Jul 3, 2024

How to use kacchi haldi in your beauty routine

Piyali Bhadra

Raw turmeric on the face

One can use raw turmeric on the face which helps to bring an extra glow and keep your skin away from infections. But, at times it can cause more harm than good to your face, so use it wisely.


Kacchi haldi with lemon

As lemon is an active agent it removes the extra oil from the skin, whereas turmeric soothes the skin and prevents it from infections. Simply rub lemon on your face followed by the kacchi haldi on your face.


Add oatmeal with kacchi haldi.

People dealing with dry skin can use these two together as oatmeal moisturises the skin and kacchi haldi removes the dead skin cells and provides you with a natural glow.


Milk and honey with raw turmeric

Honey and milk soothes, moisturises, and nourishes the skin, whereas kacchi haldi removes the tan and pigmentation.


Neem and kacchi haldi

If you’re not allergic to any of them then try both as they both are antibacterial and antifungal, the combo is the best to treat infections and acne. But, first, try it on your hand and then on your face.


Kacchi haldi and mint leaves

This soothes your face and works great for acne-prone skin, as it clears up the skin and provides a healthy natural glow.


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Curd and raw turmeric

Crush the raw turmeric with water, make a paste, and then add curd to it, as it acts like a natural cleanser and fights any skin infections.


Can it be used every day?

No, using raw turmeric can leave a stain on yellow skin, but you can use turmeric twice or thrice a month if you see any changes in your skin.


Always apply on your hand first

First, apply the raw turmeric to your hand and do a patch test. If you feel irritation, swelling, or redness, then stop using turmeric immediately for your skin.


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