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Questions tagged [points]

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3 answers

What does a lenght=3pt 2 mean? [closed]

What does it mean if a lenght is set to, for instance, length=3pt 2? I noticed it's not the same as lenght=3.2pt... I'm sorry to ask such a trivial question, but I looked here and there, and I didn't ...
Garulfo's user avatar
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Why is the total for gradingrange section1 wrong?

\documentclass[a4paper,12pt,addpoints]{exam} \begin{document} \begin{questions} \begingradingrange{section1} \question[10] Here is my first question worth 10 points\\ ...
Gary Horan's user avatar
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Why does running latex with a4paper or 210 mm × 297 mm followed by dvips result in bounding-box width 596 pt rather than 595 pt?

Various source on the Web (e.g., specify the A4 paper size as 210 mm × 297 mm or 595 pt × 842 pt. Using 1 pt = 25.4 mm / 72, the width 210 mm ≈ 595....
AlMa1r's user avatar
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Points in Right Margin not aligning when I change question label (Exam Class)

I am trying to put brackets around my question label as follows: \renewcommand{\questionlabel}{(\thequestion)} However, when I do this, the points in the right margin are not perfectly aligned as ...
Frank Arena's user avatar
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Problem with titledquestion in exam document class

I have titled and notitled question in my document, also I'm using ifthen package, but in notitled questions, there are numbers in square brackets. How can I get rid of them?? My document: \...
Michał Szymankiewicz's user avatar
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rounding error in simple assignment

I have a simple assignment in LuaTex: \dimen1 = 210mm Now I print the value \the\dimen1 The result is: 597.50787pt Calculating back with 1pt = 0.351mm is: This is an error of more than a ...
coonlight's user avatar
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How do I decrease or increase the size of these points in tikz?

\documentclass{article} \usepackage{import} \usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{pgfplots} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \begin{document} \begin{figure}[h] \centering \begin{...
Tiago Prazeres's user avatar
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Exam class only show questions for points [closed]

Often I have homework with just a few graded exercises. I like to TeX my homework in just one file and to hide the exercises that will not be graded such that I can hand in my graded exercises with ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Plot several connected points

I have the following code, a minimal working example only with 10 points: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz,pgfplots} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \begin{document} \...
Angelo Aliano Filho's user avatar
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Tikz : Point C at distance k on line AB

I'd like to define the point C on line AB such that AC=k, using the calc library and the let... in... command. This does not work, why? Is there a unit problem (C seems to be pretty close to A)? I ...
Hugues VERMEIREN's user avatar
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Simple question about drawing the real line using tikz

I have never drawn anything of LateX before, and I would like to represent intervals of the form [x,x'], with both x,x' real numbers, as I show below. I have 0 experience with tikz and altough I've ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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In the LaTeX package XSIM, how do I get points in parentheses right after the question?

MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[verbose]{xsim} \begin{document} \begin{exercise}[points = 4] Solve the equation \[ 3(x-2) + 7 = x + 3 \] \end{exercise} \end{document} The output: I ...
LektorAugedal's user avatar
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Drawing a point line edge in a graph in latex Tikz

I have been trying to complete the graph in the picture with an edge drawn with points. (a)........(b). I have searched the internet but found nothing, can I get your help? Here is the code I am using....
Rommy087's user avatar
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Why does fontspec not handle setting the font size in points?

I would like to set the exact size, in points, of a font in my TeX document. Perusing through the fontspec documentation, I did not find a lot of information related to setting the font size. So I ...
user32882's user avatar
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Connecting points with curved line

I am trying to draw something like this in latex. This is what i manage to do \begin{tikzpicture}[line/.style={-},thick] \node (a) at (1,1) {1}; \node (b) at (2,1) {2}; \node (...
ראָזעווע וואַלפיש's user avatar
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Automatically generate tabel that shows grade corresponding to number of points within exam

I would like to automatically add a table that shows the height of the grade corresponging to the number of points. So far, I have \tcprintroundresult{1} \tcsetcoltype{|c|c|}{>{\centering\...
KenAdams's user avatar
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Exam class: points in right margin for parts of question

I'm trying to write an exam with the same formatting as a VCAA exam. In these exams, the total number of points for the question is in brackets after the question number, but the points for each ...
The reading maths teacher's user avatar
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How to make add a square box inside another?

