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Questions tagged [page-breaking]

{page-breaking} is about how (La)TeX breaks pages (and, in multi-column documents, columns) and how page/column breaking can be influenced.

5 votes
1 answer

How can I break an alignedat/gathered environment between pages?

So, I've read the discussions here and also here but neither seem to solve my problem. I'd like to break a long list of matrices between pages, problem is I'm using an alignedat (and sometimes a ...
Marco Olivieri's user avatar
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questionnaire with no page break between question and answer's first 2~3 lines

here is a question - answer like document where at the end of the first page there is a page break right after a question. I want that page breaking is not allowed between the question and the ...
user1850133's user avatar
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How to make own title of the part of text?

I'm trying to create titles for pieces of text that won't appear as the last element at the bottom of the page. I haven't been able to find a method to prevent page breaks directly below the title. ...
forrest's user avatar
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Europass CV content not fitting & exceeding page size

While making europass cv in latex i used \ecvblueitem to make two sections (section 1 and section 2). Section 1 has text around half of the page whereas Section 2 has text exceeding one page. (1) How ...
Jack's user avatar
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How to prevent Latex from adding an empty page prior to a footnotesized subsection?

I am trying to list a pretty big table of probabilities on my appendix. For it to fit, i needed \footnotesize, which barely does the job. However now there is an extra page being created between the ...
aerosol's user avatar
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Starting a new page using PNAS template

I am using the PNAS template. I am trying to start a new page before my supplementary materials, but using \newpage or \pagebreak seems to confuse the template. I get several unhelpful errors such as: ...
Kaan Yorgancioglu's user avatar
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\nopagebreak has no effect in \newcommand environment

I have a follow up question to my last question (How to create the guide-words in a dictionary) I'm working on a dictionary from the 18th century which contains translations for each entry in eight ...
Dieter's user avatar
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LaTeX: Prevent page breaks before \chapter

To modify a template file (.cls) so that it does not automatically insert a page break before \chapter, how can this be achieved? Google provides that: \usepackage{xpatch} \makeatletter \xpatchcmd{\...
Alpha Beta's user avatar
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Can I insert a page with pdfpages when the text naturally causes a pagebreak?

Quite simply, I want to insert a page using pdfpages, but instead of causing a pagebreak at the position in the text where I call the command, I want it to wait until the text would break naturally - ...
jsj's user avatar
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\newpage not active with \twocolumn

I want to put the text on a newpage, but cannot do so with a call to \newpage when using \twocolumn. What is happening ? \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[italian]{babel} \begin{...
Franklin's user avatar
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Empty Pages in Latex, no Pagebreak

Why is a blank page sometimes inserted after tables, even though I do not enter a pagebreak command? How can I prevent this? The tables seem to fit on the page. EDIT: \documentclass{article} \...
s28's user avatar
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Prevent single word to cause line break in bibliography

Is there any way to prevent single words like page numbers (e.g. pp. 20-22) to cause line break in bibliography? I'm using natbib with following options: \usepackage[square,sort&compress,comma,...
Mohsen's user avatar
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Group text and figure so that they page-break together

I have text [a whole bunch of text up here] (a.) \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5] \draw[help lines, color=gray!30, dashed] (-4.9,-4.9) grid (4.9,4.9); \draw[->,ultra thick] (-5,0)--(5,0) ...
Addem's user avatar
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Avoid new page after end a section in latex [duplicate]

I am working on latex, and this is my main.tex, including all the packages which will be used: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[]{hyperref} \newcounter{Chapcounter} \newcommand\showmycounter{\...
Hân Trần's user avatar
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Avoiding page break inside all paragraphs with \filbreak when also using \\

I am writing some song lyrics. If possible, partially empty pages should be preffered over page breaks inside paragraphs. Using \widowpenalties 1 10000 and \raggedbottom didn't work. Until now, I was ...
Filip Ž's user avatar

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