I am trying to put brackets around my question label as follows: \renewcommand{\questionlabel}{(\thequestion)}

However, when I do this, the points in the right margin are not perfectly aligned as shown:enter image description here

However, when I remove the first bracket around the question label as follows: \renewcommand{\questionlabel}{\thequestion)}, the alignment is not impacted. See below

enter image description here

Can someone please explain why the alignment changes when I add a bracket to the front of the question label. I really want to have the question labels as (a), (b) , etc. But this alignment issue is driving me insane. Thanks

  • 1
    This question could benefit from adding a working code segment that will reproduce the stated results. As is it is a guess of code with use of the two segments given.
    – Leucippus
    Commented Feb 28 at 1:10


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