Is it possible to create the picture shown below in LaTex? I am fairly new to this software and any help would be greatly appreciated. I know how the code to start off the square but I'm not sure how ...
max lab's user avatar
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Assign a colour to a \lineload

I need to illustrate three different load situations. I need a load to act on a line in three different ways: equally, with peak on the uppermost part and with peak on the lowermost part. For this ...
Cialuable's user avatar
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Placing points on right without margin

I'm using the exam document class, and have played around with the options for points placement. Essentially, I want something that works like \pointsdroppedatright. The only problem is that it ...
zenofpython's user avatar
2 votes
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Changing the color of points in brackets in a question with documentclass "exam"

I'm quite new to LaTex and I do try to write an exam with the doumentclass "exam". Everything is good so far but now I want to have the given points of questions to appear in a different color than ...
Martin Heydenreich's user avatar
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Creating an answer line with point value in an exam

I'm creating an exam and trying to format the answer line, and having a world of trouble with it. My ideal format is to have: The question Vertical space (for workings) Then a right-aligned answer ...
Weezbee's user avatar
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Drawing a point [duplicate]

How do I draw a simple point using the tikz package? I can draw a line, a square, a circle and more, but not sure how to draw a point. I tried \draw(0,0); expecting it to plot a point, but that didn'...
user avatar
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Points Format in examclass -- add time

I have been trying to find a way to add time per question within the points option (so that each question shows [X points, Y mins.] but I still have no idea how. Is there any way to add a second ...
Vitor Cavaco's user avatar
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Show postscript point versus Anglo-Saxon point

I am doing a practical job comparing the postscript point (1/72) with the Anglo-Saxon point (1/72.27). I need help to be able to show the difference in size in a character (it is indistinct of which). ...
Alberto Moyano's user avatar
2 votes
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How to create a point cloud in a 3D coordinate system with TikZ?

I want to create a simple point cloud in a coordinate system similar to this one: but without the axes being annotated by their values. For these example points: \pgfplotstableread{ X Y Z 2.2 14 4 ...
Rani's user avatar
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Points printed right after part question in exam class

I'm using the exam class (exam.cls) to make an exam. I'm trying to get the points printed right after the part question. Anyone an idea how to achieve this? \documentclass[11pt]{exam} \begin{document}...
BoukjeDG's user avatar
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How to change syntax for color and fill color in tkz-eulide

In tkz-euclide, points are filled in grey with a black outline. I can setup points to be completely black by using \tkzSetUpPoint[fill=black] Now what I would like to have a new keyword rot so that ...
Shakaja's user avatar
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Showing points and total points using exercise or any other suitable package

I want to prepare a book with many chapters (and sections), notes, exercises and linked solutions at the end of the book . I decided to adopt the example from on matching enumerated exercises with ...
Freeman's user avatar
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itemize - bullets points not showing up [duplicate]

I cannot figure out why the bullet points are not showing up. \documentclass{beamer} % % Choose how your presentation looks. % % For more themes, color themes and font themes, see: % http://deic.uab....
user1607's user avatar
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Putting points at the bottom right corner of the question

I am preparing an exam and want to state the score to the relevant question in the very next line at the bottom right corner of the statement of the question, like [5 points]. I looked at this, which ...
Eureka's user avatar
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Aligning points in right margin

I was wondering if someone could help me align the marks in the right margin. Thanks in advance!! \documentclass{exam} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[left=1cm, right=4cm, top=2cm]{geometry} ...
LaurenJ's user avatar
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How to create empty boxes at right page margin in exam class

I want to create exams. Therefore I will use the exam package. How can I create emtpy boxes at the right page margin? I need this for adding up the earned points of each question. My current ...
Maximilian's user avatar
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Customizing a point label style

There are some points labels that overlap on one another if the points were near an axis or close to one another, because the table is relatively long to be written horizontally. How can I writ a ...
Taha Magdy's user avatar
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connecting nearest points [closed]

I'm fairly new to pgfplots and latex and strugling a bit with connecting points in pgfplots. I have a bunch of points and want pgfplots to connect each point to the point next to them. To get a line ...
Johannes Behrens's user avatar
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How to mark the question's source in exam class?

I am using exam class to prepare a question bank and I wanted to mark the source of the question(that is from where I have taken) at the end of the question. How to achieve this? MWE: \...
David's user avatar
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Printing points inside a page with border

I am preparing an exam and all the pages have borders, except my front page. Now I would like to print points after the question, but despite various attempts, the points are been printed in the ...
Mohamed Aamir's user avatar
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Points in exam class using probsoln

This is an extension and accidently asked originally as part of Random question ordering with Exam class and probsoln package As an additional question, to typeset a question in the exam class, I ...
bbujeya's user avatar
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Is there a way of drawing a line of any length between points without resorting to complicated arithmetic?

I am looking for something like pointA to pointB, length where pointA is starting point, pointB is ending point, and length is a line length spanning from starting to ending point. \documentclass[...
bp2017's user avatar
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