a recommended method for feeding newborns, especially for the first six months of their life. Despite being a natural method, it can take a while for new mothers and their babies to adapt to breastfeeding to ensure that the baby is well-fed.
Breast milk helps to build immunity and protects the baby against several diseases in the future.
Since it is important for you and your baby, with some time and patience, you can learn to breastfeed easily without any discomfort. It is worth noting that initially it can be difficult due to problems with latching on, breast engorgement, cracked nipples, and the feeling of inadequate milk production. Before we begin, here are some reasons why you should choose to breastfeed.
Why breastfeeding is important
Breast milk protects the baby from infections like diarrhoea, ear infections, chest infections and infections of the urinary tract. Breast fed babies are less likely to develop eczema, asthma, diabetes, high blood pressures, obesity and childhood cancers like leukaemia and lymphoma later in life.
It helps mother’s lose the pregnancy weight at a faster pace and reduces the mother’s risk of ovarian and breast cancer. It also initiates a bond between you and your baby that will last a lifetime.
Avoid water, cow’s milk and formula feed in the first 6 months of your baby’s life. Giving foods other than breast milk can make the baby less interested in your milk, causing problems in feeding and depriving the baby of the protection that breast milk offers.

Breastfeeding 101
There is a learning curve to breastfeeding. You will need to try different positions and different times during the day and learn what works best for you and your baby. Most of the issues with breastfeeding are faced in the first few weeks following childbirth. Dr Geeth Monnappa, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Fortis Hospital, Richmond Road, Bangalore, has shared some key tips to help new moms with breastfeeding.
Rooming in
Keeping your baby close to you soon after birth helps in the initiation of breast milk and helps you understand the baby’s needs over a period of time.
Your position
Sitting with your back straight and supporting your back and arms with the help of pillows is the key to prevent future back aches often induced by faulty postures during feeds. Lying down and feeding the baby can be a comfortable position, especially for night feeds.

The baby’s position
Whichever position suits you best, remember the must dos:
  1. Tummy to mummy: Hold your baby close to you making sure the head, shoulder and body of your baby are in a straight line.
  2. Nose to nipple: The nose and upper lip of the baby should be opposite your nipple.
  3. Baby to breast, not breast to baby!

Latching your baby to your breast
Ensure your baby opens its mouth wide and quickly get him/her to your breast. Your baby should take in the surrounding pigmented area around the nipple(areola) along with the nipple.
Once your baby latches on, if you continue to experience pain during feeds, the attachment is not optimal. Release the attachment after breaking the suction, by pressing your breasts away from the corner of the baby’s mouth or inserting a clean finger in between the baby’s gums and try to latch again.
Persistence, patience and timely help from a lactation consultant is the mantra for success.
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