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Questions tagged [tcolorbox]

{tcolorbox} provides an environment for colored and framed text boxes with a heading line. Optionally, such a box can be split in an upper and a lower part. The package can be used for the setting of LaTeX examples where one part of the box displays the source code and the other part shows the output. Another common use case is the setting of theorems. The package supports saving and reuse of source code and text parts.

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Disable \BreakableUnderscore in a tcblisting

Consider this MWE for a tcblisting.At first sight it seems to be working properly, as the \tl_use:N\l_tmpa_tl produces the correct output. However, this is only because TeX interprets the \l_tempa_tl ...
yannisl's user avatar
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"Undefined" error with tcolorbox despite being installed

Issue Today I switched over to compiling LaTeX locally as opposed to Overleaf, and I am having issues with running the following code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tcolorbox} \begin{document}...
Aathreya Kadambi's user avatar
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Customizable Vertical Rule / Divider Like `\vrule` With Automatic Height

I need to create a customizable vertical rule (divider) that behaves like \vrule regarding height calculation within different environments, such as minipages, mdframes, arrays, and tcolorbox boxes. ...
aglobalphenomenon's user avatar
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Spacing between tcbtheorem number and title (and different fonts for these)

I want a space between the number in a tcbtheorem and the theorem title, as in the image (from Sheldon Axler's 'Measure, Integration & Real Analysis'). I would also like to have different fonts ...
Hernán Ibarra Mejia's user avatar
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Issue with `tcolorbox` record option together with math delimiters `\( \)` in the title

According to the answer here, I record some tcolorbox. All is working fine except to the titles containing maths with delimiters \( \)which I prefer compared with dollars. Do you know a workaround ? ...
jowe_19's user avatar
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Command to disable all tcolorboxes without deleting / commenting out them in source code?

I'm writing a text including multiple tcolorboxes. Now I need a version of the PDF without these boxes. Is there a command to switch off / disable all tcolorboxes? Of course I can comment out every ...
Keks Dose's user avatar
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tcolorbox: align baselines with side by side

According to the tcolorbox documentation, the key sidebyside align=top aligns the baseline of the left-handed and right-handed side of a tcolorbox. But with \begin{tcolorbox}[sidebyside, sidebyside ...
jlab's user avatar
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Unwanted space in tcbraster

I've run into undesirable behavior with tcolorbox that I cannot understand, and am hoping someone here can give insight into what's going on. If I compile the following (for me using pdflatex 2023) ...
alex.jordan's user avatar
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Keep track of theorem number in colored boxes

I have the following: \newcommand{\thmbox}[2]{ \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=blue!5!white,colframe=blue!75!black,title={#1}] {#2} \begin{theorem} uhhh \end{...
stone327's user avatar
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What does \vphantom{dlg} do in the tcolorbox documentation?

I tried replicating the inline tcolorbox with a rotated title as shown in the tcolorbox documentation like what was asked in this question. It is not difficult to find the code, which is shown below. ...
Stochastic Adventure's user avatar
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Record some tcolorbox in order to print at the end of each chapter

At the end of each chapter I'd like to redisplay all the boxes called meth with tcblower part, and in the chapter itself hide tcblower part. How can I do this? I've seen that there's a record option ...
jowe_19's user avatar
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\tcolorboxenvironment with parameters

Context Hi. I am using \tcolorboxenvironment to customize a theorem enviroment created with thmtools (as explained in pages 22 or 400 of the documentation). This is what I have so far in my preamble: \...
asterisk's user avatar
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Nesting two environments

The snippet below has been obtained nesting two environments taken from amsthm and tcolorbox. I would like to redefine the environment theorem to produce the same output (I can only modify the ...
Primo Petri's user avatar
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Small breakable tcolorbox in multicol creates an empty column

I have a small breakable tcolorbox in a multicol environment. The box is small enough to not need to be broken. When it follows a title or another box, if the flow of text places them just at the ...
Paul Zehner's user avatar
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tcblistof issue with macro inside tcolorbox title

I write a lot of reports (minutes). Each report can contains a lot of subjects. For a better tracking, each subjet is attached with a unique persisent number. I managed to do so thanks to this subject ...
Atiroocky's user avatar

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