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Questions tagged [overpic]

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2 answers

putting text in center of image with overpic

I would like to put some text at the center of a non-square image using (ideally) overpic. I tried: \begin{figure}[h!] \centering \begin{overpic}[width=0.3\textwidth]{example-image} \put(...
Linus's user avatar
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Option "width" is not allowed in the new version of overpic (Jan 5th, 2024)

I was happily using overpic, with the following MWE (replace Annulus-PBma-essai.pdf by any .pdf file) \documentclass [12pt]{amsbook} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage[percent]{...
user312037's user avatar
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1 answer

Centering pictures in subfloat and overpic [duplicate]

I am currently writing my master thesis. To embed two images side by side I use subfloat and for the caption in the images I use overpic. However, I have a problem with the alignment of the second ...
Woifi's user avatar
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bug in overpic with abs and unit?

The following code works absolutely fine: \documentclass[varwidth=\maxdimen]{standalone} \usepackage{overpic} \begin{document} \begin{figure} \fbox{\begin{overpic}[unit=30mm]{example-grid-...
Chachni's user avatar
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How to position images with overpic in an equation

I need to insert many images inside an equation and to write something over these images. So i tried something like this: \begin{equation} \begin{overpic}[valign=c,scale=0.3]{image} \put(50,50){$text$}...
D. Alfano's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Adding a Border to an Oval-Shaped Cropped Image

Consider the code \documentclass{book} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[abs]{overpic} \usepackage{tikz} \definecolor{Gold}{RGB}{228,168,73} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \begin{center} ...
DDS's user avatar
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ConTeXt module like overpic in Latex

Is there an analogue of the overpic package in ConTeXt for placing letter labels on images? Not one image, as in the Wiki examples and in "It's in the details" manual, but several, as with ...
Yuri Sen'kin's user avatar
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2 answers

LaTex macro with \begin and \end parts split in different loops

Consider the minimal working example below that progressively superimposes (using the overpic package) images contained in a pdf file. \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage{overpic} \begin{document} \...
Cav6897's user avatar
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1 answer

New environment definition, to specify default overpic parameters - macro expansion and definition issues

I am endeavouring to define a new environment, which contains a nested overpic environment, using my own set of default parameters. My main goal is simply to have a new environment, like the below, ...
Coby Viner's user avatar
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Add color to an equation over an image using overpic

I'd like to add a couple of equations over a picture. I'm using the overpic package as explained in overpic_link. However, I'm trying to get the equation in color as shown in color_link \documentclass{...
AGH's user avatar
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2 answers

Resizing an image to make it span the paperheight while trimming the width to fit paperwidth

The title maybe says it all; I'd like to have a figure that first centers and resizes an image to fit the paperheight, and then trims the image to fit paperwidth. Until now, I've done the trimming ...
L. Nielsen's user avatar
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Changing color of grid

I am using overpic package on a standalone document class. I want to write some text over an image. However, the image I am using is black, therefore, the grid does not seem to be helpful here. How ...
Tarek Acila's user avatar
-1 votes
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Missing subfigure when used with overpic

I am trying to use subfigure with overpic but the pictures are missing. I followed the tutorial here \begin{figure*} \begin{subfigure} \begin{overpic}[...
Kong's user avatar
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Long text in overpic

I want to write something over an image, so I'm using overpic package. However, my text is so long that it doesn't not fit because LaTeX keeps writing in the same line and it does not go to the next ...
Tarek Acila's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Frame created with tcolorbox adding the white holes

Considering this question Add a crease in the lower right corner with a shadow with the answer of the nice user @Ignasi, and the recent comments of @John Kormylo, @Cicada and @Ignasi on the use of ...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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