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Questions tagged [theorems]

{theorems} are environments which are commonly numbered. They are extensively used in math texts. Examples of such environments are theorems, corollaries, lemmas, propositions, remarks and definitions. Popular packages are {amsthm}, {ntheorem}, and {thmtools}. Covers discussion on proofs too.

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Dynamic references with \zcref

My objective is to have the following mechanism for numbering \item in enumerate inside a theorem environment. When a new theorem wasn't issued yet (e.g. in the proof of the current theorem), then \...
Gargantuar's user avatar
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Keep track of theorem number in colored boxes

I have the following: \newcommand{\thmbox}[2]{ \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=blue!5!white,colframe=blue!75!black,title={#1}] {#2} \begin{theorem} uhhh \end{...
stone327's user avatar
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How to create a theorem box with multiple layers instead of just two

This is what i have so far, \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{tasks} \usepackage{tcolorbox} \tcbuselibrary{skins} \NewTotalTColorBox[auto counter]{\...
user292225's user avatar
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Theorem Enviroment Counter

I define theorem environment counter based on section and subsection as following: \newtheorem{test}{Test}[subsection]% Counter `test` depends on `subsection` ��� \counterwithin*{test}{section}% … and ...
kissmemiau's user avatar
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Beamer: reference in theorem environment,

In a beamer presentation, I would like to state a theorem in such a way that the citation appears next to the 'Theorem'. It should look something like Theorem [AB, Theorem 1] This is a theorem. ...
dicemaster666's user avatar
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How can I change the numbering of a lemma in Appendix?

Now I use [section] to number the theorems, lemmas,... In the main body, it looks well, but in Appendix, it shows like Lemma Appendix A.1. Is it possible to have the following form? Lemma A.1. \...
Ruihao Wang's user avatar
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Reducing the gap in the Lemma environment with enumerate

\documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsthm} \newtheorem{lemma}{Lemma} \begin{document} \begin{lemma} \begin{enumerate} \item $(a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2$. \item $(a - b)^2 = a^2 - 2ab + ...
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Automatically removing unused "theorem" environments in LaTeX documents

As a copy-editor, my job involves preparing the final formatting of scientific documents written directly in LaTeX, which I receive at the end of the peer-reviewing process. Often, authors send us &...
Gabriele's user avatar
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Custom numbering for `example` and `solution` environments in Beamer that resets with each example

I'm currently using the Beamer document class to create presentations and have defined two custom environments, example and solution, for my slides. However, the default numbering scheme is not what I ...
Wu Guiping's user avatar
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Numbering exercises by chapter and printing solutions by chapter in appendix

So, I have a basic tcolorbox that I want to write my exercises in. I want the exercises to be numbered by chapter, i.e. Exercise 1.1 is exercise 1 in chapter 1 (and still be able to print the answers ...
Vebjorn's user avatar
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Tcolorbox remove part of box border

So, I want to remove small part of the border in my tcolorbox. Here is an example: If possible, I'd also like to have a small white outline around "Some title here" as showed in the picture....
Vebjorn's user avatar
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How can I get the title in tcolorbox partly framed and not framed?

So, I'm trying to make a box with the tcolorbox package that has some of the title in a colored box and some of it not inside the box. What I want is for the definition X.Y part of the title to be ...
Vebjorn's user avatar
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What is the canonical way to add theorems to the table of contents?

I am writing a math paper and I would like to have my theorems, lemmas, corollaries and definitions appear in the table of contents. My original code looked essentially like this: \documentclass{...
Smiley1000's user avatar
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beamer: space below an equation inside a theorem environment

In the beamer class, how can I control vertical spacing above/below equations, when these equations are inside a theorem-like environment? With the current code, there is just the right amount of ...
PatrickT's user avatar
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Non-italic punctuation in theorems

With \usepackage{amsmath}, we get a theorem like: Theorem. Let $a$ and $b$ denote the legs of a triangle and let $c$ be the hypotenuse; then $a^2+b^2=c^2$ (where d^2 denotes multiplication of $d$ by ...
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