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Questions tagged [vietnamese]

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Vietnamese warnings with babel and biblatex

\documentclass{article} \usepackage[T5,T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[vietnamese, british]{babel} \usepackage{csquotes} \usepackage{biblatex} \begin{document} \foreignlanguage{vietnamese}{Ngô Bảo Châu} \...
Gargantuar's user avatar
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How to make hyphen not be left aligned in ConTeXt in Vietnamese?

I have a weird issue regarding hyphen. When I write using hyphens in Vietnamese, the hyphen sometimes is left-aligned. Changing fonts replaces the hyphens that are error but not remove them completely....
Adrik Ivanov's user avatar
2 votes
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Vietnamese and Cantarell

I'm using Cantarell font to write an article in Vietnamese. However, if I use \usepackage[utf8]{vietnam} then the font was automatically changed into normal LaTeX font. The same thing happened when I ...
anonimo's user avatar
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a problem when using ```\usepackage{sectsty}``` and ``` \usepackage{titlesec}```

In my project, I use these packages \usepackage{sectsty} and \usepackage{titlesec}. However, everytime I put a section into a center environment, for instance "The first saying", the ouput I ...
PermQi's user avatar
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Why is there an error showing missing } in the end despite the {}-pairs being balanced?

\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{vietnam} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \begin{document} \begin{align*} $||x + y||^{2} &=\...
Nga Nguyễn Thị's user avatar
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Using lstinputlisting with tex4ht hides all ASCII characters in the caption?

I'm using tex4ht to build my LaTex source to EPUB. Currently I'm having problems with lstinputlisting, where the caption (in Vietnamese) isn't showing up correctly. \lstinputlisting[float,language=C++,...
Giang's user avatar
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Why are the lines uneven?

I have a piece of LaTeX code as follows. I have edited it in various ways but the spacing between the lines remains uneven. \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T5]{...
tungsondkh's user avatar
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How to remove top margin from chapter heading in a custom macro?

I have created a custom margin for the automation of chapter creation of certain sections of me digitizing a book. I want to be able to remove the top margin from the chapter heading as i feel i ...
Adrik Ivanov's user avatar
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How can I use STIX2 to write other language documents?

I'm trying to use stix2 font to write document in Vietnamese, but I have a hard time figuring out why it doesn't work. Here is my code: \documentclass[12pt, a4paper, twoside]{book} \usepackage[top = 3....
Bakkune's user avatar
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Is there a way to prioritise fonts in xecjk? (Or how do I create a fallback font for a text)

I need help prioritizing fonts for a paper writing about a constructed script that uses a font. However I want another font that will do the thing for a specific part of the font. for example i want a ...
Adrik Ivanov's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How can remove double dot in Theorem numbering

I use this code below to get the form name: Chapter I., II., III., section 1., subsection 1.1. in both text and table of contents.: \renewcommand\thechapter{\Roman{chapter}.} \renewcommand\thesection{\...
Hoàng's user avatar
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Table captions default to foreign language

I am typing up a latex report for a Vietnamese client. In order to spell their name correctly, I need to import the relevant language package \usepackage[vietnamese]{babel} The only issue is, when I ...
michael douglas's user avatar
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Error use maketitle with Vietnamese

I have code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{spconf,amsmath,graphicx} \usepackage[utf8]{vietnam} \title{BÁO CÁO TÌM HIỂU THÔNG SỐ TRONG DATASHEET CỦA DIODE} \name{Name} \address{\textbf{...
MrCR's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Thích Nhất Hạnh in LaTeX tufte-book class

I am very new to LaTeX and am wanting to use the template found here: I am using MiKTeX. I am ...
Steven's user avatar
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