I'm trying to create titles for pieces of text that won't appear as the last element at the bottom of the page. I haven't been able to find a method to prevent page breaks directly below the title. How to do this? enter image description here



\setlength\meetingtopsep{2ex plus0.8ex minus0.5ex}
        \large{Meeting \themeetingno}

  • 3
    size commands don't take an argument so ` \large Meeting` not ` \large{Meeting}` but you should use a heading here. \subsection (if meetings are numbered within section) or perhaps a new heading based on \part if not. Commented Jun 28 at 0:56
  • @DavidCarlisle - chapters, sections, subsections are present in the book. This book has some pieces of text that appear independently from regular sectioning ("Meetings" and "Trials"). This is an old book. Idea from a while ago: Should I try using tcolorbox to solve my problem?
    – forrest
    Commented Jun 28 at 6:04
  • There is also the needspace package. Commented Jun 28 at 12:45

1 Answer 1


enter image description here

You can define it as a heading so latex takes care of avoiding bad page breaks, I defined it to be level -1 like \part so it's not really in the normal sectioning heirarchy.


\setlength\meetingtopsep{4ex plus0.8ex minus0.5ex}% increased as no longer adding `\begin{center} space
\renewcommand\themeetingno{Meeting \Roman{meetingno}}

\newcommand\meeting{% you need this %
                      {2ex \@plus .5ex}%

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