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Questions tagged [proofreading]

{proofreading} concerns tools and methods for locating and correcting (La)TeX documents

1 vote
3 answers

LaTeX macro for topic sentences (square bracket "[" and "]" active character catcode)

When writing a document, I usually write "topic sentences" (i.e. outline sentences) between square brackets like so: [in here is the main idea of the next paragraph] Here I write a polished ...
Hugo Abreu's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to run TeX documents through Grammarly?

I have many articles that I'd like to run through Grammarly. The problem is, they are all written with TeX markup throughout (ConTeXt specifically, but I'm hoping for a more generic solution that ...
Village's user avatar
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1 answer

Proofreading in Latex: The delete command in proofread package fails

I am using proofread package to correct a latex document (see the MWE and its output). When I delete text using \del{} command which spans more than a line in the output (PDF) it fails to start a new ...
R.U.'s user avatar
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Updating theorem number in tex file

I honestly do not know how to search for this feature. Recently, I had an experience with skylatex for proofreading. One of the features I really enjoyed was that once I compiled my source file, the ...
Youngsu's user avatar
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1 answer

Misaligned in the environment proof

After changing the theme (the theme is "berlin") of my presentation in the beamer. My proof environment is totally misaligned. Below is my header \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage[portuges]{...
Cézar Bezerr's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make center of line mark in proofreading?

MWE \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{amssymb} \begin{document} {\color{red}{$\sqsupset$}}a{\color{red}{$\sqsubset$}} \end{document} My purpose is to do it with tikz. Can ...
Özgür's user avatar
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How to make move up and move down mark in proofreading?

MWE \documentclass[12pt]{article} \begin{document} $\underline{a}\sqcap\underline{a}$ $\overline{a}\sqcup\overline{a}$ \end{document} but what I try to do Can you help me fix it? Edited: How did ...
Özgür's user avatar
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How to word delete mark in Turkish proofreading?

MWE \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \usepackage{pgflibraryshapes} \begin{document} \tikz[baseline=(x.base)] \node(a) [red,draw,ellipse,thick,fill=white,...
Özgür's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I make a letter or word delete mark in proofreading?

I'm sorry I did not write MWE but I do not know how to do it in any way. I think it will be easy with pgf. I just want to do the red parts. I am leading this problem to friends who can do this. My ...
Özgür's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I make a separation mark in Turkish proofreading?

I am making a proofreading mark. MWE \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{amssymb,mathtools} \begin{document} Electricheater % to be separately written Electri$\underline{c}$/$\overline{h}$...
Özgür's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to produce \cite{xx} as it is in the generated PDF file?

My thesis is written in many tex files and I would like to have it proofread. However, the proof reader is requesting the thesis in MS Word format. Although the generated PDF can easily be converted ...
PatternRecognition's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to print the page/line numbers for each erratum using the `errata` LaTeX package?

I'd like to be able to track errata in a thesis consisting of multiple LaTeX files, then display them in a separate document. Using the errata package I am able to do something like this: thebook.tex:...
ali_m's user avatar
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5 votes
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What checks do you make to ensure correctness/consistency of a LaTeX generated research article?

Of course, proofreading the entire article is the best way to catch errors in consistency, but often we submit articles very close to the deadline. Therefore, a list of standard quick checks would be ...
Prometheus's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to make a press proof with crop marks and color bars?

A standard proof for press needs crop marks and color bars as below With the package crop, the crop marks can be easily added. But how about the color bar ? Is there a way or a package to make it ? ...
gerry's user avatar
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Proofreading of Latex document

I am working on some document in Latex in Linux and then I will outsource the proofreading of it to some company. The problem is, the company uses MS Windows machines and it has so far only worked ...
KernelPanic's user avatar

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